Using the Crystal Core

The corpses of the few goats were sprawled on the ground. One of them still had some plants in its mouth.

"System, where are the crystal cores of these animals?" Lorne asked the system in his mind.

"Normal creature cores will form in the brain. You can search for them yourself." After hearing the system's reply, Lorne took out a dagger and began to search the goat's head.

Before long, Lorne found a hard object. He took it out and saw that it looked like crystal. It felt a little warm on his hand. He washed it with water, and the entire crystal core glowed with a faint purple light.

So this was a crystal core. He did not expect such a thing to appear in the heads of animals. This world had really become magical.

"System, how many points can these crystal cores be exchanged for?" Lorne asked the system.

"A level one crystal core can be exchanged for 200 points," the system replied.

"Level one crystal core? Does it mean there are level two, level three, and higher leveled crystal cores?"

"Yes, the evolution level of each creature is equivalent to the strength of the creature. The higher the crystal core level, the stronger the creature will be."

"Then what level is my current strength?" Lorne asked curiously when he heard the system's classification.

"Combining all the host's strength, the host should be able to face a level 2 creature."

"Why am I only at level 2? I can kill five level 1 creatures alone. How can I be only at level 2?"

When Lorne heard that the system only rated him as level 2, his complacent mind was instantly drenched in cold water.

"Host, you need to know that not all level one creatures are harmless goats."

"Goats are a type of herbivore. Even though it has mutated and has powerful offensive power, its character is still docile. As long as others don't actively attack the goats, they usually won't attack others."

"Moreover, the advantage of a goat is its speed, but its defense is not very high. If the host encountered a wild boar today, the situation would be far different."

After hearing the system's words, Lorne's arrogant heart slowly calmed down.

Indeed, if he had not been hiding in the shadows and had faced the goats head-on, he might not have won. This world was still too dangerous. Lorne's desire for strength increased.

"System, can I absorb this crystal core to increase my strength?" Lorne thought of what the system had said before. Humans could also rely on crystal cores to increase their strength.

Furthermore, there was a possibility of obtaining supernatural powers. After obtaining the crystal core, Lorne got this thought.

Buying a superpower from the system cost 500,000 points. He might as well try his luck and obtain one by absorbing the crystal cores.

"Yes, you just need to eat this crystal core. If you don't die, your physique will improve. If you don't die after absorbing 10 level 1 crystal cores, you might gain superpowers."

"What, there is a risk of death? And the superpower will only appear after I absorb 10 crystal cores?" After hearing the system's reply in his mind, Lorne asked in fear. He temporarily suppressed the thought of absorbing the crystal cores.

"The host needs to know that everything in this world has a corresponding price. If you want to obtain powerful abilities without paying any price, then you have to use yourself as the cost. You have to have the courage to face death."

"Yes, I understand." Lorne slowly understood what the system meant.

Indeed, there was no free lunch in this world.

"Then, if I want to absorb this crystal core, do you have any suggestions to keep me from dying?" Lorne thought for a moment and asked the system.

After all, he had the system now.

"The host can buy a level 1 body strengthening potion to reduce the risk of death, but it will still be very painful when absorbing the crystal core. I hope the host can consider it carefully."

"System, give me a level 1 body strengthening potion," Lorne said to the system through gritted teeth. Other people had to sacrifice their lives to obtain any progress, so what could some pain be considered as?

"Is the host sure? A level one crystal core can indeed increase the host's strength. But if the host's willpower is not firm during the absorption process, there is a possibility that the host will become an idiot."

"Host, do you want to think about this carefully? The host can rely on his own abilities and slowly accumulate points. 500,000 points for superpowers. This method is safer."

"No need. Time waits for no man. By the time I accumulate 500,000 points, this world will have already become unrecognizable to me. Give it to me," Lorne replied firmly.

Under Lorne's insistence, the system deducted 1,000 points from Lorne's balance and exchanged for a bottle of body strengthening potion. Lorne looked at the green potion in his hand and could feel the abundant medicinal power inside.

"System, should I eat the crystal core or drink the body strengthening potion first?"

"Drink the strengthening potion first, and then immediately put the crystal core in your mouth. As long as you endure the pain, you will realize that your physique will have greatly improved."

"However, the host has to maintain a conscious state during the absorption process and cannot fall unconscious. If you fall unconscious, the amount of medicinal power absorbed will greatly decrease."

After listening to the system's explanation, Lorne understood the danger of this matter. He sat cross-legged on the ground and slowly adjusted his state. He wanted to recover to his peak state before using the crystal core.

After resting for fifteen minutes, Lorne got Whitey to hide on a tree ten meters away from him to prevent any accidents from disturbing him. Then, he prepared to take the crystal core.

Lorne held the strengthening potion in one hand and the crystal core in the other. He took a deep breath, then raised his head and drank the strengthening potion. After that, he quickly put the crystal core into his mouth.

Miraculously, after the crystal core entered Lorne's mouth, it slowly became soft and dissipated in his mouth.

Ten seconds later, Lorne began to twitch. He felt as if his body had been splashed with sulfuric acid. His internal organs were corroding bit by bit, and the pain was slowly increasing.

At this moment, he felt like millions of ants were fighting for territory in his body and gnawing on every part of his body.

Just as Lorne felt that he was about to collapse, a strange energy began to circulate in his abdomen and slowly washed over his body.

Just like a warm stream, the strange energy spread throughout his body, and the pain was gradually lessening. He heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that the level 1 body strengthening potion was beginning to work.

Various expressions constantly appeared on Lorne's face, but all of them were due to pain.

With the help of the body strengthening potion, Lorne persisted for an hour. However, the pain in his body did not seem to be disappearing. Instead, it was very tenacious and was constantly destroying his body.

Lorne felt that two-thirds of the energy of the strengthening potion had been consumed, and it was still being consumed.

He did not know if he could finish the absorption of the crystal core before the strengthening potion's effect disappeared.

But the current situation was no longer up to him. He could only continue persevering in order to obtain a new life. Otherwise, only death awaited him.

Another half an hour passed. The pain in Lorne's body still did not disappear, but he could feel that the effect of the level 1 body strengthening potion was about to disappear.

After a minute, Lorne's face became even paler. The power of the level 1 body strengthening potion had been exhausted, and he could only rely on his willpower to resist the pain.

"I want to become stronger." Lorne gritted his teeth and shouted. The desire to become stronger made him persist despite the pain.