*Quick intervention guys from me the Author itself. " is used for dialogues verbally and ' for thoughts and mind dialogues*

In a world where powers exist through the fall of a (not very big) meteor on planet Earth in the year 1980, pieces of this meteor began to be sold on the black market and used by governments and big companies. The number of people with powers only increased since just touching a piece of the meteor, the person has a chance that some power is manifested within themselves or that they just die of radiation.

2 years after the fall of the meteor, an alien race called Hatrekius arrives on Earth, starting the first great war. The whole humanity united to fight an army of Hatrekius and thus managed to win a war that lasted 2 Earth years.

6 years after the first big war a girl named Zaitra Anderson is born to a couple of a hero and a war heroine named Jorge Anderson and Kelsa Anderson. In 2005, 15 years after her birth she ends up touching a piece of the meteor that her parents had saved because there isn't much of the meteor left after the great war, so after she touches the meteor nothing happens and she is thoughtful not understanding why nothing happened.

"I must be very unlucky or very lucky that I touched the meteor and nothing happened" grumbles Zaitra.

So she leaves the room where the meteor piece was kept in her house and goes to her room to lie down, while she is lying looking at her ceiling full of drawn stars she is wondering when her power will manifest since both parents have powers, and these powers are hereditary and usually manifest themselves when a human is 15 years old, but she didn't give up hoping that one day she would have some power. Jorge Anderson war hero who holds the title of Silver Sprinter as his power is fast enough to beat the speed of sound up to 4 times, Kelsa Anderson war hero who holds the title of Infernal Warrior as his power allows him to create flames and control flames as you wish.

The next day Zaitra wakes up and goes to have breakfast with her parents in their mansion far from humanity on an island near South Korea, she sits at the table and her father asks:

"Daughter... has your power already manifested?"

"Stop pushing her Jorge!" says Kelsa looking at Jorge.

"No, Mom, it's okay...and no, my power hasn't manifested yet" says Zaitra, smiling falsely so she doesn't show her sadness to her mom and dad.

Jorge unable to contain his anger because the power of his daughter didn't have manifested yet, gets up from the table and calmly goes to his garden to scream with rage. Zaitra upon hearing and seeing this scene, gets up from the table without having even touched breakfast and goes to the bedroom. After a few minutes had passed and things had calmed down, Zaitra felt a strange sensation inside her and then with her left hand she created a bright and burning flame for ordinary eyes, she then ran to her huge garden with an expression of immense joy yelling .

"I HAVE POWER! I HAVE POWER!" shouts Zaitra with joy.

Her parents without understanding all this noise, follow her to the garden and after realize what is happenning they are happy that her power has finally manifested, she then creates again a flame with her left hand showing that so far her power is equal to her mother's, but they didn't expect for something that was going to change their lives.

"You inherited my power daughter!" says Kelsa.

Her father Jorge wasn't too happy about it until Zaitra ran to her parents to hug them in less than 1 second. Her parents are surprised to find that she has inherited both of the powers.

"Daughter, you inherited my speed too!" says Jorge with an expression of astonishment and joy.

She then realizes that she has also inherited her father's power and turns to even more happier, until a few seconds after she stops hugging her parents, they realize that a cut that was made on her right arm a few days ago has completely healed.

After telling her parents that she touched the meteor piece and that maybe this is the cause of her third power which was cell regeneration at a very high level, they decided to train their daughter so she could learn to use her powers of best possible way. While training with her mother to learn how to use her power to create flames and control the flames as she wishes, Zaitra's mother realizes that her daughter's flame is different, that her flame is more intense, stronger and brighter than its own flame. During training with her father they decide to bet a race to the coast of South Korea and who wins the race is Zaitra using only 30% of her speed and surpassing her father who was using 50% of his speed, making it clear that his daughter was born to be the most powerful among human beings.

2 years after training with her parents, Zaitra receives an invitation from the South Korean Guild called Hunters. Her family then goes to the Guild Headquarters, which was a huge building, which was expected from the third largest Guild in the world, after entering the Guild Headquarters, the Anderson family is welcomed by Guild Leader Zachary Kol, guardian of the war hero Golden Sprinter title, because his strength was the same as his friend Jorge Anderson and former teammate in the first great War, who was the one who got in touch with Zachary to talk about his daughter. After spending a few minutes talking the 2 children of Zachary Kol, Max and Goutou both 20 years old, challenged Zaitra to a battle.

"You shouldn't be everything our parents think" says Max, looking at Zaitra.

"I think we should fight and see if you are what our parents are saying" Goutou said with an evil smile.

"If beating you makes you happy, then I'll fight you both at the same time!" says Zaitra with an expression of arrogance.

Both parents of Max, Goutou and Zaitra agree with the challenge proposed to Zaitra. Both brothers are Rank A Rankers with Max being a sprinter and Goutou having the power to create ice and control as he pleases. After everyone arrives at the huge Guild gym the battle starts with Max going up and doing a feint in front of Zaitra just to scare her while Goutou throws an ice spear in Zaitra's direction purposely missing his head just to frighten Zaitra , but Zaitra stands still with a bored expression as if they are nothing to her.

"Just letting you know that we're Rank A Rankers and that we're going to teach you a lesson and show you that you're the tedious one here because you're so weak" says Max looking at Zaitra.

Meanwhile Jorge and Zachary talk.

"If your sons beat my daughter I'll finally join your Guild!" says Jorge with a serious expression.

"So I see after all these years you can't get enough of betting Jorge" says Zachary with a smile.

Zaitra then lets both brothers hit her. After being hit squarely by 2 Rankers Rank A attacks she is thrown around the gym full of blood and cuts all over her body, both brothers start laughing in contempt until she stands up with all the cuts healed and no scratches on her body.

"Is that all you guys have?" asked Zaitra.

"Don't be thinking just because your power is cell regeneration, I actually think you can be a good sparring partner!" says Goutou with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Who says my power is just that?!" says Zaitra with an expression of extreme arrogance.

Both brothers are at a loss to understand what she meant, Zaitra on the other hand takes advantage of this opening and goes over Max surpassing his speed using only 30% of her speed and strengthening her whole body with flames she makes an incredible attack hitting Max's legs and arms leaving him on the ground unable to move, she then turns quickly without letting Goutou have time to defend himself and throws a kick to his ribs leaving his suit on fire and two broken ribs. Thus ends the fight with Zaitra's victory, Zachary is in shock without understanding what happened and at the same time makes an offer to hire Zaitra for the Hunters Guild.