Wild Boar Magic Crystals Are Great Things

Amidst the cries of many netizens, a netizen with the ID 'Frankenstein' sent John ten large airplanes.

Message: "Leader, sell these Wild Boar Magic Crystals to me. 800,000 yuan a gram. I'm always buying these rare crystals."


Countless netizens were shocked. Another world-famous researcher had actually snuck into John's live stream room.

Wondrous Research Institute was a little angry.

"Terrell, why are you following me like a follower? Why are you always following me?" Frankenstein retorted.

"What do you mean by following you? Did all these people also follow you into the religious leader's live stream room?"

"Cut the crap. I want these Wild Boar Magic Crystals. In the future, if the religious leader encounters any good things, I'll give them to you."

Wondrous Research Institute, "Impossible! This kind of Wild Boar Magic Crystals that are rarely seen in a thousand years can only be found by chance. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Frankenstein, "I'll give you one million per gram. Will you raise the price?"

Wondrous Research Institute, "..."


Seeing the two big shots of scientific research arguing, John quickly tried to calm them.

"These Wild Boar Magic Crystal seem to be quite a lot. I'll harvest them first."

"If there are enough, I'll keep some. The rest can be divided between the two of you."

In fact, ordinary crystals were not expensive. They were just nice-looking stones.

However, what John found was not a crystal.

This was a top-grade Wild Boar Magic Crystal that could directly develop intelligence and spiritual power.

Such things were basically priceless. They could only be found and not sought.

If one encountered a local tycoon, it was normal to sell it at a high price of one million.

John's suggestion temporarily settled the dispute between the two research bigwigs.

Frankenstein looked at the giant rock that was more than ten meters away from the cliff and became worried. He sent out a comment.

"Religious leader, it's very dangerous to pick Wild Boar Magic Crystal. How are you going to go down such a high cliff?"

"Why don't you stop going down? I'll immediately send professional people over to pick them?"

Many netizens knew John's abilities, but they were still a little afraid when they saw such a high cliff.

"Religious leader, be careful. Although you know magic, the rocks are slippery. If you fall down, you'll be done for."

"Religious leader, a cliff is not like the surface of the water. I think you should wait for a professional team to pick it up."

"Oh my God, it's two stories high, right? It makes me dizzy."

"Honey, please don't take any risks. Let's wait for the professional climbing team to come."


John looked down and found that the place where the Wild Boar Magic Crystal was located was indeed very steep.

The cliff was steep, and there was only one giant rock protruding out, which was covered in moss.

Under the giant rock, there were white clouds floating in the air. Further down was a valley that was thousands of feet deep.

If he really fell down, even the Ironman would be broken into pieces.

John observed the terrain and felt that he was confident that he could escape unscathed. Only then did he tell Frankenstein that there was no need for rescue.

He carried a basket on his back and did not make any gestures. With a leap, he directly fell off the cliff.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens were so scared that their hearts almost jumped out. Everyone watched with their mouths wide open.

In the next second, John landed steadily on the protruding huge rock. He was calm and composed.

This move stirred up another storm in the live broadcast room.

"Oh my God, the religious leader is so awesome."

"F*ck, I was so scared that I spat out a mouthful of coffee on my keyboard."

"Watching the religious leader live broadcast is really interesting. However, it's a little hard on my knees, and one's heart has to be strong enough."

"Now I know why there are so many Wild Boar Magic Crystals here, but no one is picking them. Other than the religious leader, who else would dare to go down?"


I Love Carrots rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "Hubby is awesome. You're too awesome."

William rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "The religious leader is awesome. The only one who can convince me is you."

Frankenstein rewarded John with ten large airplanes.

Message: "So the religious leader is this awesome. I'm ignorant."

The leader of the Wondrous Research Institute gave him ten large airplanes.

Message: "So the leader is a mysterious magician. Nice to meet you."

Other than these rich people giving John airplanes, other small gifts were also displayed on the screen.

John began to carefully pick the Wild Boar Magic Crystal.

He did not know if it was because his position was too dangerous, but the Wild Boar Magic Crystals here were much more than he had expected.

After a while, John's basket was full.

Of course, there were some very small ones that John did not pick.

John would always leave leeway for everything.

When John saw that it was about time, he looked up at the cliff and took a deep breath.

In the next second, he ran up and lightly flew up the cliff.

Every time he landed, he stepped on a protruding rock.

He was about two meters away from the cliff. The whole cliff was smooth, so there was no place for him to land.

He jumped up and grabbed onto the crack on the cliff's edge.

In this way, John's body was like a withered leaf butterfly, hanging on the edge of the cliff and swaying.

This time, everyone was shocked. The comments were densely packed.

"What's wrong? Is the religious leader out of strength?"

"It's over. The religious leader is in danger. My heart can't take it anymore."

"What the f*ck! I just wanted to go up the mountain to collect herbs and make a fortune like the cult leader, but I just silently put down my basket."


Amidst the exclamations of the crowd, John exerted strength in his waist and abdomen, and his body bent upwards.

He hung on the golden hook upside down, and his body had already flipped up onto the cliff.

Before everyone could react, John had already stood up.

He brushed the dust off his body. He was calm and composed. His face was not even flushed and he was not panting.

The netizens in the live broadcast room, "..."

John had the Psychokinesis spell but because the Wild Boar Magic Crystals needed to be handled very carefully, John had no choice but to take the risk.

Fortunately, he had drunk a lot of the Holy Potion. John's current physique was not something that an ordinary person could surpass.

Seeing John's good skills, John's Popularity Value soared to a new height. It was 700,000!

"Host, your Popularity Value has reached 700,000. Do you really want to open the random draw mode?"

John did not even think and directly said to the system, "Open."

"The system has opened. Opening the first draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bottle of Holy Potion."

"The system has opened the second lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bottle of Holy Potion."

"The system has opened the third lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a bottle of Holy Potion."

"The system has opened the fourth lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations host, you have obtained a bottle of Saintess' Tears."

"The system is activating the fifth lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations host, you have obtained a bottle of Saintess' Tears."

"The system is activating the sixth lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations host, you have obtained a bottle of Saintess' Tears."

"The system is activating the seventh lottery draw for the host."

"Ding, dong, congratulations host, you have obtained the God-Tier Beast Language Skill."

[God-Tier Beast Language]: The host could communicate with animals, and even understand plants' thoughts through telepathy.

Looking at the pile of Holy Potions, John was just about to be speechless, "Although this potion is good, I can't be greedy. Then, he discovered that he had obtained a God-Tier Skill, and he was also extremely happy.

Just as John was about to leave happily.

An inexplicable sense of oppression came over him, and what he saw made his jaw drop!


"This is a Wild Boar Magical Beast!"