Zaitra spent the rest of the night traveling through the memories of the then Goddess who never had a name as she was always called the Supreme Goddess, but since she was betrayed and devastated she can no longer be called the Supreme Goddess so Zaitra decided to name her as she spent the rest of the night traveling in her memories and talking to her.

(Una can only speak with Zaitra through her mind, so for others Zaitra's appears like someone talking to herself)

"I was thinking about calling you Una!" says Zaitra.

'Maybe, I don't think that name is bad' says Una.

"I'd also like to know what's going to happen from now on… I mean… we're kind of one, but I can feel a desire for revenge coming from you" says Zaitra.

'Yes, I have a desire for revenge that I've been cultivating all this time… but since I've found someone as interesting as you, I feel that my revenge will eventually happen' says Una.

"Got it… changing the subject, how much knowledge I ended up getting from you! It's really amazing, but I wonder if my body will change that much" says Zaitra.

The next day then arrives and thus only 4 days before the arrival of the 3 Hatrekius squadrons.

Zaitra wakes up and gets out of bed and then goes to the big mirror in her room and realizes that her body is "bigger", her breasts got a little bigger and firm equally with her ass and her imperfections and scars created by the intense trainings are gone, Zaitra also feels her body lighter and stronger at the same time, but what she ends up paying attention to just a while later is that her hair has turned red, completely red.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BODY???!!" yells Zaitra confused.

'That… my hair was originally red, over time I changed its color to brown' says Una.

"I get it… not that it got bad… but it's just that everyone around me will notice and ask questions!" says Zaitra apprehensive to leave her room.

'Just tell them the truth and everything will work out' says Una.

"It's not like it's that simple!" says Zaitra relatively scared.

"Well… you, I mean… we command the race of Hatrekius so there's not much to worry about" says Una.

"But weren't you after the meteor?" asks Zaitra.

'We were however the plans have changed since I ended up finding you! We were looking for the meteor to check what powers were still sealed inside it, but it looks like there's none left since you humans stole it' says Una.

"What do you mean we stole?! It's not our fault if the lady "Supreme Goddess" lost her position and had her precious item destroyed and lost" says Zaitra.

'You're right… I'm sorry Zaitra' says Una.

"Why are you talking to me so informally? Before you would talk to me like I was a child or something" says Zaitra confused.

'I ended up adapting to your mind and body, so we ended up tuning in… And it's better to talk as well, I've never liked to speak so formally but compared to me you're a child yes! You've just been born I've got more 300 thousand years' says Una.

'You're too old! Hihi' says Zaitra mocking Una.

'Hmph!' grumbles Una slightly embarrassed at being called "too old".

30 mins passed and Zaitra finally decided to leave her room after having breakfast, she then heads to the training area where almost all the members of the squad were talking and training. Once there, everyone is startled to feel a frightening presence coming from the door that connects the main corridor where the dorms are located to the training area, and as soon as the door opens and a completely different Zaitra walks through the door everyone feels an instant immense pressure emanating from her. Something that no one there had felt, as if they were all insignificant beings next to that person who were entering the training area, but then Telos realizes that this person is Zaitra, somewhat different from before but he can feel that it really is her.

"ZAITRA IS IT REALLY YOU?!" yells Telos looking at Zaitra not knowing what to think.

"Zaitra? What do you mean Zaitra?" Marcia asks completely confused.

"Actually it's Zaitra but she's completely different!" says Hatsu.

"I agree with Hatsu" says Delos.

"Y-Yes… it's me…" says Zaitra slightly embarrassed.

Everyone goes to Zaitra confused without understanding anything and then she explains what happened to everyone present there and then to the Supreme General leaving everyone even more confused but a little relieved to know that apparently there will not be a second great war with the Hatrekius.