Flying Bridge in the sky

John was also a little speechless.

He knew the feeling of drinking the Holy Potion. He and Lil Si drank the Holy Potion every day, so they were used to it.

However, John did not expect William to have such a big reaction after drinking the water.

William grabbed John's hand with a face full of desire.

"Is this kind of water still available? God, it's a hundred times better than Lafite."

Of course, John would not tell him that this was a reward from the system.

He shook his head.

"It's gone. This water was collected from the morning dew of the grass and trees in the mountains. It contains the essence of a hundred herbs. That's all we have."

Lil Si shook its head as if it was mocking John for lying to his face.

William wanted to cry, but no tears came.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? I was like a pig eating ginseng fruit. I drank it all before I could taste it."

John smiled and invited everyone to sit down for lunch.

While Catherine and the others were in the car, they were also watching John's live broadcast. Everyone was already unable to stand it.

However, Catherine and her two companions were all girls. They were not as reckless as William.

Everyone sat down to eat lunch. John served everyone the ham and bamboo fungi soup.

Although Catherine and the other two girls were reserved, they could not help but be entranced by the soup when it entered their mouths.

The pure natural delicacy, coupled with John's godly culinary skills, almost made them swallow the soup in one gulp.

William lamented that the Holy Potion had been finished, but when he saw that everyone had started to eat, he quickly picked up his chopsticks.

In the live broadcast room, there was already a sad and envious atmosphere.

"Why am I still in the live broadcast room? If I continue to watch like this, I'll definitely die of hunger."

"I'm already eating the table. I'm imagining that this is cheese-baked rabbit meat, stir-fried shredded bamboo shoots, ham and bamboo fungi soup, and my favorite honey mixed with Locust Flower."

"My saliva has contaminated the design blueprint. When the manager scolded me, he saw the religious leader's live broadcast. Now, he's kneeling and drooling with me."

"Hubby, won't you feel guilty if you don't leave me some of this delicious food?"


John was eating his lunch and watching the live broadcast. The netizens were filled with resentment, so he could only apologize to everyone and get ready to go offline.

Before going offline, he took a look at the live broadcast data.

He realized that the number of people online had already broken through 500,000, the popularity had reached 400,000, and the total amount of rewards had reached 300,000 yuan.

This data was very scary. After all, John had only turned on the live broadcast for a little over two hours.

In just two hours, he had earned 150,000 yuan from the gifts alone. This kind of money-making speed was like a money-printing machine.

The netizens were all jealous. However, when John went offline, they wailed again and again.

"Oh my God, can't you be a human? Even if I can't eat these delicacies, can't you even let me watch?"

"Hubby, don't turn off the live stream. I don't mind you guys eating. I'm full just looking at your handsome face."

"Please have mercy, religious leader. Don't turn off the live stream. It's fine for me to just watch."


Amidst the wailing, John still turned off the live stream and ate his lunch seriously.

After finishing his lunch, William fought to be the first and ate a few pieces of bread.

He drank a big bowl of ham and bamboo fungi soup and was so full that he could not bend his back.

Catherine and the other two women were also full.

After a short rest, Catherine took out the contract and signed it with John.

John carefully checked the contract and found that there was no problem, so he quickly signed it.

Then, he took a glass jar and transplanted the Magic Phoenix Feather and a part of the Holy Soil into the glass jar.

Finally, he took half of the processed Amethyst Fruit and the orchid to William.

In addition, John was too lazy to leave the mountain. He split the Wild Boar Magic Crystal that he had promised to sell to Frankenstein and Wondrous Research Institute into two portions and gave them to William.

He asked him to go to the county town and mail it to him.

After the matter was settled, Catherine and the others bade farewell to John and prepared to go back.

William was still thinking about the Holy Potion that he had just drunk.

John had no choice but to give him another bottle of Holy Potion, telling him that it was the last one.

William was also very happy to have this unexpected gain.

However, William was still full of resentment when he thought of this auction, where he did not even get a single thing.

William pestered John and promised that the next time he went into the mountain and still pick up a treasure like the Magical Phoenix Feather, he would definitely sell it to William first.

John was speechless. In order to get rid of William's pestering, he had no choice but to agree.

After William left, John called the head of the Frankenstein Group and the Wondrous Research Institute respectively.

He told the two of them that the Wild Boar Magic Crystal had been sent, and told the two big shots to pay attention when collecting it.

Both of them expressed their gratitude, and at the same time, they did not forget to remind John that if there were any rare herbs and treasures in the future, he should not forget to cooperate with them.

There were always countless treasures in the forest. It was a gift from nature and a blessing for mages.

For thousands of years, countless mages would go to every corner of the world to cultivate and search for them in order to improve their spells.

In the afternoon, John did not start the broadcast again. He spent the whole afternoon working in the herb garden.

Lil Si obediently stayed at the side. Its big head was raised, bit by bit, as if he was dozing off.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening. John had his dinner and then turned on the live stream.

Even if John did not turn on the live stream, the popularity of the broadcast room continued to rise.

John took a look at his popularity and found that it had already risen to 500,000, so he started to draw the lottery.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Holy Potion."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Holy Potion."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Holy Soil."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Holy Soil."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Gasified Aerial Rope."


John was not surprised that he had obtained the Holy Potion and the Holy Soil.

However, what did the Gasified Aerial Rope mean?

John opened the description.

[Gasified Aerial Rope]: A rope condensed from the air. It would allow the host to climb cliffs and pass through dense forests as if it were flat ground. When sleeping in the deep mountains at night, the host can even sleep on the rope to ensure his safety. The air was condensed and transparent. To an outsider, sleeping on the rope would look no different than lying on the ground.

John's eyes widened. "Oh, God!"