Everything Would Submit To The Holy Light Sword

Amidst the discussions of the netizens, John took a step forward. His sword moved like the wind and lightning.

The first stance, the Holy Light Descendence, had already been performed.

The next stances were the Forward Stab, Upward Slash, Turn And Slash, Shining Holy Light, Heaven And Earth Slash, and the Grand Holy Light. The long sword danced like a dragon and a snake, and the air seemed to have slight ripples.

This type of Holy Light Sword was no longer the Holy Light Sword that people usually saw.

Each and every move seemed to have a magical charm, and everyone was stunned.

In the live broadcast room, there were suddenly no comments.

Millions of netizens were relaxed and happy, and their minds were all calm and gentle.

In Anthony's boxing club, Anthony, who was in his forties, stared blankly at John's live broadcast, and his eyes widened.

Anthony came from a famous martial arts family.

His grandfather had been a swordmaster during the war.

His grandfather had been invited by the martial arts master, Caesar, to teach at the National Martial Arts Academy and serve as a military instructor.

Anthony, who had learned martial arts from his family, knew real martial arts. He was different from those fake martial arts masters that were circulating on the internet.

His vision also far exceeded the martial arts masters of his generation.

Ever since John's water walking and psychokinesis came into being, Anthony had been paying attention to John's every move, hoping to see more things. During this period of time, he had also gained a lot of insight.

Last night, John actually slept on a rope, which had already given Anthony great inspiration.

At the moment, this set of Holy Light Sword moves had made him incomparably shocked. He had a sudden epiphany.

Those who did not understand only wanted to watch the show and found it amusing. Only those who understood knew how magical and rare it was.

In Anthony's opinion, John's Holy Light Sword had already reached the highest realm of returning to its original simplicity.

Even with Anthony's knowledge and martial arts foundation, he was unable to completely understand the subtle and profound aspects of John's Holy Light Sword. He only felt that it was the first time he had seen it in his life.

"The Holy Light starts from the sun, and all things are born. All things are born with Sword Qi, and all things are endless with Sword qi. The Holy Light shines on the world, vanquishes evil, and repels evil..."

Anthony muttered the sword technique scripture, and his mind was greatly shocked.

Anthony had been reading this section of the Holy Light Sword Heart Sutra since he was a child.

However, he just only understood the real meaning of each word.

Anthony's disciples watched as their master was focused. All of them gathered around and watched John's live broadcast together.

The disciples watched as John practiced his sword. They did not seem to completely understand it.

Their knowledge was not enough. They could only vaguely feel that he was very powerful, but they could not say the truth behind it.

However, looking at their master like this, no one dared to make a sound.

Anthony suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He took out his cell phone and made a call.

In an ancient castle tens of thousands of miles away, an old man with white hair was lying on a rocking chair, looking very relaxed.

At this moment, his phone rang.

The old man picked it up and reprimanded him with dissatisfaction.

"Lil Anthony, you're bothering me so early in the morning. Do you think my old bones aren't dying fast enough? Or do you want to practice with me?"

Anthony's respectful voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Martial Uncle, you must be joking. I have a video about the Holy Light Sword. I want to ask for your advice."

"Go to Facebook to receive it."

After Anthony finished speaking, he did not dare to disturb his Martial Uncle too much and hung up the phone.

The old man snorted, picked up a cup, drank a mouthful of water, then took out his phone and opened Facebook.

Not long after, Anthony sent a video.

After the old man downloaded the video, he opened it. A young man was practicing the Holy Light Sword on the mountaintop.

The old man shook his head indifferently.

He could be considered a great master of the Holy Light Sword, the President of the Holy Light Sword Association. He was one of the country's only two great masters of the Holy Light Sword.

Practicing the Holy Light Sword in front of him was like doing a spacewalk in front of Michael Jackson.

The old man looked at the video with his eyes slanted. He held a large glass of water close to his lips and was ready to drink.

However, he had only watched for three seconds when his entire body froze. It was as if someone had suddenly cast a spell on him.

The old man's expression changed from indifference to surprise. Then, it gradually became grave.

Finally, his mouth opened wide and his eyes widened. He actually looked extremely shocked.

Suddenly, the old man stood up abruptly.


His cup fell to the ground. Tea and glass shards flew all over the floor. The hem of his clothes and pants were all wet from the tea.

The tea was very hot, but the old man did not seem to feel it. He directly called Anthony.

"Lil Anthony, where did you find this video?"

"Who is the young man who practices swordsmanship? Who is his master?"

Anthony seemed to have known that the old man would call, so he smiled bitterly.

"I knew it. Even you can't stand this."

"He is a streamer. His sect is unknown."

"I will give you the room number of his live broadcast. You should go in and take a look. Anyway, I was stunned watching it."

The old man frowned. "I don't know anything about live broadcasting. However, I can ask your junior sister, Lil Kelly, to help me."

Anthony agreed and then hung up.

He did not want to waste a second watching John practice the Holy Light Sword.

The old man made a call.

After a while, a woman in sportswear walked into the yard.

The woman had a high ponytail and looked valiant. Hearing the old man's words, she felt a little strange.

In terms of the Holy Light Sword, the old man could be considered the number one grandmaster in the country.

Who exactly was the young man that he admired so much?

Under the old man's continuous urging, the woman opened the Blue Whale Live Broadcast Platform.

Then, she found 'The Religious Leader's Leisurely Life In The Deep Mountains' broadcast room and clicked in.