Soon after the arrival of the new members, everyone gathers in the training area which is a giant room giving a good freedom for everyone to train as best as possible. Then Delos suggests an initiation battle for the newcomers against Zaitra who was the youngest there. volunteered to see how strong the newcomers were.

"On behalf of the entire squad we welcome you! And why not do battles to see how strong and skilled the rookies are?" says Delos with an expression of great happiness.

"I'll volunteer! I was wanting to loosen up my muscles a bit since today Telos decided to sleep all day long" says Zaitra as she lifts her left arm and a huge smile on her face.

"Great! Letting you guys know that Zaitra is the youngest, if you get your asses kicked by her which will probably happen hahaha, we'll mock all of you forever!" says Delos to the rookies while making an evil smile.

Then everyone moves away while Zaitra and Wong prepare in the center for battle.

Hinata and Hatsu make a bet meanwhile.

"I bet $1000 dollars that she will win easily this firts fight!" says Hinata looking to Hatsu.

"If she looses or win with difficulties i win" says Hatsu to Hinata.

"Deal!" says Hinata

Finally then the battle will start.

"On my signal! 1, 2, 3... FIGHT!!" shouts Delos with great enthusiasm.

Wong then flies up to Zaitra with a very quick maneuver and unleashes a powerful blast of air from his left fist while standing above her, Zaitra easily dodges his attack using intangibility while stretching and laughing at him.

"Intangibility is not worth Zaitra!" says Galgus.

"I didn't know there were rules" grumbles Zaitra.

"Now I see why Delos thinks you're strong, but that won't be enough!!" says Wong as he does another maneuver over Zaitra.

This time he maximizes his attacks by boosting his arms and legs with his air manipulation, so he launches a flurry of punches and kicks very quickly, but he didn't know all of Zaitra's powers so she easily blocks his quick and strong attacks using the aura of flames in armor mode, or as she named it…

"HELL ARMOR!" yells Zaitra as she blocks Wong's attacks.

"GRRR! I didn't know you had flame power, this is getting interesting" says Wong as he unleashes an unstoppable barrage of punches and kicks at Zaitra.

"Just so you know I'm using 10% of my flame power! I don't even need to use that much power to block your attacks" says Zaitra.

She then breaks Wong's defense and resolves to increase her power to 20% causing massive air pressure and throwing Wong across the training area knocking him unconscious and winning the first battle.

"What the hell was that??!! The air pressure changed so fast, almost like Galgus and Hatsu were fighting for real!!" says Nelson with a startled expression.

"That was me just changing from 10% to 20% of my power" replies Zaitra with an arrogant smile.

"I expected no less from my apprentice!! Hahahahaha" says Galgus with a smile on his face as he hugs Zaitra.

"Finally she got really strong, she might even rival me in power now" says Hatsu.

"Sounds like I bet $1000 dollars that she would win!" says Hinata while looking at Hatsu.

"Okay okay i'll pay..." grumbles Hatsu.

"Easy guys... let's start the next battle which will be between Zaitra and Todd" says Delos.

Zaitra and Todd prepare for battle after Nelson heals Wong.

"I won't be easily defeated like Wong as i know your powers," says Todd with an arrogant expression pointing at Zaitra.

"That we'll see!" says Zaitra with an even more arrogant expression.

Zaitra then using her super speed power moves so fast that Todd can't even react and then she unleashes an attack between his shoulder and neck making him pass out, all in 1 second.

"Looks like I won again" says Zaitra as she slowly walks out and prepares for the next battle.

"It's scary how strong she got, all thanks to Telos, Galgus and Hatsu… just thinking about how cruel they must be gives me creeps" says Marcia with an expression of fear.

Telos wakes up in his room with the impression that someone is talking about him and goes back to sleep after a few seconds.

"We should start the last battle then..." says Delos.

"This is going to be interesting since Michael Crave is the strongest ice handler that ever lived, let's see how this battle goes" says Shin with an excited expression.

"Let's see if you're that strong Michael" says Zaitra.

So Michael starts using his aura of ice and increasing his power to 40% which generates a huge pressure and intense cold in the environment around him. Zaitra responds with her aura of flames increasing her power to 20% creating a huge pressure and intense heat in the environment around him and so both powers collide causing an uncomfortable feeling for the others although the high pressure was not a problem for some the temperature change was making most of them very uncomfortable, Zaitra then wants to see how far he goes and increases her power to 40% and quickly forcing Michael to increase his power to 80%.

"How far can you go?" asks Michael scared.

"You want to find out, so use all your power" answers Zaitra with an extremely arrogant and provocative expression.

As strong as both are, the 2 can be considered the other's weakness for elemental reasons but Zaitra's flame was a Hybrid flame and she still had her super speed and cell regeneration powers which gave full advantage over Michael, however Michael didn't give up easy and increased his power to 100% forcing the environment around him to an extremely cold temperature, below -50 degrees Celsius easily but that's not enough to stop Zaitra, she boosts her power to 55% which it was already deteriorating her body so she used her healing power to the fullest at the same time and then with so much power, pressure and 2 extremes of temperature colliding so fiercely and intensely that the training area itself began to deteriorate little by little and the external climate of the base such as inside the water wich where the base was located and outside the water began to change drastically causing extreme atmospheric changes for example, the polar ice caps thawed completely and froze back in a matter of seconds and with it causing huge waves through the ocean and interfering with the surrounding ecosystem, destroying and rebuilding everything around since most of Antarctica is made up of huge glaciers.

Zaitra increases her power to 57% showing complete dominance over everyone there and further destroying the environment around her forcing Márcia Taliari to create a porwerfull force field around the 2 to avoid a major catastrophe but Zaitra ends up destroying the powerfull force field of Marcia thus showing that she is the strongest there and that she will get even stronger, however she gets too excited and ends up increasing her power more and more and luckily before she reaches 60% and kills herself, the Supreme General arrives in the area of training accompanied by two soldiers screaming fiercely.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF BY PURPOSE ZAITRA?" shouts the Supreme General with an expression of pure rage.

Like everyone else, Zaitra ends up getting scared and has her flame power temporarily nullified along with Michael having his ice power being also temporarily nullified by the soldiers who are beside the Supreme General.

"You guys give me a lot of work you know, but still my congratulations for getting really strong Zaitra, it shows you will reach the top. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU NEED TO KILL YOURSELF!!!" says the Supreme General.

After the last event both Zaitra and Michael had to clean the toilets for 1 week, and Delos who encouraged them had to go a week without listening to j-pop as he is so addicted. 1 year then passed and thus 5 days left for the remaining 3 Hatrekius squadrons to arrive on Earth.