Obtaining the Meteorite Fragment

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?" A group of law-enforcement officers shouted at Lorne while pointing the guns at him.

Meanwhile, Researcher Lin was staring at the protective suit on Lorne in a daze.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I need this meteorite fragment. Can you give it to me?" Lorne did not care that the law-enforcement officers were pointing guns at him. Instead, he repeated his request.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Put your weapon down now, or I'll shoot." The captain of the enforcement team did not comment. Instead, he pointed his gun at Lorne.

"I don't want anyone to point a gun at me. I just want you to set the conditions for this meteorite fragment."

Lorne did not seem to care about the threat of this law-enforcement officer. With his current strength, as long as he moved, the other party's gun would not be able to keep up with his speed.

With no one answering his question, Lorne began to walk towards the law-enforcement officer holding the meteorite fragment.

Bang! Seeing that Lorne ignored their warning and continued moving forward, one of the law-enforcement team members pulled the trigger.

Lorne was enraged to see they dared to fire. He quickly dodged the bullet, and then his right foot suddenly kicked the ground, approaching the law-enforcement officer who had fired at him.

Lorne slapped the law-enforcement officer, and sent him flying.

The law-enforcement team member's protective suit was blown up by Lorne's slap, and his jaw tilted to the side. Blood flowed out of his mouth without stopping.

"Now that I want to take this meteorite fragment, do any of you have any objections?" Lorne said coldly to the group of law-enforcement officers.

The captain of the law-enforcement team saw that Lorne was actually so fast that he had sent one of his team members flying before he could even react. He could not help but feel shocked.

"Put down your guns." Seeing Lorne's strength, Researcher Lin immediately asked the law-enforcement officers to put down their weapons.

"You consumed the crystal core?" Although Researcher Lin asked Lorne, his tone said that he was sure of it.

"You actually know that crystal cores can be consumed?" Lorne's interest rose slightly. He had originally wanted to use the information of the crystal cores being consumable and able to increase their strength in exchange for the meteorite fragment.

He did not expect that there was someone among this group of people who knew that crystal cores could be consumed. This meant that at least one of them had consumed a crystal core and obtained an increase in strength. This made Lorne change his attitude towards them slightly.

"Yeah, we officials know that consuming the crystal core can increase your strength, but I didn't expect someone outside to know this method. You're really a brave person…"

This researcher clearly knew how painful it was to take the crystal core. Furthermore, he also understood their current situation and wanted to use the name of the government to intimidate Lorne and prevent him from acting rashly.

"Can you give me the meteorite fragment now?" Lorne was not surprised that the government knew that they could consume the crystal cores.

After all, the government was quite powerful. If they did not understand the changes in the world, there would be no hope for this world.

However, they had actually come up with a way to make people endure the pain of consuming the first crystal core. It seemed that the government was slowly gaining the ability to establish themselves in this world.

Lorne did not think about anything else and repeated his previous request to Researcher Lin.

"Sure," Researcher Lin said to the law-enforcement officer who was holding the meteorite fragment.

"Researcher Lin, why are you handing it to him? It was not easy for us to find this meteorite fragment." The law-enforcement officer holding the meteorite fragment could not help but panic when he heard Researcher Lin's words.

"You have to understand that I am the highest leader of this team."

When Researcher Lin heard that the law-enforcement officer wanted to resist his orders, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He knew clearly in his heart how terrifying a human who had consumed the crystal core was.

"Follow the order." The captain of the law-enforcement team saw that his teammate had yet to understand the situation and could not help but feel anxious as well. He knew that this person in front of him was someone his team could not fight against.

Moreover, it seemed like Researcher Lin knew some inside information. Although he did not want to hand over the meteorite fragment, he could only listen to Researcher Lin now.

"It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders." The law-enforcement officer took the device and placed the meteorite fragment in the box. Then, he walked to Lorne and handed the box to him unwillingly.

"Thank you." After obtaining the meteorite fragment, Lorne was a little excited. He thanked the group of law-enforcement officers and turned to leave.

But after taking a few steps, Lorne suddenly turned back.

"What else do you want?" Researcher Lin, who had seen Lorne leave, immediately tensed up when he saw Lorne walk back and shouted at him.

"Don't be so nervous. Seeing that you're so cooperative, I'll give you a piece of information."

"What information?" The person in front of him was not here to silence them, Researcher Lin relaxed again and was very interested in the information that Lorne was talking about.

"Since you already know that the crystal core can be consumed, you should also know that consuming the first crystal core will cause great pain. You must rely on external forces to alleviate the pain. Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to hold on."

"Yes, that's right. Could it be that you have a way to ease the pain of consuming the crystal core?" Researcher Lin agreed when he heard Lorne's words. At the same time, he spoke about his inner expectations.

"Don't think too much. I just want to tell you that after taking the first crystal core, you can take the second crystal core in ten days. Moreover, when you take the second crystal core, the pain will only be half of the first crystal core."

Lorne's message extinguished Researcher Lin's expectations.

"Then, will the pain from consuming the crystal cores become smaller and smaller?" Researcher Lin was not disappointed to hear something else than what he wanted.

Instead, he asked another question. This person seemed to know a lot about using the crystal core. Researcher Lin wanted to know as much information as possible.

"This is the main part of my information. The pain from consuming the crystal cores will decrease gradually, but when you consume the tenth crystal core, the pain will increase by a lot. It will even be much more painful than the first time you consume the crystal core."

"However, after consuming the tenth crystal core, the person will experience a transformation. It's not an exaggeration to call it an earthshaking change. This is the information I want to tell you."

With that said, Lorne turned and left, ignoring Researcher Lin's shouts.

Researcher Lin did not chase after him, because he knew that if Lorne wanted to leave, he would not be able to make him stay.

Instead, he stood on the spot and lowered his head to think about the information Lorne had given him, as if he wanted to confirm the authenticity of the information.

"Why did Researcher Lin give the meteorite fragment to that person?" The others also asked Researcher Lin after seeing that Lorne had walked far away.

Their questions interrupted Researcher Lin's thoughts.

"Because even if all of us attack together, we are no match for him. If we fire at him, the only thing waiting for us is to lie on the ground as corpses."

Researcher Lin gave his answer to the law-enforcement officers.

"How is this possible? How can there be such a strong person in the world?"

"Yeah, can't we deal with him together?"

"Then did you see the speed at which he sent your friend flying?" Faced with everyone's doubts, Researcher Lin asked the most direct question.

Everyone fell silent when they heard Researcher Lin's question. They could not reply. They still remembered Lorne's speed.

"Is it related to the crystal core?" The law-enforcement team leader had heard the conversation between Researcher Lin and Lorne.