The Whole World Is Watching A Man Sleep

John did not listen to the discussion. He tried to relax his body and find his balance.

The Gasified Aerial Rope that he learned could produce transparent ropes. To others, he looked like he was on a nylon rope. In reality, he used the Gasified Aerial Rope to weave a net, so that he could find his balance easily.

Most importantly, after he learned the Gasified Aerial Rope, he felt that this rope was no different from a bed.

John even had a feeling that he had been born to sleep on the rope, and it had become a habit.

He did not need to deliberately control his balance.

Every move he made, every somersault, was firmly pressed on the balance point, and he did not have to worry about falling down.

From the looks of it, sleeping on the rope did not seem strange.

John looked at the comments in the live broadcast room. Many netizens expressed their disbelief.

He smiled.

"It seems that everyone still doesn't believe me. It's alright. I won't turn off my live broadcast tonight."

"If everyone has patience, you can keep watching the live broadcast room and see if I will fall off the rope."

After saying that, John said good night to everyone and then closed his eyes.

The live broadcast room became even more lively.

There were 600,000 to 700,000 people online who were watching John sleep.

Ten minutes passed quickly. John, who was on the rope, was still lying quietly, as graceful as a superman.

The summer weather was hot. A light wind blew through the screen window, blowing John's white clothes.

His entire body swayed gently in the breeze.

However, John still did not open his eyes.

This time, the mood of the people in the live broadcast room had changed from amusement to astonishment.

No one even sent comments, and the entire live broadcast room was completely silent.

After a few minutes, John lightly snored.

He actually fell asleep!

This time, the live broadcast room completely exploded.

"F*ck, what the f*ck is this? The religious leader actually fell asleep."

"He's even snoring. Not only did the religious leader fall asleep, but he's also sleeping very soundly."

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling. I said I was watching a man fall asleep."

"Are you sure this isn't a show? Why do I keep feeling that the religious leader is pretending to be asleep?"

"The person upstairs, you're still too young. Previously, when he was walking on water, many people said the same thing, but in the end, they all knelt."

"Tonight, I've decided not to sleep. I'll keep watching and see if the religious leader will fall."

"Anyway, I'm on night duty. Tonight, I'll wait and watch the leader sleep. I'll report to everyone tomorrow."

"Waiting for the report +1."

"Waiting for the report +10086."


Half an hour passed very quickly. John did not move at all. His breathing was even and his snoring was incessant.

Many people could not hold their breath.

They thought John was joking with them.

A few people still thought John was pretending to sleep, or that he would wake up after a short sleep.

However, it seemed that John was really going to sleep on the rope.

An hour later, John's body suddenly moved.

Many netizens who had been watching the live broadcast felt their hearts tremble.

However, the scene where John fell did not appear.

He only turned over on the rope, and he switched from sleeping on his side to sleeping on his back. Then, he continued to sleep soundly.

The snoring slowly started again.

The netizens in the live broadcast room had completely broken down and could not understand what they were seeing.

"Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. I choose to believe in the religious leader."

"It's unbelievable. If others see it, they will misunderstand whether the stream is real or not. The superheroes are hiding beside us, and they all sleep like this."

"I'm so tired that I can't take it anymore. The religious leader is already asleep, yet we are still foolishly watching him sleep."

"Let's go. I'm going to sleep for a while first. Good luck to my brothers and sisters who are going to stay up all night."

"To the brothers who are going to stay up all night, please would report to me tomorrow. I can't hold on any longer."


That night, as expected, John did not turn off the live broadcast room.

Many doubtful netizens stayed up all night to watch John sleep.

Three to four hours later, it was already around 4:00 AM.

John had been sleeping on the rope the whole time. He had been sleeping very soundly.

He rolled over a few times, and every time he did so, the rope would sway a few times.

The hearts of the netizens in the live broadcast room swayed along with the rope.

However, John did not fall down. He had been sleeping soundly, his breathing steady, and he was as graceful as a fairy.

At dawn, no matter how stubborn the netizens were, they had no choice but to believe the facts in front of them.

In the live broadcast room, there were fewer comments, but there were still some netizens who were complaining.

"I have to admit that the religious leader did sleep on the rope for a whole night."

"I didn't sleep last night, so I'm here to released the religious leader's sleep report. I saw that the religious leader was sleeping soundly on the rope. He turned over seven times, sneezed once, and didn't even get up to pee."

"It's hard to imagine that I watched a man sleep for a whole night!"

"Those who doubted the religious leader, come in and take a look. Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that the religious leader can't do it."


I Love Carrots gave John ten rockets.

Message: "I'm is starting to worry. Even if I successfully trick you into bed, you can still sleep on the rope. How can I prevent this?"

National Husband William gave John ten rockets.

Message: "The religious leader is awesome. If I had half of your skills, I wouldn't have a weak kidney."

Anthony Boxing Club gave John ten rockets.

Message: "He made it look so easy. This is the best martial arts. Thank you, religious leader, for letting me understand a trace of the best martial arts."

Sexy Wildcat gave John ten rockets.

Message: "Religious leader, I have a feeling that you're going to be on the hot searches again. The hot searches are all yours."


When the first ray of sunlight shone through the small wooden window in the morning, John finally opened his eyes.

He woke up from the rope and was shocked when he saw the live broadcast room.

In one night, the number of people online in the live broadcast room rose from 700,000 to 900,000, and the number of fans rose to 1,000,000.

His Popularity Value, which had been depleted previously, rose to 500,000 overnight!

In the time it took to sleep, his live broadcast room had undergone an earth-shattering change!

John was somewhat gratified.

In total, it had only been half a month since he started his live broadcast.

To gain one million fans in half a month, other than the big stars with their own traffic, ordinary people could not do it at all.

John greeted everyone.

"Good morning, everyone. I slept well last night. Has everyone been in the live broadcast room the whole time?"

In the live broadcast room, countless fans who had stayed up all night typed out comments one after another.

"Good morning, religious leader. May I ask how you practice the skill of sleeping on a rope?"

"After learning the religious leader's skill, you don't even need to buy a house. You can sleep just by putting a rope under someone's eaves."

"Anyway, I'm completely convinced. Religious leader, please accept my knees."

"Sigh, I actually don't know what to say about this skill."

"I leaving now. The religious leader had a good sleep, but I didn't close my eyes all night. I'm so sleepy."


Looking at the wailing in the live broadcast room, John smiled. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He thought about whether there would be any effect if he meditated on the rope.

Thinking about it, he went to practice. John closed his eyes and sat directly on the rope to begin meditating.

Soon, he felt that this meditation was different from his usual meditation. When he sat on the ground, the bottom was solid.

But when he sat on the rope, the bottom was empty.

It inadvertently implied the mystery of 'emptiness' of meditation.

It could help John better experience the 'emptiness' of meditation so that the effect of meditation would be twice the result with half the effort.

John's sudden action puzzled the netizens in the live broadcast room.

They had clearly seen him wake up from lying on the rope, but not long after, he sat down and fell asleep again.

"Religious leader, what is this? Not enough sleep?"

"Hahaha, leader is really a maverick. It's not enough to sleep on the rope, but he sat down and fell asleep again. Is he going to be on two new trending searches in a day?"

The netizens in the live broadcast room instantly exploded.

"Damn, religious leader, please don't show off anymore. My knees are hurting from kneeling."

"I'll throw myself on the ground."

About half an hour later, John woke up from his meditative state.

After feeling it for a while, the effect of this meditation was really remarkable. He did not expect to find a shortcut to practice meditation by accident. It was really something to be happy about.