Obtaining Crystal Cores

Many targets of various distances had already been erected in the testing room, and Lorne was surrounded by them. Not only were there stationary targets, but there were also moving targets.

He slowly raised the Desert Eagle and began to move quickly.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Following a series of gunshots, bullet holes appeared on the targets in the testing room. After a minute, Lorne stopped.

The targets that had seemed to be in better shape earlier were now in tatters, and Lorne had emptied two magazines.

Lorne looked at the damage he had caused in the past minute and was shocked. He could not believe that he was so powerful. This system was really magical.

After such a series of strengthening, Lorne's confidence had exploded. If he were to compete with the previous monster, he could kill it easily.

After a short rest, Lorne walked out of the testing room.

The moment Lorne saw Whitey, it flapped its wings and flew towards Lorne.

"Are you hungry?" Lorne asked Whitey, who was rushing towards him.

"Chirp chirp…" Whitey began to cry anxiously when it heard Lorne's question.

"If you're not hungry, what is it?" Although Lorne did not know what Whitey meant, he could tell that Whitey was not hungry.

Lorne, who had been thinking carefully for a long time, still did not understand what Whitey was trying to convey. At this moment, Whitey looked a little helpless.

"Language barrier is a terrible thing," Lorne thought in frustration.

"Whitey, I might have to go out for a period of time. I'll leave the food in the living room. If you're hungry, go and eat by yourself. Wait for me to return."

After hearing Lorne's words, Whitey began to scream again. It even pulled at Lorne's clothes with its claws and flew towards the door.

Looking at Whitey's series of actions, an idea seemed to flash in Lorne's mind as he thought of what Whitey wanted to say.

"Do you want to go out with me?" Lorne asked Whitey.

Whitey jumped up and down happily after seeing Lorne finally understand what it meant.

"It's very dangerous outside. There are many terrifying monsters." When he confirmed that Whitey really wanted to explore with him, he said to Whitey solemnly.

The Whitey could sense the doubt towards its strength in Lorne's tone, so its gestured with its claws to show that it was very strong.

Lorne was a little amused when he saw the way Whitey kept showing off its muscles. However, Whitey's appearance was really not intimidating. In Lorne's eyes, Whitey looked cute instead.

Seeing the disbelief in Lorne's eyes, Whitey flew angrily to the table in the living room. Then, its claws suddenly sank and swiped forward, creating five deep scratches on the table.

The smile on Lorne's face froze when he saw this.

This time, Whitey flew to Lorne and chirped happily.

"Whitey, be careful. Don't cut me," Lorne said with a trembling voice as he looked at Whitey whose paws were on his hand.

Whitey looked at Lorne with a proud expression.

"Since you're so powerful, let's go out and explore together." After seeing how powerful Whitey was, Lorne did not object to it.

Maybe after he goes out, Whitey will still be his capable subordinate, Lorne thought to himself. He stroked Whitey who was standing on his arm and sat on the sofa to rest.

Should he recruit some helpers in this world? Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to escape if he encountered a large group of mutated creatures in the wild alone.

This thought couldn't help but appear in Lorne's mind.

However, he soon gave up on this idea. In this world, the hearts of people were often the hardest to guess. If the person he found was an ingrate, wouldn't he be asking for trouble if they secretly plotted against him?

After resting for a while, Lorne packed some food, carried his guns, and brought Whitey out.

Walking out of the shelter, Lorne noticed that the trees nearby had become healthier, and there were even some faint green marks on the ground. Although the weather was slowly turning cold, these trees were growing in opposition to nature.

Whitey seemed to be very accustomed to this environment. It was not surprised by this situation. The originally hot weather had already become very cold.

Lorne walked carefully in the bushes. He had to pay full attention to this unfamiliar environment to prevent himself from falling into danger due to the sudden unexpected situation.

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from ahead. It sounded like an animal chewing on a tree.

This made Lorne, who was still moving forward, suddenly stop. Then, he slowly bent down and slowly walked forward.

After passing through three bushes, he walked to the back of a tree and looked ahead. Sure enough, he saw a few animals that looked like goats ahead. They were looking for food beside the roots of a huge tree.

Their horns were very sharp. When they lowered their heads to eat, their horns would rub against the tree from time to time which was the sound that Lorne had heard earlier.

These goats should have mutated. They were nearly 1.5 meters tall, and the horns on their heads looked scary, making one's scalp turn numb. Anyone struck by the horns would either die or be injured.

Lorne could clearly see the huge tree from where he was. Just by being rubbed by the sheep's horns, a few huge scars appeared on the tree.

Moreover, that was not the most important thing. The goats should be very fast. He wondered if they would turn from herbivores to carnivores after mutation. If they targeted him, he would not be able to escape.

Lorne thought about the gains and losses. If he attacked now, he could take advantage of the fact that the goats had not discovered him and use his powerful gun arts to annihilate them.

There were only five goats in total. With his shooting speed, as long as he shot the five goats in the head, he could easily obtain five crystal cores.

But if he failed to hit one and was discovered by this goat, and it charged towards him quickly, he might be injured or even die if he could not dodge in time.

"What a tense and exciting situation." Lorne licked his lips and thought to himself.

He slowly removed his rifle from his back and began to adjust his breathing. The skill he had purchased from the system gave him great confidence, and he decided to give it a try.

In fact, there was a trace of madness in Lorne's bones. In the previously peaceful world, due to the suppression of the law, he had suppressed the madness in his heart.

But after the world changed, he began to have other ideas. He wanted to become stronger and control more power. Perhaps one day, he would become the designer of the rules of this world.

He raised his head and confirmed the location of the few goats. The goats had yet to realize that death had enveloped them, and were still leisurely eating their last meal.


Lorne's body instantly tensed up, and he kicked the ground. In an instant, he appeared in the sight of the goats. Then, he raised his gun and pulled the trigger slightly.

After five gunshots, the few goats fell to the ground.

After realizing that he had succeeded, Lorne began to pant heavily. That moment seemed to have been extremely fast, but if he had made a single mistake, what awaited him was the various piercing attacks of the goats.

Sweat kept flowing out of Lorne's body, drenching his clothes in a short while. Those actions had exhausted a lot of his stamina. Fortunately, the gunfighting skills did not disappoint him.

After slightly restoring some strength, Lorne walked to the corpses of the goats, planning to take out their crystal cores.