A Silly Guy With Rainbow Skin Appeared Out Of Nowhere

On camera, John was beating the turkey with a small wooden hammer.

His movements were light and gentle as if there was a strange rhythm.

In the live broadcast room, the netizens who gradually came back to their senses were curious when they saw John beating the turkey.

John seemed to know what everyone was thinking.

In fact, he did not know why he should beat the turkey either. He only knew that his grandfather often did this when he was young.

"I'm using this method to loosen the tensed turkey fibers."

"Then, I'll use some seasoning to marinate it so that it can be infused with the flavor."

As John spoke, he showed everyone the turkey that had already been beaten.

Then, he began to marinate the turkey.

He sprinkled rice wine, white vinegar, salt, soy sauce, ginger, and garlic powder. He carefully and evenly applied the seasoning from the inside to the outside.

Then, John wrapped the turkey in a layer of plastic wrap to make it airtight and let the meat absorb the flavor of the ingredients. He then walked out of the kitchen.

The mud-wrapped salt-baked turkey also had an important process, which was to be wrapped with mud outside.

The best kind of mud to be used was mud from an underground kiln.

John did not think about it and went to dig the kiln mud.

He walked out of the kitchen. The drone did not receive instructions, so it also stayed in the kitchen.

For a moment, the camera was silent. There was only the pickled turkey on the table.

The netizens were both angry and amused at John's willfulness. They sent out comments one after another.

"I've never seen such a willful streamer. He just left so many people here. I don't know where he has gone."

"If you have ten percent of the ability of this streamer, you can also be this willful!"

"My husband is too charming. Not to mention leaving me hanging for an hour, even if it's for ten years or eight years, I'll still wait for him."

"Looking at that big plate of turkey meat, I feel really hungry as I've been working hard."


While the netizens were chatting, a thick and long shadow gradually peeked down from above the kitchen beam.

At first, no one noticed it.

However, when the huge thing was getting closer and closer to the chicken, the netizens finally noticed it.

It was a golden python!

The python did not know that the camera had completely exposed it, and it was still getting closer and closer to the pickled turkey on the table.

In the camera, his huge figure filled the entire kitchen, and even the colorful golden patterns were fully displayed in the camera.

In an instant, the comments immediately went wild.

On the screen, it was densely packed with comments from terrified netizens.

"Oh my God, it scared me to death. When did this python appear?"

"Is this a snake? This is clearly a python. Oh my God, such a huge python, I'm afraid it can swallow a sheep."

"What is it doing here? Stealing turkeys? Ah, this... a python can also eat turkeys!"

"My Lord, I just got up from the toilet and then immediately squatted down again. Sob, sob, sob... This is too scary."

"Where's the streamer? We have to inform him to let him escape as soon as possible. The further the better. Otherwise, the python will eat him up."

"The streamer is in danger. Who can tell him that?"

"Oh my God, I think I saw the streamer coming back. It's over. The large-scale hunting scene is about to start."


John was back.

He used a shovel to carry a big lump of mud as he walked slowly.

John had just pushed open the kitchen door when he saw the golden python hanging on the kitchen beam.

This time, even John, who was favored by the system, was shocked. All the hair on his body stood up.

John subconsciously wanted to run out of the kitchen, but just as he was about to run, he suddenly noticed that the python's head was raised.

The python's cold little eyes stared at John, hissing and sticking out its tongue.

This was a sign that the python was preparing to hunt!

John was scared out of his wits, but he tried hard to control his emotions.

He knew that if a prey moved on its own, it would definitely be chased by the python.

Any large beast would be like this, they loved to chase after moving prey.

This was especially true for cold-blooded animals like snakes. Their perception of things with temperature was hundreds of times stronger than that of humans.

The giant python hissed, but it did not attack for the time being.

In the live broadcast room, all the netizens were frantic. Regardless of whether John could see it or not, they all sent comments.

"Streamer, run! You can do it! Don't you know magic?"

"Oh my God! I admire the guts of the streamer! I'm so scared that I'm about to wet my bed."

"It's not that the streamer doesn't want to run, it's just that he can't run. If he runs, he'll be chased by the python."

"The streamer is so powerful. Why doesn't he just have a good fight with this python?"

"I'd like to see what the streamer can't do."

There were quite a few netizens who wanted to watch the show.


John was also very nervous.

Although the giant python moved slowly, its speed of catching its prey was as fast as lightning.

John could use his full strength to control other things to distract the giant python's attention. Perhaps he could escape the attack of the giant python.

However, this Holy Light Church had to be torn apart by the giant python.

John quickly thought of the Monster Encyclopedia. It was a good opportunity to see what the giant python was.

John thought to himself and kept his vigilance as he approached step by step.

This time, the netizens in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Oh my God, what is the streamer doing? Does he think he won't die fast enough?"

"Is the streamer using his body to feed the snake? Wake up! You are a living person, not food."

"Streamer, it's just a turkey. Is there a need for you to work so hard?"

"Are we going to fight? I don't even dare to blink my eyes!"

"This is wonderful, this is wonderful. Priest streamer, I pray for you and cheer for you!"

There were netizens who were worried about John, netizens who were waiting to see John Make a fool of himself, and netizens who were waiting to see John use even more powerful magic to subdue the python. They all kept sending out comments.


John carefully walked forward while taking out the Holy Potion that he had drunk and used it to show goodwill to the python to calm its emotions. His eyes instantly scanned the entire body of the python.

[Rainbow Scaled Python]: Snake type. Before being demonized, it had a docile personality. It was simple and cute. It is easy to be bought over by those who eat it. After being demonized, it is easily angered. Its combat strength is extremely strong. Once it is tamed and formed a contract with someone, it will not betray them for life. However, because it is huge and loves to eat, feeding it requires a large amount of food.

Hmm... To put it simply, it was difficult to feed it as it had a large appetite.

Under John's pacification, the head of the python that was raised high gradually lowered and gradually approached John.

Eight steps, five steps, three steps, one step...

John finally walked in front of the giant python and touched its head with one hand.

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens were dumbstruck at John's reckless action, and their hearts were hanging in their throats.

In the dead silence, John's hand finally rested on the giant python's head.

It felt cold, cold, and rough.

Through the Monster Encyclopedia's skills, John quickly found out that the python was a simple-minded creature that loved to eat.

Thus, John was very confident and bold to do so.

The python, "What does this two-legged sheep want to do? He doesn't look very delicious. Hmm, he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions. His caress is very comfortable."

"However, I'm hungry."

John became nervous. He took out the Holy Potion and flashed it in front of the Python.

"Rainbow Scaled Python, Rainbow Scale Python, if you're willing to listen to me, I can give this to you."

The refreshing and sweet smell of the Holy Potion immediately attracted the python.

The python closed its eyes and stared at John as if saying, "What is this? It seems to be very delicious."

John simply threw the Holy Potion into the Python's mouth.

The python bit through the plastic bottle and let out a comfortable hissing sound.

"This water is too delicious. My soul is floating up. Huff, huff, huff."

Looking at the python happily twisting its body, John thought that it was indeed a glutton snake.

John was instantly amused and touched the Python's head.

"Since you like it, then we are friends. I have a lot of water like this in the future. I'll give you a share."

The python shook its big head as if it could understand his words as it nodded repeatedly.

Its long snake-shaped tongue came out and kissed John's neck.

In an instant, a colorful light fell on John's neck. The light slowly dissipated, and in the end, only a small snake mark was left on John's neck.

[Congratulations, host. You have successfully formed a contract with the Rainbow Scale Python. It will treat you as its master for life and will never betray you!]

The system's voice shocked John. A contract was formed just like that? It was that simple.

He forgot that the Rainbow Scale Python was very simple to form a contract. However, there were others who formed a contract with it eventually starved themselves to death as the python would eat too much; or because it was demonized but did not receive good guidance, causing it to injure its own family members. This was already a blood feud, so there was no need for it to be a master-servant relationship.

Fortunately, John was alone, so he did not have to worry about this. With the reward money from the live broadcast, it was definitely more than enough for him to eat.

This time, many netizens were so scared that they covered their eyes.

Until this moment, John was relieved.

In fact, pythons were very humane animals. In India, there were people who asked pythons to watch their children.

As long as one kept communicating with them, pythons would not hurt people. On the contrary, they relied on humans.

At this moment, John could feel the intentions of the pythons.

The pythons were hostile to John from the beginning, but now they were completely trusted by their master.

John had tamed the python!

The netizens in the live broadcast room immediately went crazy.