Searching for Meteorite Fragments

The two mice were not afraid when they saw Lorne. Instead, they kept staring at him with blood-red eyes. Perhaps because they had bitten many people in the past few days, they felt that humans were not that scary anymore.

A mouse growled and pounced on Lorne. Lorne did not panic.

In the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps the mouse was very fast, but after eating a crystal core, Lorne felt that the mouse's speed was only about one-third of his.

Just as the mouse was about to reach Lorne, Lorne moved forward with the dagger. He accurately stabbed the mouse's head and instantly killed it.

The other mouse was frightened after seeing its companion being easily dealt with by Lorne, so it turned and fled.

But how could Lorne let the prey escape right before his eyes? He threw the dagger with all his strength, and the tip of the dagger accurately pierced through the rat's brain and nailed it to the ground.

It had to be said that the dagger produced by the system was really f*cking hard. Lorne pulled the dagger out and found that the blade had not chipped after piercing into the floor.

After collecting the crystal cores of the two mice, Lorne summoned Whitey and continued exploring.

He planned to explore the east side. He had a feeling that the east would bring him something good. He felt that this premonition was quite magical.

"System, what's wrong with me? Why would I have such an idea?" Lorne felt that something was wrong, so he asked the system.

"Because the host has accepted the mission to search for meteorite fragments, as long as a meteorite fragment appears near the host, the host will produce a similar reaction. Please rest assured, there is no harm to the host."

The system quickly replied.

"Oh, I see. I have to hurry then. I don't want anyone to get it first," Lorne muttered to himself as he looked to the east.

"Whitey, let's go. Full speed ahead."

"Captain, why do you think we have to search for the meteorite fragments? It's these meteorites that made our lives so tragic, and we have to search for them now?" A law-enforcement team member complained to their captain.

"Because the energy in the meteorite fragments can help us better deal with this apocalypse. Moreover, this apocalypse is not just about the crashing of the meteorites, it also brought about other changes."

A researcher in the team explained to the complaining member.

"What changes? Researcher Lin, do you have any insider information? Can you tell us?" The other members asked the researcher.

"This kind of meteorite fragment can help us develop stronger weapons. The disaster caused by the meteorites is not just limited to now. According to the monitoring results of the research room, the seaside is not too calm."

"There might be a tsunami. Also, haven't you noticed that the weather is getting colder? This is not the weather that should happen in this season. The cold wave is here, and we might have to live through the Ice Age for a while."

"And there are the suddenly appearing monsters and mutated creatures."

The researcher did not hide anything from the team members and told them what he knew. After all, those who were selected to join the law-enforcement team were undoubtedly loyal to the country.

"Yes, those mutated creatures are really troublesome. Remember the first time we encountered them, we had to sacrifice a few teammates to capture one."

A senior law-enforcement officer who had fought with mutated creatures also expressed his opinion.

"So the world is already so dangerous? Then is there still hope for us?"

The junior law-enforcement team member who asked the question earlier heard everyone's explanation and realized that the world had already become so dangerous. He immediately panicked about the future.

"Cale, pull yourself together. Don't forget that you're an enforcer. You should protect the people behind you, not lose confidence in the future like now."

The captain of this law-enforcement team seemed to be shaken when he saw the junior member losing confidence and shouted at him.

"Yes, captain. I will protect the people." After the captain's reprimand, the fear towards the future in Cale's heart dissipated. Instead, it was replaced with determination to face the future.

"Aren't we all working hard for the future? Furthermore, the higher-ups have already suggested measures to deal with these disasters. We can't give up hope no matter what."

"Meteorite fragments are an important resource for the research institute to create weapons. That's why we came out to search for these meteorite fragments." Seeing that the young man seemed to be affected by his words, Researcher Lin comforted him.

"Then we have to speed up the search for the meteorite fragments." Cale became motivated.

The others were also infected by this younger guy and were much happier.

"Found it!" After another ten minutes, the detector in the researcher's hand suddenly rang.

The other enforcers were energized when they heard this.

"Great, we finally found it."

"This is awesome. Will our team be the first team to gain something today?"

The law-enforcement team members who were scattered around also gathered beside the researcher. Researcher Lin pointed at the meteorite fragment ten meters in front of him.

Everyone was shocked by the meteorite fragment in front of them.

The meteorite fragment quietly lay in a small hole 3-4 meters ahead. It was a diamond-shaped meteorite fragment. Its entire body glowed with a dark blue light, attracting everyone's attention.

"Is this a meteorite? This is too beautiful."

"Why are the meteorites I saw before so ugly and dark? Why does this meteorite look like a gem?"

"So beautiful."

"Does this meteorite have radiation?"

"According to the research institute, the meteorites that landed this time created such beautiful fragments."

"It's different from the meteorites we have obtained in the past. Furthermore, there is no radiation, but it contains huge amounts of energy. This has puzzled the research institute." The researcher explained.

"Bring the device to store the meteorite," Researcher Lin said to a law-enforcement team member.

"Researcher Lin, why are we using this device and box to store the meteorite?"

After finding the meteorite and completing the mission, the law-enforcement team relaxed. One of the law-enforcement team members asked Researcher Lin.

"Because after our examination, we found that the surface of the meteorite fragment has a huge temperature. If you touch it with your hand, it might burn through your protective suit. Therefore, we need a specific device and box to preserve the meteorite fragments."

"But the magical thing is that the meteorite fragments don't affect the surrounding temperature. It's just that its surface has a high temperature."

Because he had found the meteorite fragment, Researcher Lin was very willing to explain their doubts.

"Excuse me, I want this meteorite fragment. Can you give it to me?"

Just as the enforcement team member was about to place the meteorite into the box, a voice suddenly came from behind.

The law-enforcement team quickly turned around and pointed their weapons at the person who made the sound.

The person who had spoken behind them was wearing a special protective suit.

This person was Lorne who was searching for the meteorite fragments. Although he had moved towards the meteorite fragment at an extremely fast speed, he did not expect that someone would be faster than him.

Therefore, when he saw that the people in front wanted to put away the meteorite fragment, he shouted at them.