I Fell To My Knees As Soon As I Entered

When John received his reward, many netizens in the live broadcast room could no longer hold themselves back and typed out comments one after another.

"Where's the religious leader? Did he go into hiding?"

"Religious leader, after watching your lunch just now, I've been craving for it until now."

"I've decided that no matter what, I must go to the Holy Light Church to offer some incense. I'm a person of faith."

"Hey, I think that your faith is those delicacies made by the religious leader, right?"


After John received the system's reward, he appeared in front of everyone with a faint smile.

"Good evening, everyone."

"The Holy Light Church has not been rebuilt and is not open to the public. For the time being, I will not accept foreign visitors."

"However, I'm a hospitable person. If any friends from the live broadcast room come to visit, I will definitely welcome them warmly."

John's neither servile nor overbearing attitude made many netizens very happy.

After all, John was a big streamer with 700,000 fans, yet he was still so humble and approachable. It was very rare.

John accompanied everyone to chat for a while. Then, he lit an incense stick and began to meditate.

This was his evening routine.

Over the past few days, the netizens had gotten used to John's schedule.

Everyone did not find it strange when they saw him meditating.

"However, many of the netizens who came later were still astonished when they saw John meditating for the first time."

"Oh God, is the religious leader training his Qi? It's an eye-opener."

"I've tried it before. This kind of meditation can only last for ten minutes before one's legs can't take it anymore."

"Upstairs, you must be new, right? Once the religious leader sits down, he won't stand up for at least two hours. It's like this every day."

"Oh my God, he's really god-like. The religious leader is awesome."


? At this moment, Sexy Wildcat gave John ten large airplanes.

Message: "Religious leader, you're on the hot searches again. This time, you're even more popular. You managed to become number one in the hot searches after half a day."

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room could not sit still anymore. They all opened the hot searches on the web.

The top trending post was the video of John catching a hare.

The title of the post was very interesting, which was '360 ways to catch a hare using Psychokinesis'.

In the video, John's clothes fluttered and his arms were spread open. He looked like a warrior with victory in his hands.

The surrounding bushes and trees were all moving back rapidly. The light and shadow were chaotic and made people dizzy.

Every frame of the video taken by the system was impeccable. There was no need to edit it at all.

Less than half a day after this post was posted, its popularity had already risen to more than 20 million. It had been forwarded more than one million times and received more than three million comments.

Many netizens commented below.

"If the person in this post is someone else, then it must be a fake. However, if it's the religious leader, it's not strange at all."

"The religious leader is awesome. So this is a real magician, huh? He's amazing."

Among them, National Husband William's comment was liked and became a hot comment.

National Husband William said, "The religious leader is awesome. The rabbit tastes pretty good."

Not only did he comment, he even shared the post.

At the same time, many netizens noticed that other than this post, there were three other posts about John that were also trending.

"The real God has reappeared in the human world!"

"The cliff is frightening, and the religious leader is in a desperate situation!"

"Communicating with the Wild Boar Magical Beast! The religious leader is omnipotent!"


These three posts were all about John, and they were respectively ranked seventh, third, and first on the hot search rankings.

A few days had passed, but the video of John saving the child was still in the top 20 of the hot search rankings.

A live streamer that had been broadcasting for less than a month had become popular and dominated the hot searches for a long time.

This could not help but surprise people.

In the live broadcast room, National Husband William rewarded ten John with large airplanes.

Message: "We have successfully reached home. Thank you for your hospitality, religious leader. Congratulations for being on the hot searches again."

In the live broadcast room, the number of people flooded in like a flood. The number of people online had already reached more than 600,000.

In less than half a day, John had already gained 100,000 fans. At the moment, he had more than 800,000 fans in total.

National Husband William's tip set off a new wave of gifts.

In the blink of an eye, there were 70 to 80 rockets in the live broadcast room.

In addition, there were countless other small gifts.

In the live broadcast room, the densely packed comments were scrolling. It was almost impossible to see the scene clearly.

"I knelt as soon as I entered. If there really is a God in this world, I believe it must be the religious leader."

"Did you notice that the religious leader has an invisible aura when he's meditating? He looks like a God from the legends."

"Isn't he too handsome? With such a handsome priest, even the little dragon girl would move on to someone else."

"Above, the religious leader did not turn on any filters. He is more handsome than the one in the camera. Don't ask me how I knew it."

"Oh God, in the spirit of being scientific and realistic, I just watched the replay and knelt down in front of the religious leader"

"Is that Lil Si? Oh God, the religious leader's charm can take effect anywhere, even dragons are obedient."


John did not care about the netizens in the live broadcast room. He lowered his head with a focused expression. It was as if he had fallen into another world.

This was the skill he had obtained spent meditating for more than ten years. His heart was like calm water and was free from dust.

Two hours later, John slowly opened his eyes.

If it was not for the fact that Lil Si was dozing off and its head was lowering bit by bit, everyone would have thought that John had pressed the pause button.

Seeing that John's meditation had finally ended, the live broadcast room became lively once again.