Meanwhile on the Hatrekius 3rd Squadron ship which is the mother ship, their leader named Bolgor finds himself in a dark room talking to a glowing sphere that is inside a vault being protected.

"We're almost to earth my Goddess" says Bolgor as he looks at the sphere.

"I felt a powerful presence coming from the earth, I feel it could be a great successor" says the mysterious voice coming out of the sphere.

"A human my Goddess?" Bolgor asks.

"I know humans are meant to be weak, but that doesn't matter anymore as she seems to be perfect for my plan" says the mysterious voice.

Back on earth, in Zaitra's room as she sleeps wearing her lava girl sleep mask, a mysterious voice comes to her mind.

'What do you want my child?' asks the mysterious voice.

"What? Who are you?" asks Zaitra.

'I am a Goddess' answers the mysterious voice.

"How can I trust you?" asks Zaitra.

'I can show you some memories of mine' answers the mysterious voice.

The mysterious voice that claimed until then to be a Goddess showed some memories to Zaitra, these memories were of a Goddess conquering planets and destroying planets, and beside this Goddess was the Hatrekius race with hundreds of squads, then she shows memories of some strange beings that appeared to be other Gods using some kind of artifact on this Goddess destroying her body and leaving only a glowing sphere.

'Do you believe me now child?' asks the mysterious voice.

"I believe since I wouldn't have all that creativity and almost no one knows about the Alpha Squad's underwater base so I find it difficult for any telepath to do that" replies Zaitra.

'So I ask you again, what do you want my child?' asks the mysterious voice.

"What do I wish…? Well, I wish to become the strongest and most powerful of all, but don't get me wrong I will become by using my powers" replies Zaitra.

'Funny you say that since the meteor that fell was part of an artifact of mine that was destroyed and lost a long time ago…' says the mysterious voice.

"So you mean everything that's happened so far is because of you?" asks Zaitra.

'Not because of me but because of those who betrayed me in the past' answers the mysterious voice.

"Right… but why do you want to know what I wish? To me that doesn't make much sense as it seems the Hatrekius are a race devoted to you and they once waged war with humans and are about to do it again, being rational I don't see any sense in anything here" says Zaitra.

'You really believe that the memories I showed you are mine, why?' asks the mysterious voice.

"Intuition!" answers Zaitra.

'Hmmm, you look more interesting than I thought' says the mysterious voice.

"Thanks... i guess" says Zaitra.

'It's decided then! I will make a full contract with you' says the mysterious voice.

"One what?" asks Zaitra.

'A complete contract is when a deity "merges" with this other living being and then they become 1 being with 2 origins' says the mysterious voice.

"What is an origin?" asks Zaitra.

'An origin is the essence of the living being, however you need to be directly connected with the energy flow that works as a kind of "Magic" that allows some beings like deities and others to see another universe within the universe, in a simpler way. as if you suddenly started wearing 3D glasses, you would notice the world differently, you would notice some things that you normally can't see or perceive' says the mysterious voice.

"So I could assume that "Magic" exists but it's something even we humans with powers can't see or feel?" asks Zaitra.

'Yes, because the powers of you human beings was an anomaly created by the artifact called Divine Catalyst that had the function of storing powers and sealing them, but even though it was partially destroyed and lost by the cosmos, you got powers even though it had no connection with magic' says the mysterious voice.

"I get it, but then how does this complete contract ultimately works?" asks Zaitra.

'By accepting the contract, we will basically be merged and you will have access to my memories and my body will become your body, and you will also be immortal just like me' says the mysterious voice.

"But if you're immortal why don't you have a body anymore? And why do you need to make a contract with me?" asks Zaitra.

'Because my immortality is a little different, my origin cannot be destroyed but my body can even though it was tougher than the toughest material in existence and also because I never had healing powers, but in the end i can just make a full contract and guarantee my full existence to someone if that person meets some requirements' says the mysterious voice.

"And what are these requirements?" asks Zaitra.

'Well, to have a capacity for growth and power greater than your own body, and to have some power similar to the deity and it seems that you meet these 2 requirements since your flame power is hybrid flame and my power is also of hybrid flames, but the full contract has a risk that maybe our origins don't assimilate and you die, but my intuition says that won't happen' says the mysterious voice.

"All of this sounds like a good idea but this risk… I'll just trust your intuition as my intuition says to trust your intuition" says Zaitra.

They then make a full contract succeeding in assimilating origins by making Zaitra enter a path that will be filled with intense adventures and a whole new universe.