Encountering a Crackpot

"Yes, the crystal core can increase a person's attributes to an extremely powerful level, but there is also great danger in it."

Researcher Lin explained to the captain.

"Can we be as powerful as that person?" The young law-enforcement team member, Cale, asked. He was the most shocked about Lorne's strength.

"The research institute will soon recruit people from our internal department to bestow this power. If you go back and hear the news, you can register first. The selection criteria should be met, but there is a risk of losing your life."

Researcher Lin answered with what he knew. In any case, even if he didn't say it now, they would know after they returned to the base.

"Alright, let's go back and bury his corpse." Researcher Lin no longer paid attention to the silent crowd. Instead, he pointed to the law-enforcement officer lying on the ground.

When the originally silent crowd heard Researcher Lin's words, they remembered that they still had a team member lying on the ground.

"Captain, he's still breathing. It seems like his mouth only turned a little crooked."

A law-enforcement officer was about to carry his teammate who was lying on the ground and bury him somewhere. However, after checking, he realized that his teammate was still breathing. He immediately reported it to his team captain.

"Really?" The captain thought that his team member had died, but he didn't expect that he was still alive. Regarding the crooked mouth, with the medical facilities in the base, he would be able to recover immediately.

"It seems like this person has no ill intentions towards us officials." The captain relaxed a little. After seeing Lorne's current strength, if they were to fight him, they would undoubtedly end up dead.

"After successfully consuming the crystal core, you can also become as strong as him." Researcher Lin saw that the captain was a little afraid of Lorne and explained to him.

"Alright, let's go back! Rest well when we return. I'll report today's situation to the higher-ups when we return," Researcher Lin said to everyone.


After obtaining the meteorite fragment, Lorne planned to leave the city center and return to his shelter.

The two sides of the road were almost completely filled with ruins. It was unknown if there were any other private shelters other than the government shelters.

As Lorne continued walking, he noticed that the door of a gas station's convenience store was locked.

Lorne was wary. The convenience store in such a gas station was usually kept open 24 hours a day, but now, it was closed. It was obvious that someone did this.

He also noticed that the gate of a supermarket opposite the gas station was open. There were a few monsters surrounding a shapeless corpse, biting it with all their might, and eating its organs.

Blood splattered from time to time. Lorne's eyes turned cold as he walked towards the group of monsters.

The monsters at the outermost edge also looked in Lorne's direction when they heard a sound. After seeing Lorne, they all bared their teeth and grinned in his direction.

These monsters were not like the foreign monsters that Lorne had seen before. Instead, they were mutated dogs.

However, unlike the harmless creatures before, the mutated creatures had their mouths so wide open that they were about to crack their heads. Some spikes had also grown out of their bodies.

Their eyes shone with a bloodthirsty light. It seemed that eating human flesh had aroused their ferocious nature.

Soon, a mutated dog charged out first. Lorne took out the Desert Eagle and aimed at the mutated dog's head.

Just as the dog was about to reach him, Lorne pulled the trigger and blew up its head. Then, he fired at the remaining mutated dogs.

After hearing the gunshots, the survivors from the convenience store also looked out through the glass door.

The mutated dogs charged at Lorne one after another, but he did not panic. The power of gun combat was that in a crowd fight, there was more space for you to attack.

The mutated dogs that were about to pounce on Lorne were all shot in the head. More and more mutated dogs fell to the ground.

The survivors in the convenience store were shocked when they saw Lorne's performance.

They knew how powerful those mutated dogs were. Previously, they had four people and built a personal shelter beside the supermarket.

A few days after the disaster, they found that there was no movement outside. The supplies in the shelter were almost finished.

The four of them wanted to go to the convenience store to get some supplies. When they were leaving the convenience store, they found the mutated dogs.

At first, the four of them weren't aware of the power of the mutated dogs. While one of them was trying to scare the dogs away, the dogs suddenly pounced on him and bit his neck.

Frightened by the powerful mutated dogs, the remaining three quickly ran back to the convenience store and closed the door, avoiding the disaster. Among these three, two were a couple, and one was a middle-aged man.

"This person is so powerful. Let's go and join him," the middle-aged man among the three survivors said to the couple.

"But will he take us in?" The boyfriend asked.

"That should be the case. As far as I know, such experts usually have the mentality of protecting the weak. As long as we pretend to be pitiful in front of him, he might bring us along and even use his full strength to protect us."

"If there's no other way, Liz, go and tempt him. He will definitely fall under your skirt," the man said to his girlfriend.

"Ino, what are you talking about? Don't you love me? How can you tell me to seduce another man?" The woman was unable to believe that such words came from her boyfriend.

"Liz, open your eyes and look at this world. This world is no longer the world we were familiar with. The apocalypse is here, what love are you talking about? What we need to do now is to guarantee the safety of our lives as soon as possible."

The gentle and doting boyfriend she had known before had disappeared. It was as if she was seeing his face for the first time.

While they were talking, Lorne had already finished off the mutated dogs and was digging out the crystal cores on them.

Although the middle-aged man did not know why Lorne was squatting on the corpses of the mutated dogs, he could tell that the battle was over and that it was safe outside.

The man immediately opened the door of the convenience store and quickly ran over to Lorne.

"Hey, friend. Hello, I'm a refugee here. Can you take us with you? We've been here for several days, and we haven't seen anyone from the government. Can you bring us back to your shelter?"

Lorne watched as an unfamiliar man ran out of the convenience store and said something ridiculous.

Lorne rubbed his ears to see if he had played too much with the Desert Eagle and was having an auditory hallucination. How could this stranger ask him to take him to his shelter? Where did his confidence come from?

"Could you repeat what you just said?" Lorne thought for a moment and decided to give the man a chance. If he treasured it, Lorne could spare him from death.

"Friend, can you help us survive in this world? Can you bring us to your shelter? We will be very grateful to you." The man repeated his words.

After listening to the man again, Lorne was sure that this man was a lunatic.

"Why should I bring you to my shelter? Why should I feed you with my food?"

"You're so strong, shouldn't you be protecting us? Don't you have any morals?"

The man replied self-righteously with a hint of blame in his voice.