The Most High-End Ingredients Often Only Required The Simplest Cooking Method

Amidst the chattering of a group of netizens, John began to start a fire to boil water and prepare to kill the turkey.

He was very professional when it came to killing turkeys. He twisted the turkey's neck, pulled out a few feathers from the neck, and gently sliced the Turkey's neck with the kitchen knife.

Fresh blood flowed out of the turkey's neck. The turkey flapped a few times before it stopped moving.

The netizens were stunned as comments popped up one after another.

"Oh my God, I would like to call him the most professional turkey killer in history. It turns out that killing a turkey can be so cool."

"Killing a turkey looks easy, but it's not easy to kill it so casually."

"This priest is also ruthless and merciless. He killed the turkey without even blinking."

"Anyway, when I went to my girlfriend's house last time, my father-in-law asked me to kill the turkey. I almost chopped off the turkey's head, but the turkey was still holding its last breath and flew three meters away."

"The streamer must have been an assassin in his previous life. His killing intent was too strong."

"Priest, if you do this, will the Lord forgive you?"


John looked at the comments and laughed. He picked up the turkey and stood up.

"Next is feather removal. The normal feather removal method requires boiling water before the feathers can be plucked."

"However, I'm too lazy to boil the water. I'll show everyone a quick feather removal method."

When John said this, his eyes narrowed and he gave out a faint smile.

"I remind everyone to not blink later because my feather removal method is very special. It's very fast. Everyone, don't idolize me too much."

Seeing John like this, many people's curiosity was piqued.

It was too late when John suddenly threw the turkey in his hand into the air.

At this moment, the comments popped up crazily.

"Even if the streamer doesn't eat it, don't throw the turkey away."

"The streamer said that the fastest way is to throw the turkey away and not eat it?"

"No way, isn't this too much of a waste of food?"


When the netizens saw John throwing the turkey, they were instantly disgruntled. This was too rash.

The netizens were still angrily denouncing John, but before they could finish typing, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"This... Am I seeing things?"

"Is this Turkey not moving in the air? Am I dreaming?"

"It doesn't seem like my eyes are playing tricks on me. I saw it too."

"Oh my God, am I suffering from eye disease at such a young age? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? The turkey is actually not falling from the air."

"How did he do that? I'm afraid the streamer is not some magical magician, right?"

"Is there really magic in this world?"

Just as everyone was shocked beyond belief, the following scene made the netizens' jaws drop.

"What... What's in his hand? Is it fire?"

"Where did this fire come from? There isn't even anything burning but there's suddenly fire in his hand?"

Amidst everyone's shock, they only saw a ball of blue flames materialize in John's hand. John once again used the Psychokinesis spell to suspend the turkey in mid-air, while his other flaming hand raised up.

The flame in John's hand shot up to the turkey suspended in mid-air as if it had grown legs. It rapidly expanded, completely enveloping the turkey in an instant.

Creak, creak, creak!

Everyone could almost hear the sound of the turkey's feathers being burned.

It was strange to say that the flame seemed to know its mission. It only burned the turkey's feathers, but the meat was not burnt at all.

Next, the feathers of the turkey were burned into ashes and fell down.

The turkey in the air seemed to be attracted by the flame. It kept rotating 360 degrees, but it did not fall down. Even the skin of the turkey was intact.

Everything was perfect!

This time, everyone in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

John had actually chosen to directly use fire to burn off the turkey's feathers, and the fire just appeared out of thin air!

This gorgeous magic was like a magician playing with fire. It was so cool and amazing.

In just a few minutes, the turkey that had shed its feathers fell down.

John put away the fire, put his hands behind his back, and caught the turkey with one hand.

He pointed the camera at the turkey and greeted the people in the live broadcast room with a smile.

"Everyone, take a look. Is this method of feather removal clean?"

Under the camera lens, not only had the turkey in his hand been completely depilated, even the skin that contained fat and feather follicles had been burned clean by the magical flame.

Moreover, without knowing when, the turkey's internal organs had been emptied, and the turkey's claws and butt had also been burned dry by the flame.

It only needed to be cleaned.

In the live broadcast room, there was a moment when the comments and gifts disappeared.

The eyeballs of the hundreds of thousands of online viewers almost fell out of their sockets.

Such amazing magic, like Psychokinesis, only existed in fantasy novels.

However, it appeared in reality, perfect and shocking to the point of suffocation!

Two to three seconds later, with a boom, the live broadcast room exploded once again.

The comments went wild.

"Oh my God, you're amazing. You actually brought your own flame to burn chicken feathers!"

"I'm kneeling again. I've already knelt three times today. This streamer is too strong."

"Using flame to remove feathers and even burning all the internal organs in an instant. It's still so fast. It's too scary."

"This is simply mythical magic. The title of super-powerful mage will belong to you in the future."

"I only saw a ball of fire. The fire circled the turkey a few times and the turkey could be put into the pot. It's scary!"


After the comments went wild, many people began to madly buy gifts again.

In less than three minutes, John received more than ten rockets.

Anthony Boxing Club gave him five rockets.

Message: "Priest, this method is amazing. I am convinced."

I Love Carrots gave him five rockets.

Message: "Brother Mage, are you trying to make me fall in love with you? I think you are the man that will give me the most security in the world."

Other than that, there were countless other small gifts.

The densely packed comments and the special effects of the gifts appeared on the screen.

Even John's face could not be seen clearly.

John felt a little proud in his heart. He did not expect the Ignition Spell to be so powerful.

He had been practicing meditation with his grandfather since he was young. Thus, he had a little magic foundation to begin with.

Ever since he obtained the Ignition Spell and Psychokinesis, his magic had improved by leaps and bounds.

In the Ignition Spell, the wrapping of flames was originally an important part of it.

In order to cultivate potions and pills, one needed to be able to control the flames as one wished.

On the other hand, John had just mastered the burning point of turkey feathers and used the wrapping technique to perform it.

In that case, John's Ignition Spell was only at the beginner level.

However, this beginner's Ignition Spell was shocking magic in the eyes of ordinary people.

In a small district in the metropolis, a girl with big eyes was staring at John's live broadcast and muttering to herself.

"There's actually such a scary person in the world. Oh my God, I'm going to be popular again."

This girl was a netizen with the ID "Sexy Wildcat.".

She posted the video of John saving people from the air to youtube, synced it to Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites, and the video was a big hit.

At this moment, she returned to John's live stream and witnessed John's shocking Fire Magic with her own eyes.

The Sexy Wildcat was a video blogger, and this was her job.

Thus, she immediately replayed the previous scene and recorded it.

It had to be said that John's system produced a high level of remote and close camera switching.

Every frame of the camera was very beautiful.

Sexy Wildcat did not edit much of the video and sent out the video of John performing flame feather removal.

The title of the video was very sci-fi-like.

The title of the video was 'Killing a turkey with fire, a magical spell that makes you not believe your eyes'!

The title was too exaggerated, and many netizens often looked down on this kind of clickbait title.

However, people noticed that the blogger who posted the video was the same person as the blogger who had just posted the video of John saving people through Psychokinesis, so they clicked on it.

When they saw it, they were mindblown.

In just a short two to three minutes, the video of John killing the turkey with flames spread like lightning.

In the first minute, there were only a few dozen views.

However, three minutes later, the number of views on this video skyrocketed.

Five minutes later, the number of views on Twitter skyrocketed to 50,000.

Then it was 100,000, 200,000, 500,000...

Another video of John saving the child through Psychokinesis had already reached the top 50 of the trending searches. Moreover, it was rising in popularity by several hundred thousand views per minute.

Sexy Wildcat thought that the two videos she posted this afternoon would be able to reach the top 10 of the trending searches!

In the Holy Light Church, John did not know that another video about him had become popular.

At this moment, he was about to prepare the 'mud-and-salt baked turkey'.