Let's Worship The Holy Light Sword Grandmaster!

While everyone was discussing, most of them were staring at the bird in John's hand.

After all, John had said that he would use a long sword to trap the bird that was flying high without hurting it.

In the castle far away, Grandpa William, the Holy Light Sword Grandmaster, was also staring at the sparrow in John's hand nervously as if he was facing a great enemy.

The woman behind him had a confused look on her face, and she wanted to say something but hesitated.

This woman was Grandpa William's female disciple, Kelly, and her registered ID was called Electric Donkey.

To be honest, Kelly was also puzzled by her master's request.

She had practiced the Holy Light Sword under Grandpa William for many years and was considered an expert among the younger generation.

However, Kelly could not imagine such a skill of using the sword light to trap the sparrow without hurting its wings while making it unable to fly away.

Although it was said that the ancient Holy Light Sword Grandmaster had once displayed such a superb skill, it was only a legend after all. There were no visual records, so it was very likely that it was just a myth.

In Anthony's boxing club, Anthony was also staring at John's palm, his heart hanging in the air.

He vaguely understood what his Martial Uncle meant, but he did not believe that John could trap the sparrow with his sword light.

Under the gaze of millions of people, John slowly raised his left hand. His thumb and index finger grabbed the sparrow's foot.

The sparrow that suddenly fell into John's palm was panicking. It flapped its wings rapidly and let out waves of shrieks.

Anyone could see that as soon as John let go, the sparrow would flutter and fly away.

In the live broadcast room, comments appeared one after another, all crying out for John.

"The sparrow will fly away as soon as it is let go. How could he have time to trap it with sword light? Stop joking."

"That's right, that's right. There's no time to use sword techniques at all. Moreover, even if it was used, wouldn't the sparrow die instantly?"

"Religious leader, give up. Even if the sparrow flew away or died, it wouldn't damage your wise image, because it's impossible."

"The ancient Grandmaster using sword light to trap the sparrow is just a legend. Religious leader, don't take it to heart."

"My heart aches for my hubby for a minute. He's not a superman. This kind of thing is simply not something a human can do."


John was calm and composed. There was no expression on his face.

He slowly released his fingers. As expected, the sparrow flapped its wings and was about to fly away. John raised the sword in his right hand.

A scene that shocked millions of people appeared.

The long sword was brandished rapidly, and streaks of sword light were like lines.

The lines interweaved into many faces.

In the end, they actually formed a ball of sword light interweaving. It wrapped the sparrow in layers.

The sword in John's hand became faster and faster, and the sword light became more and more dazzling.

It was not like the sword light, but it was like a solid holy light.

In the end, it became invisible like the light, and the sparrow had already been wrapped in it.

The sparrow actually did not fly up. It spun around in John's sword light, like a ball.

With one hand behind his back, John kept waving the long sword in his hand. His posture was upright, and his eyes were solemn.

Under the high-definition camera lens, he did not make any other small movements.

The sparrow had already tried to escape several times, its wings flapping non-stop.

However, no matter how hard it struggled, it could only spin in John's sword light. It could not fly at all.

It was as if John's sword light had sealed the bird.

Everything was unbelievable, unbelievable!

In the live broadcast room, millions of netizens exploded. Everyone's heart felt as if it had been hit by a huge hammer.

The comments flew wildly, continuously stacking.

"Damn, who can tell me what's going on? I think my eyes are hallucinating."

"I've already knelt to him. Could it be that the religious leader really knows magic?"

"It's too magical. Could it be that this bird was tamed by the religious leader like Lil Si?"

"It definitely wasn't tamed. I can see that this sparrow has been struggling hard, trying to escape from the religious leader's grasp."

"Poor sparrow. Its little head will probably never understand. What's going on?"

"The sparrow doesn't understand. I don't understand either. I'm kneeling before the sect leader, Ahhhhh!"

"The people upstairs are too slow. I've already laid on the ground."


In the distant castle, the lips of the Holy Light Sword Grandmaster, Grandpa William, kept trembling. Tears appeared in his eyes.

He muttered to himself, "I can't believe there's such a genius in the Holy Light Sword. The Holy Light Sword will be glorious for a hundred years and never decline."

As Grandpa William spoke, he slowly knelt and kowtowed.

His expression was solemn as if he was worshipping a God.

The woman behind him, Kelly, was completely shocked.

Who was Grandpa William?

He was one of the only two surviving Grandmasters of the Holy Light Sword.

His disciples were all over the world, and many of them were important figures in military, political, and business.

Even the current president of the National Martial Arts Association was his disciple.

If it was not for Kelly's family background and connections, she would not be qualified to be his disciple.

Such an ancient God-like big shot actually worshipped a young man who was not even thirty years old.

This kind of thing could scare people to death.

Kelly's heart was beating wildly, but she did not dare to move.

After Grandpa William kowtowed three times and finished bowing, Kelly went forward and helped her Master up.

She was very puzzled.

"Master, no matter how powerful this religious leader is, he's just a young man. How can you bow to him so respectfully?"

Grandpa William brushed the dust off his body, his face very serious.

"There's no priority in learning. He has reached the top is the first. This Grandmaster's Holy Light Sword has already reached the saint level. It's not something that ordinary people like us can compare to. He can completely accept my kowtowing."

"Moreover, it's not just me. All the martial artists in the world who practice the Holy Light Sword would have to kowtow to him."

Kelly was shocked in her heart. Her mouth was wide open, so wide that it could fit a duck egg.

She was stunned for a long time before she finally asked her Master.

"Master, what's going on? Can the Holy Light Sword be trained to such a state?"

Grandpa William let out a long sigh.

"You should ask the Grandmaster in the broadcast. He will give you a satisfactory answer."

At this moment, there were already countless people tipping in John's broadcast room.

The National Husband William tipped John ten airplanes.

Message: "Damn, after waking up, the religious leader actually became a god."

Anthony Boxing Club gave ten large airplanes.

Message: "Thank you for letting me see the most exquisite and profound Holy Light Sword. Please accept my three bows."

Electric Donkey gave twenty large airplanes.

Message: "My Master admires the religious leader's Holy Light Sword skill very much. He said that if the religious leader is free to come to the capital, he must come to the Holy Light Sword Club."

After Electric Donkey finished speaking, she gave another ten large airplanes.

Message: "This is a small token of my appreciation. I beg the religious leader to enlighten me."

After the Electric Donkey finished speaking, a netizen with the ID named 'Fighting Maniac' gave another ten large airplanes.

Message: "I beg the religious leader to enlighten me."

Following that, there was a new wave of rewards. One big plane after another was sent out, forming a neat bullet screen.

"Religious leader, please enlighten me!"

"Religious leader, please enlighten me!"

"Religious leader, please enlighten me!"


John looked at the live broadcast room. Countless netizens were looking forward to his answers.

He smiled. His longsword still trapped the sparrow.

Then, John pointed the camera at his longsword and began to answer the questions.