Good Mountains, Good Rivers, The Precious Religious Leader

John was a little stunned.

"You know me?"

On the other side of the phone, the girl's unique youthful vivacity was transmitted over with her voice.

"I'm the operator of the Blue Whale Live Broadcast, but I'm first and foremost your diehard fan. How can I not know you?"

As Catherine spoke, she did not wait for John to ask any questions and introduced herself in a graceful manner.

"Hello, my name is Catherine. Nice to meet you."

John also introduced himself, and Catherine smiled happily.

"Are you willing to choose our platform? Our boss hasn't slept yet. He's waiting for my news."

"If you didn't call tonight, none of us will be able to sleep."

John liked Catherine's honesty and smiled.

"To tell you the truth, many other broadcasting companies have also sent me private messages, inviting me to sign a contract."

"However, the conditions that Blue Whale offered were the best, and I liked the atmosphere here, so I chose Blue Whale."

Catherine heaved a sigh of relief.

"That's great. I'll tell our boss in a while. He'll definitely be very happy."

John acknowledged and then asked.

"Then, how do we sign the contract? Online or by mail?"

Catherine chuckled with a sly look on her face.

"Our boss said that if you don't object, he wants me to bring some people to come directly to you and sign the contract in person."

"Haha, you're a treasure now. If you're not careful, you'll be snatched away."

John was a little surprised. Was he that popular?

However, John was also happy as he did not need to travel. It was dozens of kilometers from Mazalorat Mountain to the city.

The two chatted for a while and agreed on the time and place to sign the contract. Then, John hung up the phone and went to sleep.

It was a quiet night.

The next day, John opened his eyes at 6:00 AM and found Lil Si lying lazily beside him.

Its tail was pressing on John's lower abdomen. It was heavy.

John smiled bitterly and helplessly.

This guy was really relaxed.

John knocked Lil Si's head to wake it up and got up himself.

After John washed up, Lil Si foolishly went to John's side and rubbed its head against his trouser leg.

John casually took a bottle of Holy Potion and threw it to Xiaosi.

"Think of something for your breakfast. I'm going to Hill Lake for morning exercise."

"You shouldn't go. It won't be good if you scare people."

John was very thoughtful.

In this state, Lil Si was fine if he hid in the church with no one seeing it.

However, if it went outside, it was inevitable that it would scare others.

Lil Si's small eyes lit up when he saw the Holy Potion.

He swallowed the Holy Potion in one gulp and then watched reluctantly as John went out.

John also drank a bottle of Holy Potion and turned on the live stream.

Just as he turned on the live stream, 70,000 to 80,000 fans flooded in.

In the next three to four minutes, the online netizens soared and soon reached more than 200,000.

John was shocked.

'Don't these netizens sleep?'

John remembered that when he turned off the live stream last night, the online netizens were 370,000, with a total Popularity Value of more than two million. Moreover, the live stream rewards totaled more than two million yuan.

In other words, after a day of live broadcast yesterday, John's share of income had reached more than one million yuan.

This was also because John had not signed a contract. He had suffered a little loss by splitting it 50-50.

When John remembered that he was working in a big city, he was somewhat emotional.

At that time, his monthly salary was only a few hundred yuan a month. At the moment, he actually received a million yuan a day.

Sure enough, choices were always greater than hard work.

On the screen, the netizens sent out comments one after another to greet John.

"Good morning, religious leader."

"Religious leader, you're really inexplicably attractive. I watched your live broadcast and couldn't fall asleep at all."

"Religious leader, what are you live streaming for us today? I'm looking forward to it."

"Ahhh, I had a dream last night about my religious leader hubby. It's an indescribable dream!"


This day, John had changed into a white t-shirt. He had to go running, he did not wear a priest's robe for the time being.

His hair was already short, so he looked even more energetic after wearing the t-shirt. One could vaguely see his chest muscles and abdominal muscles. It was obvious that he had been training a lot.

John was running in the morning while broadcasting live.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm having my morning run right now. I plan to run all the way to Hill Lake."

"The early morning of Mazalorat Mountain is very beautiful. The birds sing and the flowers are fragrant. The air is fresh. Running in this kind of place is a kind of enjoyment."

John said as he adjusted the camera to shoot the mountain scenery for everyone to enjoy.

In the camera, Mazalorat Mountain was filled with greenery and had some milky white fog around it. The birds chirped and it was very quiet.

John's figure looked really light as he ran on the bluestone path. He looked like a fairy.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens sent out comments one after another.

"Looking at the green mountains and rivers, I'm crying as I'm inhaling car exhaust on the way to work."

"Sigh, we're all prisoners, locked up in the city's reinforced concrete forest."

"Oh my God, I want to resign. I want to go home."

"Upstairs, are you sure you can support yourself when you go back to your hometown?"

"I admit that I'm jealous. Good mountains, good rivers, and good scenery. All these belong to the religious leader alone."


Under the camera lens of the drone, the early morning of the Mazalorat Mountain was as beautiful as a fairyland on Earth.

This made many netizens jealous.

John ran and chatted with everyone. Soon, they arrived at crystal clear Hill Lake.

The cool water vapor rushed at them. John took a deep breath and introduced it to the live broadcast room.

"I've arrived at Hill Lake. Now, I'll meditate for an hour and a half. Then, I'll take you up the mountain to hunt for some herbs with magical effects."

This time, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

"Oh my God, the religious leader actually knows how to find herbs with magical effects. He's really a precious man."

"Looking at the terrain of the Mazalorat Mountain, the mountains are vast and the forests are deep. Will the religious leader encounter monsters and wild beasts?"

"I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not going to do my homework today. I'll just watch the religious leader go up the mountain."