1 year passed and Zaitra continued training with Telos and Galgus to get stronger and stronger, but she ends up reaching the limits of her body.

"Zaitra let's take a break for now!" says Galgus from outside the vacuum room.

The vacuum room then shuts down and Zaitra leaves the room talking to Galgus.

"But today I thought we were going to make me train in 60% vacuum, did something happen?" asks Zaitra with a confused expression.

"Actually it happened Zaitra. Your body doesn't support more than 60% of your current power, more simply, as you increase your flame power in particular your flame aura more intense it is due to the characteristic of the cosmic flame that unfortunately us human beings don't have the toughest body, in my case it's different because i can use a mimicry technique where I can transform myself into cosmic flames completely, but in your case your flames are hybrid so you can't completely transform into flames" says Galgus.

"So you mean I'm getting so strong that my body can't take it, but my healing ability can't make up for it?" asks Zaitra.

"Unfortunately yes, your healing won't be able to heal you if your whole body is disintegrated by its flames, your healing can only be activated if any part of your body exists, if your body is disintegrated you won't be able to heal..." replies Galgus with a serious expression.

"I get it master… so what am I supposed to do?" asks Zaitra.

"You should just train your super speed power from now on, because your flame power has reached the limit your human body can handle, and unfortunately there is no material that supports your flame power above 60%, your power currently surpasses mine but I would beat you because of the resistance, I can use 100% of my power which is 60% of your power because I can turn into flames so I can stand much longer, since you can't transform, your maximum time using 60% of your flame power would be approximately 30 seconds before being desintegrated" answers Galgus.

Zaitra then goes rest and take the day off.

Meanwhile in the meeting room Tomyun talks with Guild leaders and the Supreme General about a "Discovery" of his research team on Hatrekius technology.

"According to my chief scientist's report, using a frequency pickup used by Hatrekius as it was used to find out if there were any troops remaining in the solar system, another similar frequency of frequencies of the 2 remaining squads of Hatrekius was discovered, so we decided to send a probe in space to better capture the frequency, and thanks to this probe it looks like it's another Hatrekius squad, and also through this probe they communicated with us saying "Our army may just be these 3 remaining squads but we'll take what we came to get it" implying that they probably came after the meteor that fell on our planet" says Tomyun.

All the members present there are frightened into silence, but the Supreme General stands up and takes the floor.

"And you think Alpha Squad has been training this whole time for what? No matter how many come, we're going to win this war" says the Supreme General.

Then the meeting ends and all Squadron members are summoned to the strategic room and are informed about the third squad of Hatrekius and their message to the humans, but none of this discourages them, it just makes them more willing to fight and win the war to come.

More 3 years passed, thus 1 year before the arrival of the 3 squads of Hatrekius on earth, the Alpha Squad increased in size receiving 3 more High Rankers Rank Z from the Hunters Guilds and Kingdom Knights who were Jung Wong High Ranker Rank Z whose powers are air manipulation, super strength and super endurance, Todd Crave Rank Z whose power is total electricity manipulation able to create and channel electricity from the body and control other sources of electricity, Michael Crave Rank Z whose power is ice manipulation and these 3 formed the 4th Division of Alpha Squad. Zaitra continued to train her super speed power which was still a little weak as she didn't train this power much compared to her flame power, but she still managed to learn new skills and improvements like intangibility, super fast attacks, improved stamina and endurance , improved reflexes, improved agility, using 60% of its speed it surpassed the speed of light and slow motion world which is a skill that while the user is moving at an extraordinary speed the environment around him is in slow motion however this skill requires a lot of stamina and for her to maintain the speed needed to activate the slow motion world she would need a lot of stamina, and use more than 60% of her flame power to hold out for at least 1 min in the slow motion world , but that didn't discourage Zaitra as she intends to use her super speed power as a support power or secondary power.