The Discovery Of Wild Boar Magic Crystals

John bent down and pointed the camera at a plant with a faint smile.

"Everyone, take a look. There's a Pearl Heart Grass here, and from the looks of it, it's not young anymore."

Under the camera, a vine-like plant appeared in everyone's line of sight. Its leaves were oval-shaped, and its vines were thick and sturdy. The middle part of the plant was as clear and translucent as tears.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens began to discuss enthusiastically.

"The Pearl Heart Grass? Can it return to youth after eating it?"

"Is it also highly poisonous? After the streamer's introduction, I feel that those that look good are usually highly poisonous."

"Oh my God, what kind of treasure is the Pearl Heart Grass? Quickly dig it out and take a look!"

"I've never seen what the Pearl Heart Grass looks like since I was young. I didn't expect to actually see it in the religious leader's live broadcast room."

"Dig it out quickly!"

"The Pearl Heart Grass isn't poisonous. It can really extend one's life and strengthen one's body. It's very effective on the weak or some cancer patients. If a normal person eats it, it can help maintain one's youth. It's not an exaggeration to say that it can rejuvenate one's youth."

John introduced.

"Oh my God, there's really such a magical herb?"

"Quickly dig it, quickly dig it!"

"The streamer is so good. With him, it can be considered that he has brought us to a world that we will never see in this lifetime."

"The religious leader is so handsome!"


John waved his shover and carefully dug away the soil around the Pearl Heart Grass before digging in bit by bit.

A few minutes later, the massive root of the Pearl Heart Grass appeared before everyone's eyes. It was more than a meter long and as thick as a wrist.

John raised the Pearl Heart Grass and showed it to everyone.

He introduced it as he showed it.

"Everyone is right. The Pearl Heart Grass can improve the body's immune function, nourish the blood and liver, strengthen the kidney, strengthen the muscles and bones, and also turn white hair black."

"Judging from its cross-section and body size, this Pearl Heart Grass has probably been around for more than 50 years. My luck is not bad."

The netizens started to post comments.

"50 years? It's even older than my father."

"Oh my God, I've never seen such a big plant in my life."

"Why do I feel that this thing is a little similar to that thing?"

"Using form to complement form. No wonder it can strengthen the kidney and strengthen the roots. My friends with weak kidneys, you should buy it quickly."

"I know that I can't afford this wild plant."


At this moment, a netizen called 'Wondrous Research Institute' tipped John a large airplane.

Message: "Religious leader, can you sell this Pearl Heart Grass? I want to buy it. How about 100,000 yuan?"

John did not expect that there would be crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the netizens. Even the big boss of the research institute was involved.

Wondrous Research Institute was a research institute that specialized in studying rare species all over the world. One could imagine the capital behind it.

However, right after that, I Love Carrots directly gave John five large airplanes.

Message: "Hubby, I want to buy this Pearl Heart Grass. Since it can preserve one's beauty and make one's white hair turn black, I'll give you 130,000!"

National Husband William gave John ten large airplanes.

Message: "Religious leader, I want this Pearl Heart Grass. 150,000."

I Love Carrot, "200,000. Hubby, please do me a favor. I'm a girl. Is it wrong to love beauty?"

These rich people were fighting over the Pearl Heart Grass. The other netizens could not stand it anymore.

"If one can earn over 100,000 yuan from digging herbs. I want to f*cking smash the tools I use to move bricks."

"Religious leader, is it too late to learn how to dig treasures now?"

"La la la la, we're all jealous. I admit that I'm envious."

"Pity this child. My monthly salary is only 2,000 yuan."


John smiled bitterly and said to the broadcast room, "I still have use for this item. I don't want to sell it, but it's hard to decline your kind offer. I'm willing to sell half of it."

"Based on the principle of ladies first, I'll sell this half of the Pearl Heart Grass to I Love Carrots. 100,000 yuan will do."

With that, I Love Carrot was instantly delighted. She typed out kiss emojis in the comments.

"Thank you, hubby. I knew you loved me."

"Send a private message to me later. Give me the card number and I'll transfer the money to you."

John smiled and nodded. He placed the Pearl Heart Grass horizontally on the basket on his back.

"This thing needs to be processed. I'll send it to you after I've processed it."

I love Carrots agreed. John brought Lil Si and prepared to continue up the mountain.

Along the way, John picked a lot of wild fruits.

The cliff was getting steeper and John went deeper into the forest. The herbs and wild fruits that John picked were almost a whole basket.

Suddenly, John stopped and smiled meaningfully.

He pointed the camera at a glowing object on the side of the cliff.

"I wanted to go back, but I didn't expect to find a treasure."

A large rock protruded from the left side of the cliff more than ten meters below. There were many black and purple crystals growing in the cracks between the rocks.

Under the camera lens, the black crystal was shining with a strange light.

The netizens had seen this before, so they sent comments one after another.

"What is this? For the religious leader to think so highly of it, it must have a strong background."

"Is it a crystal? The crystal must be very valuable. Otherwise, the streamer wouldn't be so happy. If it were me, I would be happy too."

"Oh my God, does this really look like a black crystal? It's such a black crystal. The streamer is going to be rich!"


At this moment, Wondrous Research Institute rewarded John with a large airplane.

Message: "Religious leader, you're rich! This isn't a black crystal, but a Wild Boar Magic Crystal from the Dark World."

The netizens sent comments one after another.

"What's a Wild Boar Magic Crystal? Is it worth anything?"

"What is a magic crystal? Those that are magical are usually bad omens, right?"

"Leader, please enlighten us."


John pointed the camera at the Wild Boar Magic Crystal at the bottom of the cliff and smiled to enlighten everyone.

"This boss is right. This is not a crystal. This is an even more precious Wild Boar Magic Crystal."

"This kind of Wild Boar Magic Crystal is usually found in places where the demonic aura is particularly strong. However, twenty years ago, my grandfather discovered this kind of crystal in Mazalorat Mountain. It can only appear in places where the conditions are suitable, and it is not only found in the World Of Warcraft."

"Wild Boar Magic Crystals are usually found in the crevices of the cliffs behind the cliffs where people rarely go. Moreover, there are usually wild boar beasts guarding the cliffs, and they are nourished by the demonic aura, clouds, and rain all year round."

"Therefore, this kind of crystal is called Wild Boar Magic Crystal. It can help people develop their intelligence and increase their spiritual power. For example, we often see people with special abilities. It is very likely that they have obtained the Wild Boar Magic Crystal by chance."

"In the past, this kind of crystal was a royal tribute, specially provided to mysterious wizard organizations or leaders of holy cults."

Listening to John's introduction, the netizens were instantly in an uproar.

"Strange knowledge has increased again. Thank you, religious leader, for the knowledge."

"The Wild Boar Magic Crystal must be very valuable, right? Tell me and I'll look up to it."

"The religious leader is really lucky. I'm really envious."


At this moment, Wondrous Research Institute directly rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "Religious leader, sell these Wild Boar Magic Crystal to me. 600,000 yuan per gram. I'll take as many as I can get."

600,000 yuan!

This eye-catching number gave many netizens a big fright. The comments went wild.

"Oh my God, 600,000 yuan! I'm so poor that I don't deserve to be in this live broadcast room."

"600,000 yuan? Are you serious, Wondrous Research Institute?"

"What the f*ck! I'm almost depressed in this live broadcast room. I can't stand this kind of stimulation."

"Oh my God, 600,000 yuan! Ahhh, I'm going crazy."