Raising Strength Again

Another four minutes passed. The pain in his body was still torturing Lorne. He felt like his body no longer belonged to him.

However, in this process, he felt his willpower slowly strengthening. He treated the pain as a tool to temper his willpower.

Another six minutes passed. Lorne suddenly felt the pain in his left hand begin to slowly weaken, and then he realized that his entire body did not seem to hurt as much anymore. This discovery instantly ignited endless hope in his heart.

Immediately after, the pain in Lorne's body started subsiding like a tide. Then, an energy began to repair and nourish his body.


During the repair process, Lorne felt very comfortable, making him cry out.

"This feels awesome."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully absorbing the energy of a crystal core. Your current strength can be considered strong among level 2s." At this moment, the system appeared.

"System, wasn't I already level 2? There are strong and weak levels in level 2?"

"Of course. No creature's strength can be assessed just by its level."

"Just like the level 1 goat that the host killed before. It can only be considered the weakest among level 1 creatures. If this level 1 goat were to encounter a level 1 tiger, the outcome would be obvious."

"Oh, I see." Lorne understood after hearing the system's words. It was indeed like this. Different creatures had different combat powers.

"Then, how powerful is my current strength?"

"You can punch this tree in front of you. Remember to use your full strength." The system did not answer Lorne's question.

Lorne was puzzled by the system's words, but he still punched the tree in front of him.

He believed that the system would not harm him. After all, if his hand broke, he would definitely ask the system to give him a bottle of body strengthening potion to repair his body.


After Lorne punched with all his might, a loud sound was heard, and a huge hole appeared in the tree in front of Lorne.

"System, was this caused by me?" Lorne looked at the huge hole in front of him with disbelief in his eyes.

"This was indeed caused by the host," the system replied firmly.

"I became so powerful just by absorbing a crystal core? This level 1 crystal core is awesome." Lorne was also a little excited when he saw the huge damage he had caused.

"Absorbing the level 1 crystal core cannot increase the host's strength by so much, but the host absorbed it together with the level 1 strengthening potion which constantly changed and improved the host's physique."

"The increase in strength is only so great when the two complement each other. However, such a large increase is also because this is the first time the host is using the crystal core. The increase in strength after this might only be half or less." The system explained.

"Oh, so that's how it is. I thought that absorbing one crystal core would have such a huge increase. Then after absorbing ten, wouldn't I be able to fight a hundred people alone?"

After hearing the system's explanation, Lorne realized that he was thinking too much. However, he was very satisfied with the improvement.

"After absorbing a crystal core, the host needs to rest for 5 to 10 days to absorb the next crystal core. This is to ensure that the host's willpower will not dissipate because of continuous absorption."

After knowing that Lorne was going to use the crystal cores to obtain superpowers, the system provided him with the most reliable plan to increase his strength.

Lorne then tested his speed and found that his speed was comparable to the agile short-legged monsters he encountered the first time. Moreover, his speed seemed to be slightly faster than those monsters.

"System, give me basic combat arts."

After obtaining a huge improvement in his physique, the first thing he wanted to do was to master this power as soon as possible so that he could fully display its power.

"A wise choice." When the system heard that Lorne was going to buy the basics of combat, it praised him. Even if Lorne did not mention it, the system would suggest purchasing various combat-related skills.

After all, if he had strength but did not have a technique to match it, then he would only be able to display 50% of his strength. It might even lead him into danger.

After Lorne paid 100 points to buy the basic combat arts, a lot of knowledge about combat appeared in his mind. He stood still and digested this knowledge.

Lorne's body also changed slightly after learning the basic combat arts. Now, his body was firm and strong as if he had trained in combat since young.

He realized that although it was written as basic combat arts in the store, the knowledge it contained was very useful. Furthermore, it was very powerful.

"System, why is this?" Lorne asked the system.

"The system's pricing and naming criteria are based on the average price and data of the entire universe. There are countless lives and civilizations in the universe, and this basic combat arts is the most basic."

After hearing the explanation from the system, Lorne understood. These combat arts might be very profound on Earth, but they were only at the most basic level in the universe.

"I will become stronger, and one day, I will experience all kinds of dazzling civilizations and conquer them." After hearing the system's description of the civilizations, Lorne could not help but yearn to travel the universe.

"Whitey, come here." Lorne calmed himself down and looked around. He realized that Whitey was silently guarding him. He was touched.

After hearing Lorne's words, Whitey also realized that Lorne had woken up. It quickly flew towards Lorne and landed firmly on his shoulder. Then, it began chirping at him.

Seeing Whitey like this, Lorne smiled and slowly stroked its head.

Whitey suddenly pecked Lorne's hand and kept crying out to him.

Lorne realized that Whitey was pecking at his hand that was holding the remaining crystal cores.

"Do you want these crystal cores? Can you also absorb these crystal cores?" Lorne asked Whitey in a doubtful tone.

After hearing Lorne's question, Whitey nodded at Lorne, indicating that it wanted these crystal cores.

"Will it be dangerous for Whitey to absorb these crystal cores? Will it cause great pain like what happened to me? Will its life be in danger?"

After confirming that Whitey really wanted these crystal cores, Lorne did not give them to it immediately. Instead, he asked the system if these crystal cores would cause any harm to Whitey.

Whitey was the only family member that Lorne had now. He did not want Whitey to be hurt.

"After the system's examination, although it is currently unknown what species Whitey is, there is no doubt that it can absorb these crystal cores. Moreover, it would not be accompanied by huge pain."

"System, this is how unreliable you are. You don't even know what species Whitey is. What makes you so sure that it can absorb these crystal cores?" Lorne seemed to be dissatisfied with the system's answer.

"Although the system can't detect what species Whitey is, it can detect a hidden energy in Whitey's body. This energy is protecting Whitey. Therefore, the energy from the crystal core is not enough to harm Whitey."

So that was it.

"Then I'll give it to you, Whitey." When he heard that Whitey's life would not be in danger from absorbing the crystal cores, Lorne happily gave the remaining crystal cores to Whitey.

After all, he could not absorb the crystal core again so quickly. Furthermore, in the coming days, he could continue hunting for the crystal cores.