Kami had a lot of things on his mind. The fact of the matter was. This new group that invaded the Earth. Now has their hands on the seal of his evil self. Kami did not know what to do. This was the first time something like this had happened. He can only hope that the Invaders didn't have evil intentions. Another thing that worried him. Was the fact that they were socializing with a brief family. He knew that the Bulma. Had access to a device to track the Dragon Balls. He didn't like waiting to see what happened. Things are out of his control. Seeing this group had no ill intentions. He relaxes visual a bit.

Science division West City

Rasin what's going over some findings. He was in charge of a genetics research. He was quite happy with what he found. Not only the Androids of Dr Gero, but he also found several women. That he and his brother could have kids with. Finally being able to increase the number of their race. He had finally been able to fulfill the orders of his emperor. Also a lot of the females on this planet. Working compatible of having children with the Saiyans. There were a lot of women that just donate me their eggs. To have a physical relationship with the Saiyans. This helped many women gain resources, and benefit packages. Right now he was in charge for over 200 Saiyqns embryos. He also had 50 embryos for his own race.

Lakasei was working on the technology side of the house. Many Technologies from the earth scientists. We're completely eye opening. Some of the things that came up with were completely out of side of the box. He is having fun learning all the different Technologies. Even though their technology was on the lower scale. It made up for it the fact that they're creativity. He was also studying the effect of martial arts. As he was seeing if you can use technology to increase the effectiveness of training. He had already made a few gravity machines. There was one order from his emperor that he was working on. The fact that virtual reality technology was a thing on this planet. Was helping him out a lot. The emperor wanted all children to be trained in virtual reality while they were being raised. This will cut down on a lot of time to train them. While they're in incubation pods they can learn a lot of necessary skills. So by the time they came out they could concentrate on mostly fighting.

Capsule Corporation

Bulma was sitting down with her soon to be Sister Wives. They have been learning about each other for the last 2 weeks. One thing that had been pointed out to her. It was the fact that she might not be physically strong enough. To enjoy her wedding night. That did not stop Bulma. If anything that encouraged her to get a stronger. Having been experienced with martial art of her whole life. She had an idea of what to do. Getting a hold of Master Roshi. She devised a plan to help fix her problem. She had built a virtual reality system. That would not only help our train but also increase her body strength. Convincing Master Roshi to train her was easy. The fact that he was very lustful didn't help much matter. That's because she was also part of the science division. So she made an Android that will take care of Master Roshi.

She had already submitted her research to the science division. Today was the first time she has seen her Sister Wives in 2 weeks. She had managed to get her power level up. She started off with a power level 2. What's a virtual reality training, virtual reality pod, and the nutrition fluid. All helped her get to a power level of 500. Seeing this her Saiyan Sister Wives or impressed.

" Hey guys, I have something I need to trouble you with. My sister who's been off world for a while. Has just contacted me. Saying that she is now in custody of the Galactic Patrol. The so-called King of the universe wants to meet our soon to be husband. I really don't know how to tell him about this. What do you think I should do?"

Tabaga looked at the other two for a minute. Thinking about what was said. "Just let Aikon, and he'll take care of the rest. There's nothing for you to be worried about. He was already looking a whole way to contact them anyway. As they could be a great help or hindrance to plan." That put q smile of Bulma face.

Mars biodome Command Center

Aikon was listening to a report from the science division. As well as the reports of his different teams that had went out. I had total of 20 Saiyans plus this little brother were found. Those that were of training age were heading to the dark planet. There they will begin the intensive training. He had also set up a division for training children. Having seen the results of his soon-to-be wife. He was having the twins go over all the information. To see what could be adjusted, and what could be improved.

The children Training Division was set up as follows. 2 years to 5 years old virtual reality training. 6 years and up were sent to the dark planet. After the initial trainings were done. They would either concentrate on their martian base or Earth. Aikon was also wondering what happened to Prince Vegeta, Nappa, Frieza and his family.

His thoughts were interrupted when he received the message from Bulma. Telling him about what had happened with her sister. Asking him if he would meet with the head of the Galaxy Patrol and the Galactic King. After hearing what she said. He decided to get a team together to go meet the galactic King. Making sure he had his trusted advisors, as well as some trusted subordinates. He made the preparations for the trip.

Galactic Patrol headquarters

Tights still cannot believe what had happened. For three whole weeks she has been in captivity. Although they treat her nice. Being incarcerated or something you didn't do. It was very unsettling for her. Hopefully her sister new husband would be diplomatic about his approach. How much she understood about the Saiyans. She was hoping for a peaceful solution and not a violent solution. "Get up you're being summoned by the galactic King." Tights was being led through the Galactic Headquarters. By a patrolman she didn't even know. As far as Jaco was concerned he had been demoted, and was told not to have contact with her anymore.

Tights was led into the throne room. We're fine people were present. One of whom was her sister. As for the other four she didn't know who they were.

Galactic King point of view

'Man these guys are much stronger then I thought. Oh well what's done is done. As I looked at the representation of this new Saiyans Empire. I'm still in shock of the fact of how powerful they are. I'm also pleased to have a wise emperor. Even though it seemed like you would rather destroy us. I wonder what is really going on in his mind.'

"Now we're all here let's get down to business. What is your intentions towards the Galactic Patrol? Are you still following Frieza?"

I wonder what his answers would be.

Point of view end

"No, we don't follow Frieza anymore. If anything we want to destroy his whole entire family. As far as the Galactic Patrol. I have no issues against you guys. As long as you stay out of my way. I will not interfere with yours missions. As far as the territory control of our Frieza and his family. I plan on taking it all for myself. We will not be selling any more planets." After Aikon said that the entire room went quiet. The galactic patrolman we're in shock. It was good news about the Saiyan Empire had no interest in them. It was also worrying the fact that they were looking to take over the universe. Things could be a lot worse though. They could be looking to enslave the whole entire universe. Right now they simply want to take control of the universe. Ask for what their plans are after that. There's a lot to galactic patrolman would have to wait and see.

"You can take this female with you. She is no longer welcome in our headquarters. I hope this sign of good gesture. Will keep our relationship peaceful. I have nothing else to talk to you about. Will you please leave now." Even though the galactic King had said that. Putting on a brave front. He was scared inside. Hoping that the Saiyan Emperor would not take it as an offense. Aikon just laughed at him. A single one of his guards to get the girl. Turn it around and left with everyone. A few of his guards were upset about what the galactic King had said. Aikon found it funny that once a week could act so strong.