Zaitra then finishes the ranking evaluation and earns the High Ranker Rank S license because in the aptitude test she didn't do very well, after leaving the evaluation gym she goes back to the Hunters Guild Headquarters and goes to her room upset by her Rank.

"If I knew the aptitude test would be so difficult I would have studied…" grumbles Zaitra looking at her bedroom ceiling.

"Miss Zaitra, could you come with us for a moment?" asks 2 strange men at her bedroom door.

"And who are you and what do you want with me? Don't tell me you regret putting me in such a low rank and will let me retake the test?!!" asks Zaitra with an expression of joy and irony on her face.

"We are Rankers Rank A Miss Zaitra. Master Zachary has sent us to escort you to an urgent secret meeting with the leaders of all the Guilds that will take place in 20 minutes…" respond the Rank A Rankers of the Hunters Guild.

"Finally something that looks fun around here! okay, I'll go with you guys" says Zaitra.

They then escort Zaitra to sub-level 15 of the Hunters Guild Headquarters where Zachary is sitting in an armchair, in front of him is a huge screen where the video conference meeting will be taking place and on his right side is the strongest High Ranker Rank Z in the world. South Korean Hatsu Sung Young whose powers are to amplify his physical abilities to an extreme level, fly breaking the sound barrier and have a partial bestial transformation where he only transforms his arms and legs.

"Zaitra you've finally arrived! Come and stand to my left side, the meeting is about to start" says Zachary.

"All right sir!" says Zaitra.

In the mean time Zaitra looks to Hatsu and think.

'So this is the strongest High Ranker in South Korea and the world!'

After a few minutes the meeting starts with all the Guild Leaders around the world. Tomyun Mioka Leader of the Guild Techs of Japan starts the meeting by briefly talking about what he was told by his Chief Scientist Gyiu Hatz, after he finishes speaking the Chief Scientist Gyiu takes the turn and then explains in more detail the results of his research and studies on Hatrekius technology and the meteor so far. At the end of the meeting all leaders reach a consensus and decide to assign 2 members of each Guild and create the Alpha Squad that will have a total of 5 divisions, where each division will be led by a High Ranker Rank Z and who will lead the Alpha Squad will be the renowned War Hero Joseph Morgan holding the title of Supreme General whose power allows him to be the best strategist in the world. So then the Alpha Squad was created, which will be the 1st squad of Guilds worldwide where it will be subject to be summoned in case of major catastrophes like the first big war, having direct investment from all the Guilds they will have 5 years to prepare for the second big War against 2 squads of the alien Hatrekius race.

"Listen! You still have 1 month until the Alpha Squad headquarters is built, so until then I want you to train her Hatsu, at least the essentials" says Zachary.

"Okay boss!" says Hatsu.

'Being coached by the strongest High Ranker in South Korea must be an honor!' thinks Zaitra.

"When do we start training then?" asks Zaitra.

"First let's go to an area away from the city and the people, we'll be back in a month Boss" answers Hatsu.

Hatsu then takes Zaitra to an area completely removed from civilization in South Korea, an area full of vegetation, mountains and animals that know how to differentiate very well who is the strongest there. Hatsu then starts explaining some things to Zaitra.

"Can you at least tell me what differentiates a Z-rank from S and SS-ranks?" Hatsu asks.

"Knowledge" answers Zaitra with an expression of confidence.

"Correct! Which surprises me since you got ZERO on the aptitude test of the rating assessment, I watched your skills and powers test and I'll tell you something, you're only Rank S because you have 3 powers. And even though you have 2 powers really strong, you barely know how to use them even if you have parents like yours," says Hatsu with a scolding expression.

"Well… that's kind of true" says Zaitra with an expression of shame.

"Since we've made this clear let's start with training! First you will just use 1 power until you master it, starting with your flame power, you can create flames and control the flames as you wish so you can for example fly transforming your feet and hands on thrusters, if you train hard you can use more than that and propel your entire body like a giant thruster covering your entire body with flames" says Hatsu.

"It makes sense!" says Zaitra with a serious expression.

"Next, you should train by covering your entire body with a thin layer of flames but making this layer extremely latent turning into a second skin of flames, so you'll keep your body light and resistant at the same time. You should also train how to release a huge burst of flames as if your hand were a cannon, but for this you must regulate the opening of your hand because the more open the greater the explosion but the smaller its reach, the same with your feet, but with the feet you can regulate the distance and size of the blast by rotating your kick, for example imagine a 180 degree arc, if you want a short range but long range blast you can gather energy and release when your foot comes in 90 degrees into this arc and quickly locking your foot in that position so the explosion has an exact direction, if you want a large scale explosion for short distance you can gather energy and release constantly while you rotates 180 degrees quickly and accurately," says Hatsu.

"I think I understand" says Zaitra.

"Finally you can make fast, strong and precise attacks by blasting behind your joints precisely to gain enough momentum for your attack to be effective, and to improve the effectiveness of the attack you must train to keep your second skin ablaze all the time to get your body used to it, so over time you can leave the second skin more and more porwerfull" says Hatsu.

"A question, can my cell regeneration power have any use for attack?" asks Zaitra.

"Yes, you should train your control over your healing power, as it is a power at the cellular level it means that is very fast so if you train your concentration enough you might be able to gradually overcome your physical limits while healing quickly yourself will increase your endurance and duration in battle. Simplifying, you must train through destroying your own body with intense training and the moment you self-destruct you self-build and make your healing almost instantaneous, you also have to improve your reflexes in combat on the external and internal of your body, but rest assured that this part will be easy since I'll be training you and I won't take it easy on you!" says Hatsu with a frightening aura.

'He really is scary when he wants to be!' thinks Zaitra.

"But wouldn't it be easier for me to use my speed boosting power to boost my reflexes?" asks Zaitra.

"You must first learn to survive without this power of yours, so instinctively you don't depend on a power because there are beings that can temporarily disable powers, I at least know High Rankers that disable 2 powers at most at the same time, so against you they would be forced to turn off your healing and speed powers as they give you the most advantage, so you must master and learn to manage with at least your flame power so that you can use your healing and speed powers as support powers and not totally depend on them" replies Hatsu.

"Got it!" says Zaitra.

"Let's start training then!" says Hatsu with an expression of one who is going to have a lot of fun.

So Zaitra spends 1 month in hell itself, they train relentlessly every day, she on the other hand is easy to learn things but she is being trained by High Ranker Rank Z Hatsu Sung Young the most skilled and cruel warrior of all.