Forcing Others Into A Difficult Situation

At this moment, John had already practiced a set of Holy Light Sword moves to the very end.

He stepped forward and raised both his hands. The longsword was pointed straight at the sun, and the rays of sunlight seemed to be attracted by the sword and drilled into the sword.

Then, he slowly put it away and put it back in front of his body.

The old man's eyelids twitched. This young man gave him a feeling that he was like a mountain, but also like an abyss. He was definitely not simple.

Although he only had time to watch John's stance when putting back the sword, the old man's face had already become very serious.

The woman guessed the old man's meaning and pressed replay.

Thus, the scene of John practicing the Holy Light Sword appeared in front of the old man again.

The old man stared at the replay, and his expression became more and more serious. The hand holding the phone seemed to be trembling.

After a long time, he let out a long breath and muttered to himself.

"In this world, who knew that there is actually someone who can train with Holy Light Sword to such a level? It's unimaginable."

"It's as if he had been training since he was in the womb for dozens of years."

As the old man spoke, he looked at the woman.

"How can I talk to this Grandmaster?"

"How can I meet him?"

The woman was stunned.

Master actually called the streamer a Grandmaster?

With master's status and prestige, there was no one in the world who could make her master call them a Grandmaster!

The woman thought for a moment and replenished her account. Then, she gave ten rockets to the streamer.

Message: "I'm Kelly from the Holy Light Sword Club, I'm here to send my regards to you."

At this moment, John's broadcast room had completely exploded.

Various comments appeared on the screen, densely packed.

The netizens were all in a frenzy.

"I've practiced Holy Light Sword before, and only now do I know that the real Holy Light Sword is like this."

"I can't understand the streamer's Holy Light Sword, but I know that this Holy Light Sword is definitely not a fake martial art."

"Forgive me for not having any culture, but damn! That's all I can say!"

"I don't know what to say. Anyway, such a Holy Light Sword is obviously not to be trifled with. Its power is endless."


Anthony Boxing Club gave John ten rockets.

Message: "I've been practicing the Holy Light Sword all my life and thought that I was quite accomplished. Only now do I know that the sword I practice is like a child playing house."

I Love Carrots gave John ten rockets.

Message: "Hubby, I don't understand your sword practice, but I like the way you practice. It's so cool. Can I watch you practice the sword more often in the future?"

Sexy Wildcat gave John ten rockets.

Message: "The religious leader is awesome. Twitter, Facebook, and Google's trending searches are all yours."

Electric Donkey gave John ten rockets.

Message: "Holy Light Sword Club, William, sends his regards to the streamer!"


The last message was especially eye-catching with the effects of the props.

This time, some of the more knowledgeable netizens cried out in surprise.

"Damn, is that the Holy Light Sword Club's William, the legendary father of the modern Holy Light Sword, Old Master William?"

"No way, is it really him? Or is someone playing a prank?!"

Electric Donkey said, "Old Master William is right beside me. He's greeting the streamer."

This time, John's live broadcast room exploded.

"I can't believe my eyes. This old man actually appeared in the leader's live broadcast room."

"It's actually a real person! This is such a rare occasion!"

"Holy sh*t, even Old Master William was alarmed. That's a Grandmaster who has survived since the beginning of the last century."

"A Grandmaster who looked like a living fossil of the Holy Light Sword actually appeared. I pinched myself a few times and couldn't believe this fact."

"Greetings, Grandmaster William. Your grand disciple is here to greet you."

"Greetings +1."

"Greetings +10086."


John was also a little surprised. He had heard of the reputation of the Holy Light Sword's Grandmaster, Old Master William.

He did not expect that this legendary Grandmaster would actually come to his live broadcast room.

John greeted the Grandmaster and thanked him for his gift.

Electric Donkey said, "My master said that your Holy Light Sword has already been trained to the realm of returning to its original state. With the existence of the Holy Light Sword Intent, the Sword Intent is as fierce as a mountain collapsing and the earth splitting, it is as soft as a cocoon and as gentle as a breeze blowing by. He is very happy that the Supreme Holy Light Sword has a successor."

John shook his head humbly and repeatedly said that he did not dare take such praise.

Electric Donkey said, "Master said that when the Holy Light Sword is trained to the highest level, the sword light will be invisible. I wonder if the streamer can make it so that the bird can enter the sword net, and slash it without hurting its wings and not letting it fly away?"

This time, the densely packed comments in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped.

In the next second, the bullet screens rolled crazily.

"Damn, old William has gone senile. The bird was cut into countless pieces in the sword net long ago. How could it still be alive? Even if the sword didn't hit it, how could it not fly away?"

"Let me tell a joke to everyone. This bird might not be injured by the sword, but it might be a super-powerful magical beast."

"What does Old Master William mean? Isn't this making things difficult for the streamer? He's not a God, so how can he make the bird not die and still be obedient?"

"If this person wasn't Old Master William, I would have scolded him. Isn't this forcing him?"


John was calm and composed. He waved his sleeves behind him, and there was not a hint of anger on his handsome face.

"I know what the old man means. This move has actually been done before."

"When the Holy Light Sword is trained to the point of transcendence, it can indeed be done. It would be invisible, like Holy Light. I want to try it too."

As John spoke, he raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

He saw a few sparrows under the giant rock and in the bushes.

John pointed at the bushes and said, "Everyone, watch carefully. I'll catch a sparrow and show everyone."

As John spoke, he tapped the rock lightly with the tip of his foot.

He jumped down from the giant rock like a firecracker and pounced on the bushes.

He was in the air, his white robe fluttering in the wind. His posture was graceful, but he was like an arrow that had left the bow. In an instant, he had arrived in front of the bushes.

A few sparrows fluttered in the air. John waved his sleeve and landed on the ground with a calm expression.

He slowly extended his left hand. A sparrow had appeared in his five fingers and was struggling non-stop.

The scene of him catching sparrows was too cool.

Not only was his posture graceful, but his speed was also unbelievably fast.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens exploded in an instant, and comments flew wildly.

"The streamer is awesome. His ability to catch a bird with one hand is something that no one in the world can compare to."

"I want to see him floating in the air again. It's so cool."

"I'm kneeling before the streamer again. I'm completely convinced."

"Ever since I entered the streamer's live broadcast room, I always feel that the world I live in is not the same world as the world the streamer lives in."