Right after the meeting Zaitra is about to start her training with Galgus who explains some things about her powers that Hatsu told him and that he notices while she trains.

"Zaitra... I imagine you know that I am a user of cosmic flames (or cosmic fire) do you know the difference between normal and cosmic flames?" asks Galgus.

"From what I remember is that cosmic fire doesn't need oxygen to exist and it's a power where it resides in stars like our sun for example" says Zaitra.

"Correct but there is a detail, as you don't need oxygen to exist, I can create wherever I want. But let's start training, first let's make you become semi-immortal by meditating in a place that has a high pressure like a vacuum , while meditating you will be training your concentration and cell regeneration ability making it stronger and faster, so let's go to the vacuum room" says Galgus.

"Okay!" says Zaitra.

Arriving in the vacuum room Galgus explains a few more things to Zaitra.

"I forgot to mention, but while you meditate and train your regeneration I want you to train your second skin of flames or as I prefer to call "aura of flames", as I will be training you it will be easier to understand. The aura of flames is a somewhat "simple" technique that requires a lot of concentration where you envelop your whole body with an aura of flames that will improve your physical abilities such as defense, endurance, speed and strength. Think of the aura of flames as an extension of your body" says Galgus.

"It makes sense!" says Zaitra.

"I will start with a weak vacuum level, as the days go by we will increase the vacuum more and more to increase the pressure and with that you strengthen your powers, body and techniques through a high pressure environment, you will also be training with Telos martial arts in a gravity room to also strengthen you body and etc" says Galgus.

"Okay" says Zaitra.

"Let's start then, as soon as I leave the room you will have 2 hours of meditation to get used to the room vacuum pressure at 10%, after that you will have to do 500 push-ups, 500 squats, 500 sit-ups, you might think that it will be easy for you to be able to increase your speed, but with a high pressure around you it won't be simple to start" says Galgus.

Zaitra's training in the vacuum room begins.

In the meanwhile Hatsu talks with Galgus while Zaitra meditates with his aura of flames active.

"Tell me Hatsu, how was this 1 month training her?" asks Galgus.

"Oddly enough she really learns things fast, of course she has very strong and useful powers... but I thought she couldn't take the fight part of training, but she didn't give up even being defeated countless times one after the other, and during the course of things she was learning to control each power a little more organically, if I may say so, it was even a little scary the way she evolved without stopping" says Hatsu.

"If you were to compare her flame to mine, how would you compare?" asks Galgus.

"Well… I've already had the opportunity to see her mother's flames Kasel and hers too, but the weird thing is that Zaitra's flames look like they're a mixture of normal flames and cosmic flames" says Hatsu.

"In fact cosmic flames end up being stronger than ordinary flames, but if there is a flame where it's a mixture of both… hmmm, if I went to the origin of each type of flame then the cosmic flames would end up being brighter, denser and hotter than normal flames, but normal flames end up being more volatile and easier to master and use, so if I'm right she can manage to have both aspects of her flames we can say that she is the first High Ranker to own hybrid flames" says Galgus.

After Zaitra finishes meditating and training in the vacuum room she goes to the gravity room to find Telos who is waiting for her to begin combat training.

"Glad to meet you, I'm Telos! I don't think we've had time to talk before, but my brother and I use weapons manipulation which means we're like "Gods" but in a human body" says Telos.

"I'm delighted to meet you, I've heard a lot about you two and how amazing your power is, and it really is a power of practically a god" says Zaitra.

"Okay enough talking and let's go to training, I'll increase the gravity 2x so you can just use your regeneration power first, meanwhile I'll teach you some postures and ways that will facilitate your victory in combat especially against Hatrekius who are beings with more than 1.90 cm tall and a tough body, but your weak points are usually in the heads and joints, as you are 1.80 cm and have already fought with the Hatsu which is 2.05 cm so the enemy's height shouldn't be a problem" says Telos.

(Both brothers Delos and Telos are 1.98 cm tall, Galgus is 1.85 cm tall and Zaitra is 1.80 cm)

They then train for about 5 hours. Upon completion of combat training with Telos, all High Rankers are summoned by the Supreme General to the strategic room where he defines the divisions.

"Since everyone is already present, let's start with the definition of the divisions. 1st Division will be Galgus, Thomas, Nelson, 2nd Division will be Shun, Pedro, Otoni, 3rd Division will be Daniel, Tao Min, Márcia, 1st Division Assault and Infiltration Division will be Delos, Hatsu, 2nd Assault and Infiltration Division will be Telos and Zaitra" says the Supreme General.

"Why isn't Hinata in any division sir?" asked Zaitra.

"Miss Hinata will be our means of communication from the base to you, she will also be in charge of communicating the great mass of people in case of necessary evacuation or related orders" answers the Supreme General.

The meeting ends after the Supreme General gives some more orientation and activity schedules.