3 days passed after Zaitra was hired by the Hunters Guild and then she was called to go to the office of Zachary the leader of her current Guild.

"Zaitra! Please come in and have a seat so we can talk" says Zachary with a smile on his face and a cheerful voice.

"Sorry but… what should I call you?" asks Zaitra.

"You can call me Zachary" replies Zachary.

"Okay!" says Zaitra.

"Let's get right to the point!" says Zachary.

Zachary then starts telling the story of the first great war, which was a very bloody and arduous war that lasted 2 years.

"I remember like it was yesterday! Me and your father running and killing hundreds of Hatrekius troops, who were pretty tough by the way, but still not superior to our prime! The fiercest sprint duo on earth" says Zachary with a expression of joy on his face.

"I remember some stories my father used to tell me when I was little" says Zaitra.

"Well, after the war it took humanity 6 years to recover from the damage it caused... so in 1990 the Guilds and the ranking system were created which in the beginning was to create warriors strong enough to defend the land in case of another war, then the governments of each country got together to create the regulations and etc, where anyone who has a power or not can take the ranking assessment to become a Ranker and then work for the Guilds that are the governments" says Zachary.

"But why are you telling me all this?" asks Zaitra.

"Because you young lady, joined our guild and will be doing the ranking evaluation tomorrow" replies Zachary.

"But then how many Ranks are there?" asked Zaitra.

"There are some… starting with Rank E, after that we have Rank D, Rank C, Rank B and Rank A, these are the Rankers, after the Rankers we have the High Rankers whose categories are Rank S, Rank SS and Rank Z which it's the highest" says Zachary.

After Zachary explains to Zaitra the ranking system and some of the history she leaves his office and then goes to the gym to train and prepare for the ranking evaluation, during her training she meets a Ranker Rank A named Maria whose power is getting the size of a 15 meter high building and a Rank B Ranker named Lovent whose power is to predict 5 seconds into the future.

"You must be Zaitra right?" asks Lovent.

"Yes it's me" replies Zaitra.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Lovent and this is my friend Maria" says Lovent.

"We heard that you've humiliated Zachary's kids and that you're going to take your ranking assessment tomorrow so we've decided to meet you and wish you good luck in the assessment tomorrow!" says Maria.

"Thank you so much! I'm new here so if you can help me later with your customs I would be grateful" says Zaitra.

Zaitra then trains a little with both of them, after they finish training Zaitra and their new friends go to dinner and rest.

Then comes the big day of Zaitra's ranking evaluation, arriving at the entrance to the evaluation gym where it's packed with reporters awaiting their arrival after learning that the daughter of Jorge and Kelsa Anderson both retired Rank S war hero and heroine has won a fight against the 2 Rank A sons of Hunters Guild leader Zachary Kol Retired S Rank War Hero, They were crazy about this scoop, the reporters crazy about this unprecedented scoop didn't stop photographing Zaitra and asking thousands of questions. But Zaitra is escorted to the gym to make her assessment, entering the gym she comes across an evaluator named Sung Tou, scientist and chief assessor of South Korea's ranking system.

Meanwhile in Japan at the Techs Guild headquarters scientists and scholars keep researching and studying Hatrekius technology where they collected much of it off the coast of Tokyo where there were remnants of the first great war, Techs Guild leader and renowned war hero Tomyun Mioka holder of the title of Scarlet Lightning, whose power is to create and control waves of electricity at will descends to sublevel 20 to follow the researches and studies more closely, arriving there his chief scientist named Gyiu Hatz informs him that they are progressing very well and that they discovered how to decipher their language and technology and thus manage to manipulate and very perhaps recreate the type of technology used by this alien race.

"I see my investment in your team is not being wasted Mr. Gyiu" says Tomyun looking at Gyiu.

"Of course sir! My team is the best in the world, but what worries me the most is that it seems to them that time passes differently" says Gyiu, showing a clipboard with images.

"How so?" asks Tomyun.

"As you can see here in this first image, the devices they used in their ships to count time would be on a small scale, so through some tests done on the interfaces of their ships that were still working, we were able to realize that the entire first great war that lasted 2 years here on earth, for them it lasted about 2 hours…" replies Gyiu with a worried expression.

"So it means that time for them compared to ours goes slower... interesting... what else did you discover?" asks Tomyun.

"That apparently the "Army" that we fought in the first great war was just a squad of them and that we have approximately 5 years until 2 more squadrons of them reach the land, what we managed to decipher is that it looks like they are trying to conquer the land for some reason related to the fall of the meteor" answers Gyiu.

"So that means we don't have much time… what about the meteor?" asks Tomyun.

"We still can't say much about the meteor sir, but it looks like it's not from our dimension" replies Gyiu.

Tomyun then goes back to his office and there he spends about 20 minutes thinking about the things he heard from Gyiu and decides to set up a secret meeting with all the Guilds. Tomyun then calls the Guild Leaders, first he calls Hunters Guild Leader Zachary Kol of South Korea, then he calls Red Flower Guild Leader John Krain of Canada, then Guild Leader of White Eagle Marcus Bolst from the USA, until he manages to call all the leaders of all the Guilds and set up an urgent and secret meeting.