The Crazy Lil Si

John took a deep breath and began to sit down to meditate.

As soon as he sat down, he immediately gave off a strong and holy feeling.

The live broadcast room became lively again.

"There are still people who bet that the religious leader won't sit for more than ten minutes? Haha."

"Oh my god, every time I see the religious leader meditate, I feel like I'm prostrating myself."

"Yesterday, I heard Anthony explain the principles. Now that I'm watching the religious leader meditating, the more I see, the more it looks like my Lord has descended."

"The most basic and the best magic. The halo around the leader is getting brighter and brighter, it makes one's blood flow better."

"Blood flow better? Upstairs, I suspect that you're talking about something else again, but I don't have any proof."


John meditated and stopped reading the comments. Suddenly, someone tipped him a large airplane.

Message: "Religious leader, I want to see you play with fire, please."

This time, the live broadcast room exploded.

Many people had joined John's live broadcast room later, so they did not see the way John had played with fire back then.

More and more people had seen the top trending posts on Twitter and had come because of the posts' fame.

Everyone wanted to see John's magic with their own eyes.

Someone took the lead to give a tip, and in the live broadcast room, more than ten large airplanes were gifted. Everyone left comments one after another.

"I beg the religious leader to use Fire Magic!"

"I beg the religious leader to use Fire Magic +1."

"I beg the religious leader to use Fire Magic +2."

"I beg the religious leader to use Fire Magic +3."


In a short while, more and more people were spamming rockets and even unified the comments formation to spam him.

However, John did not look at the comments. He would not be distracted while practicing.

An hour and a half later, John opened his slightly closed eyes.

The comments s in the live broadcast room were densely packed. They were all messages begging John to perform the control of fire.

With just this little bit of magic, John's live broadcast room actually had more than 20 large airplanes.

That was more than 40,000 yuan.

John smiled and took a look at Hill Lake.

"How about this? Since everyone is so interested, I'll let Lil Si perform Fire Magic for everyone today. However, I have to go back and see if Lil Si has gone out to play."

Hill Lake was like a jade belt that surrounded the Mazalorat Mountain. There was only one way to go up the mountain.

John could save time by going over the lake.

As soon as he said this, the live broadcast room exploded.

"Oh my God, is the religious leader going to use magic again? I'm so glad I woke up early to watch the live broadcast."

"I'm so excited. I didn't make it yesterday. Today, I can finally see this miracle with my own eyes."

"Hmph, those who said yesterday that the cult leader played with fire and self-immolated should be punished! Let's see if I'll pee on you or not!"

"My pee is more yellowish! I'll do it!"


The mist above Hill Lake was as smooth as a mirror and seemed ethereal.

Under the camera lens of the drone, John's robe fluttered as he slowly walked back with his hands behind his back.

Looking at John's white robe fluttering in the wind as he walked through the white mist, some attentive netizens noticed that there was a faint flame around John's body.

The netizens in the live broadcast room exploded once again.

"Oh my God, I'm kneeling to the religious leader. This is the appearance of God."

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling, and I said I was praying to the Lord."

"I saw it on Twitter yesterday, and I was still skeptical, but now I'm kneeling."

"If it wasn't a live broadcast, I would have spat in his face if anyone told me about this."

"Isn't the streamer afraid that his clothes would be burned by the flames?"


Sexy Wildcat rewarded ten large airplanes.

Message: "The cult leader is too amazing. I want to send this video out to let people know that magic really exists."

Dream Lover rewarded a hundred large airplanes.

Message: "I beg the cult leader to sign a contract with our Apple TV. The guaranteed amount is 15 million, with a 90-10 split, and it's signed once a year."

The news that John was preparing to sign a contract with Blue Whale had already spread out last night.

Only then did Dream Lover know that Blue Whale had invested so much in order to keep John.

This time, he might as well put down his pride and directly snatch John away.

When the Dream Lover said this, the live broadcast room set off a new craze.

"Oh my God, the host is worth 15 million! This time, I'm really kneeling."

"What the f*ck, 15 million! How many years do I have to carry bricks to earn that? I'm crying as I carry bricks."

"My eyes are red. The national husband has invested a lot of money, and it's even invested on a man."


Before everyone could recover from their shock, Big Brother Aile gifted another 100 large airplanes.

The special effects immediately exploded.

Big Brother Aile, "Religious leader, I was wrong. I take back the conditions that I said yesterday."

"I've rewritten the contract for you. I guarantee that it won't be worse than any other platform."

The next second, Brother Overlord gifted another 100 large airplanes to Jogn.

Message: "I'm sorry, religious leader. What I said the last night has all been nullified. Let's discuss the matter of the contract again."

Many netizens were hurt once again.

The bosses of the three major live-streaming platforms had directly come out to snatch John. How spectacular was that!

At this moment, in the live broadcast room, a system notification popped up. Dream Lover, Big Brother Aile, and Brother Overlord had been muted.

At this moment, more than 100,000 netizens burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, the Blue Whale is almighty! They really don't give you any face at all."

"The religious leader is too amazing. He even made a few bosses who are worth tens of billions turn against themselves."

"I'm dying of laughter. I reckon that Dream Lover has never suffered such a loss before."


John's footsteps were light, and the forest was filled with the sounds of birds chirping and the fragrance of flowers.

The audience was not only mesmerized by John's handsome appearance, but also by the beautiful scenery in the forest.

"There's actually such a wonderful place in the world. It's as if I've lived half my life in vain."

"I really want to go to the place where the streamer lives and play with fire with the streamer."

"Speaking of playing with fire, when will the streamer start performing her talent!?"


John saw the impatient looks of the audience, so he could only comfort them carefully.

"Please don't worry, everyone. I'm on my way back. The only thing I'm worried about now is whether Lil Si has gone out to run around!"

As he said this, John's mind seemed to be churning. He began to guess the reason for Si's departure.

For example, finding a playmate, hunting, or a boyfriend, or girlfriend.

Then, the question came. Was Lil Si a male or female?

If it was female, would it be awkward to get along with it?

A series of greetings inexplicably flashed through John's mind.

John had been walking for almost an hour, and God knows why he had come so early in the morning to practice magic.

Finally, near the courtyard of the church, John heard the heart-wrenching cry of unknown poultry in the distance.

John felt a bad feeling in his heart. It was probably because Lil Si had not gone out to play and had instead caused big trouble.

Without thinking much, John ran all the way to the courtyard of the church.

What happened next shocked John and amused the netizens in the live broadcast room.

They saw that Lil Si was holding a big goose with his claws. The big goose was trying to escape from Lil Si's claws.

However, Lil Si refused to let go. Saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth onto its feet.

John hurriedly shouted at it.

"Lil Si! Don't! What are you doing?!"

Lil Si heard John's roar and stood rooted to the ground.

It looked like an iron-skinned fool as it stared at the big goose in his claws.

It tilted its head and looked puzzled.

John instantly felt disgusted by this dragon.

"Now I know why your master abandoned you. It turns out that you only want to hurt other animals! The beast in your blood has not disappeared!"

Lil Si, who should have understood John's words, suddenly became confused. His face became ferocious, ignoring John's advice.

It opened his big mouth and swallowed the big goose.

John looked at the originally docile dragon-shaped monster in shock.

The people in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Why has Lil Si become so naughty?"

"What's wrong with Lil Si? Isn't the bid goose cute? Why did it eat the big goose? !"

"Watch what you're saying upstairs. Are you a goose lover? Isn't Lil Si cute?!"

At this moment, a slightly rational audience woke John up in time.

"Streamer, when did you raise a goose in your yard? I've never seen it in a live broadcast before!"

John also came to a sudden realization. Where did the goose come from?

According to his understanding, there were no residents who kept geese in captivity in this area.

As Lil Si was eating, it suddenly burped from his mouth.

Thick blue smoke came out of its mouth.

Then there were two horns that symbolized the devil.

John learned from the monster illustrated that the horns belonged to an evil monster called the 'Dark Swan'.

It seemed that John had wronged Lil Si. John looked at it with guilt.

He suddenly felt guilty for blaming it just now.

For a moment, John's heart was filled with mixed feelings, and he was about to go up and comfort Si Xi.

However, he saw Lil Si take out a Dark Swan from somewhere.

John was stunned again, and he did not stop Lil Si from eating the dark demon.

John sighed again. "You little fellow, where did you go to get the goods?!"