I Think The Religious Leader’s Sword Can Pierce Through A Huge Rock

Seeing that the netizens in the live broadcast room were still exclaiming, John smiled and went to wash up by himself.

After a while, John finished washing up. He took a wrapped sword from the room, put it behind his back, and went out for morning exercises.

John began to run on the mountain path, his footsteps were light as he was surrounded by white mist, seemingly floating like a fairy.

Soon, some netizens realized that John was not running down the mountain as usual.

He kept going up and instead climbed to the highest point of the Mazalorat Mountain.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens immediately raised questions.

"Religious leader, you're wrong, you're wrong! You should go the other way around. Aren't you going to Hill Lake at the foot of the mountain to meditate?"

"Religious leader, what are you carrying? It's a long bar."

"Is it a club?"

John explained to everyone as he ran.

"I'm not going to Hill Lake today. I want to go to the top of the mountain to practice my swordsmanship."

This time, many netizens in the live broadcast room were interested. The comments were flying crazily, and the screen was densely packed.

"Holy sh*t, the religious leader wants to practice swordsmanship. I'm so lucky."

"What kind of swordsmanship does the religious leader practice? It can't be the swordsmanship that they practice in the Kendo hall, right?"

"Is it fencing or the Chinese swordsmanship?"

"I want to see the religious leader practice fencing. It must be fun for such a powerful person to practice a set of fencing techniques."

"Upstairs, draw your sword. I want to defend the religious leader's reputation and demeanor to the death."

"No matter what kind of swordsmanship it is, I know that with the religious leader's power, his swordsmanship will probably scare people to death."


Half an hour later, John had already reached the top of the mountain and stopped.

The Holy Light Church was at the foot of the Mazalorat Mountain.

On the other hand, this was the peak of the Mazalorat Mountain, which was particularly steep.

On the top of the mountain, a mountain peak that looked like a heavenly pillar rose up from the ground. It was as if looked down in all directions. It was very imposing.

John pointed at the peak and introduced it to everyone.

"This is Tiandu Peak, the place where I practice my boxing. I'm going to climb to the peak now."

As John spoke, he spread his body and climbed up to the peak.

In the live broadcast room, there was an uproar. The netizens began to cry out in surprise, and the comments rolled out one after another.

"Religious leader, be careful. This peak looks so high. It's especially steep and scary."

"So there's such a steep place in the Mazalorat Mountain. It can even be developed into a scenic tourist destination."

"Eh, this peak is round, thick, and black. Why do I think that it looks like something else?"

"You upstairs, you're poisonous. How can you have this thought about such a beautiful and mysterious place."

"Hey, this isn't what I should be thinking about. Stop implying such thoughts!"

"There's no way to stop me!"


Ignoring the live broadcast room, the building was completely crooked. As he spoke, John had already climbed to the top.

He pointed the camera at the foot of the mountain and introduced everyone.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is Tiandu Peak, the peak of Mazalorat Mountain."

"Do you have the feeling that if you stand on the highest peak and look down on the other peaks, they will appear especially small?"

"Isn't life about forever climbing the peak and looking down on the earth?"

Under the camera, the mountain wind was blowing. The peak was not big. It was only less than 100 square meters.

However, this place, which was less than 100 square meters, was filled with strange rocks and bushes.

One of the biggest rocks, which was as big as half a house, stood on the edge of the cliff.

John aimed the camera at the foot of the mountain and saw the village at the foot of the mountain. The house was as big as a matchbox.

Lake Hill surrounded the Mazalorat Mountain like a ribbon.

At this moment, John had already climbed up the giant rock. The edge of the giant rock was the cliff.

From the camera's angle, he could see that the bottom of the cliff was shrouded in white mist.

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens were excited.

"What a good place to practice sword skills in such a place. As expected of the religious leader. You are so brave! I admire you!"

"Be careful, religious leader. I feel scared to even look through the screen."

"What will happen if I fall from this height?"

"I'll definitely not look like a human anyway if I fell."

"I'm so scared of heights that I feel dizzy. I don't dare to watch anymore. The religious leader is poisonous."

"F*ck, the religious leader wants to practice his swordsmanship here? Can you not be so scary?"


John looked at the countless netizens wailing in the live broadcast room and smiled. He was calm and composed.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. From ancient times until now, there has always been a saying that only by practicing swordsmanship in a narrow place can one understand how swordsmanship can compete in a square inch."

"Although this place is a little narrow, it's enough for me to practice swordsmanship."

As John spoke, he waved his robe and took the sword from his back. He took off the sword sheath and held the sword with both hands. One in front and one in back, he clasped the sword with his fingers. He relaxed his palm and his two feet were parallel to each other.

That long sword was different from the eastern weapons. It was a unique western fencing sword.

The sword was long and sharp. The blade was thin and soft.

It was easy to advance and retreat. It was well-shaped to wield.

This was the Holy Light Sword that John regarded as a treasure.

Then, he slowly raised his arms to his chest, raised the Holy Light Sword high, and slowly letting it down.

John took the starting position of the Holy Light Sword and introduced it to everyone.

"I'll practice the Holy Light Sword. It's just random practice, so don't laugh at me, everyone."

John had been practicing the sword with his master since he was young.

He had practiced the starting stance of the Holy Light Sword countless times.

However, this time, as soon as he took out the starting stance, an indescribable understanding appeared in his heart.

With this understanding, he slightly adjusted the starting stance.

'So, this is the true starting stance of the Holy Light Sword.'

John could not help but think of this.

At the same time, his Qi, blood, and breathing also changed with the starting stance. Each breath was rhythmic.

The flow of his Qi and blood seemed to contain endless power.

John knew that this was because he had obtained the Holy Light Sword Intent.

He had practiced the sword for more than ten years, but he had only trained his body's strength and learned some routines.

He had yet to comprehend the Holy Light Sword Intent.

From now on, he could be considered a true expert of the Holy Light Sword.

When John's starting stance was revealed, the eyes of countless netizens instantly lit up.

Everyone felt that John's body had an additional intimidating aura.

John, who was not particularly tall, suddenly became like a mountain, giving off an imposing aura.

His eyes were looking straight ahead, and his back was straight like an old pine tree. He was also like a towering pagoda at the top of the mountain. Although he did not move, it made it difficult for people to breathe.

A heated discussion broke out in the broadcast room.

"Damn, this is the real deal. This is the demeanor of a true grandmaster."

"The religious leader is actually a great grandmaster of the Holy Light Sword? He's too awesome."

"Just by looking at this starting stance, I feel that the religious leader can pierce through a huge rock with a single move! Ahhhh!"