Religious Leader, Wake Up. Are You Really Human?

"Oh God, the religious leader's meditation has finally ended. How did three hours go by so fast?"

"Even when he's sitting, he's handsome. I'm in love with him."

"Every time I watch the religious leader meditate, my mind is always very calm. Why is this happening?"

"How can I not be a fan of a man who's even incomparably handsome when he's meditating? I love him to death."

"The funniest thing is Lil Si. It's obviously dozing off, but it's still pretending to be loyal. He's still protecting the cult master. He's so cute."


John looked at everyone's comments and chatted with them.

Xiaosi was no longer sleepy. He rubbed against John and swayed back and forth in front of the camera.

The netizens were all filled with curiosity about this spiritual dragon, but John knew what this guy was thinking.

This guy was rubbing against John, but its eyes were staring at the Holy Potion on the table. Lil Si looked like it was craving for it.

John took a bottle of Holy Potion and threw it to Lil Si. He smiled.

"Fine, I'll give you the water. Don't climb on my bed tonight. You always make my legs numb."

John's words contained too much information. Many netizens immediately reacted.

"Oh God, Lil Si sleeps with the religious leader every day? Does he dance with the dragon?"

"Tsk, tsk, so the leader likes this kind of thing."

"I'm too ashamed to live on. I'm actually worse than a pet dragon. At least it can sleep with hubby every day."

"Brother, you call this a pet dragon? Are there dragons everywhere in your place? To tell you the truth, if I didn't see Lil Si, I would never believe that there are dragons in this world!"

"The person above is right, it hit the nail on the head. Even now, I still suspect that Lil Si is a person wearing a furry coat outside!"

"Then could there be a beauty hiding inside Lil Si?! Damn, it's exciting just thinking about it. No wonder the religious leader likes to sleep with a dragon monster!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room gradually became abnormal. From the initial flattery, it became a race for supremacy.

John looked helplessly at everyone fantasizing about himself and Lil Si. Unfortunately, they were all considered as his financial backers that should be respected.

John was not interested in women at all, so he was too lazy to explain much to everyone.

As the saying goes, rumors stop at the wise. John naturally understood this simple truth.


Looking at the group of crazy netizens teasing him and Lil Si, John was both amused and angry.

In order to be polite, he allowed everyone to continue their discussion without making the situation awkward.

In the end, John still responded to them by saying a few words.

"Everyone has misunderstood the situation. Xiao Si might just like the soft bedding. Of course, it's also possible that he's looking for an opportunity to eat me, right?!"

When John said this, his eyes deliberately glanced at Xiao Si.

His strange expression was like a diversion.

Lil Si could understand what John was saying, and its head was shaking like a rattle.

His big head was shaking like crazy, and his tongue was sticking out with sticky saliva.

It was like it was expressing its loyalty, or maybe it was trying to justify his actions.

He was probably saying, "Dear John, I will never eat you!"

It was probably because Lil Si was so flustered that it forgot that John could understand the language of beasts.

So much so that it used its actions to respond.

John looked at Lil Si's innocent look and could not help but burst into laughter.

"You cute little thing, I was just joking with you. I have plans to give you the bed."

Lil Si was stunned when it heard that, and then it was overjoyed.

It leaned toward John's ear and kept licking John's handsome face with its thick tongue.

It kept whispering in John's ear.

"My great John, my great master, you are especially handsome and amazing today!"

John was suddenly confused by Xiao Si's sudden affection.

John tried to stop Xiao Si's behavior because if it continued, John would have to use the shower gel.

There was too much saliva on him, and John was once again worried that it would eat him if it got too excited.

The room where John meditated was the study, separated from his bedroom by only one door.

The small church had 10% of the rooms occupied for various purposes.

Although the church was small, it still had all its parts. Each individual space had its own function.

John stopped the sudden affection from Lil Si while pushing open his bedroom door to let everyone see his room.

John's room was not very big, but it was very clean and spotless.

On the East side of the bed, there were two pots of tulips. On the wall, there was a photo of his grandfather.

In the photo, his grandfather was smiling peacefully. Under his grandfather's smiling face was young John.

At that time, John was still very young, and his brows revealed his curiosity about the world.

At that time, John probably never dreamed that he would inherit the mantle of Grandpa Robert and become a magician, nor did he expect to even have a dragon that belonged to him.

In the bedroom, there was old furniture made of pure wood. Perhaps they were a gift from the Queen to the church during Thanksgiving.

Although it was unknown when furniture was given, there was a sense of time that gave people a mysterious feeling.

At this moment, Lil Si had already slipped past John with the Holy Potion in its mouth. It was as if a victorious knight had received his due reward.

Lil Si did not know the concept of using efforts to exchange for rewards. It only knew how to act cute all day long.

In any case, it had also put in the effort. It had put in the effort to show its naive side in exchange for these Holy Potions.

Lil Si slowly climbed onto John's bed, stretched its long back, and looked at John as if nothing had happened.

Lil Si's body length was indeed like that of a dragon. It only took up half of John's bed, and half of its tail was dragged to the ground. Its long and strong tail swayed back and forth on the ground.

This was clearly a terrifying scene, but for some reason, it actually gave off a harmonious and warm feeling.

People could not help but laugh at Lil Si's charmingly naive appearance.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens were overjoyed.

"Lil Si actually learned to wait on the bed and even reserved a part of the bed for the religious leader. Hahahaha."

"Lil Si, wake up. You're a dragon. Before you turn into a human, you can't sleep with the religious leader."

"I'm obviously very afraid of dragons, but now I just want to laugh. Hahahaha!"

"In the midnight, will Lil Si's bestial nature flare up and do something to the religious leader? The scene is too beautiful to imagine."

"Oh God, you upstairs, you're poisonous. How can you have such thoughts?"


John smiled bitterly and shook his head, then looked at the camera.

"You guys still don't understand Lil Si. This guy has a very strong personality and is very opinionated."

"Even if I chase it away, it will definitely be lying on my bed the next morning. I don't know which corner he'll squeeze me into..."

"Sometimes, I even question whether I am the master or it is the master. So, I plan to give the bed to it and let it have some peace."

The netizens were all laughing happily. The live broadcast room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Hubby, come and sleep with me. I'll give you half of my bed."

"Does the religious leader have any other beds? This kind of thing is indeed very worrying."

"You can't blame Lil Si. It just wanted to be close to the religious leader, so it didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh God, the religious leader took out a rope. What is he doing? Could it be that he wants to tie Lil Si up? Don't do it."

"Why did I think of a binding game? Religious leader, you're too evil."


Amidst the discussions of the netizens, John had already found a nylon rope from under the bed and tied it horizontally in the room.

The nylon rope was about two meters long and was about 1.8 meters above the ground.

John pulled on the rope and confirmed that the rope was very strong. Then, he announced to the live broadcast room.

"I'm too bothered by Xiao Li. Tonight, I've decided to sleep on this rope to see if I can sleep well."

"If I can sleep well, I'll sleep like this in the future."

When John said this, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment. Then, the comment section exploded.

"Religious leader, are you sure you're not joking? Sleeping on a rope?"

"I've never heard of it, and I've never seen it. Are you sure you won't fall?"

"I bet 50 cents that once you sit on it, you'll fall to the ground."

"Religious leader, please be a human. You're not the little dragon girl, even though you're very handsome!"


Amidst the shouts of the netizens, John did not say much.

He jumped lightly onto the nylon rope, lying down on it.

He had just learned the Gasified Aerial Rope, so he could test it out. As John laid down, the nylon rope slightly sank down, and the two ends creaked.

The rope swayed in the air for a while, and then stopped moving.

John was already lying comfortably on the rope.

He laid on his side and his left hand was used as a pillow, He seemed indescribably light and carefree.

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens were shocked.

Even an acrobat would need at least half a year to practice this floating magic.

However, John went ahead with it without any hesitation. It was effortless.

"The religious leader is awesome! He actually laid down on the rope! How Cool!"

"When did the religious leader start bragging? He was really awesome!"

"However, can the religious leader really sleep on the rope? I have a feeling that he will fall in the next second."

"I think so too. It's already not easy to maintain balance on the rope. Let alone sleeping, if you're not careful, you'll definitely fall down."

However, what happened next made all the voices of doubt stop.

Not only did John sleep on the nylon rope, but he also tried to meditate on it.

This time, he was able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.