Still in the meeting room Zaitra and Una explain some things about the Divine Kingdom, the Divine Catalyst and Magic.

"Simply put, the Divine Kingdom works like a building with several floors and each floor is a universe that by itself has a "God" who is the ultimate authority on each floor, but because of ancient wars some floors lost their Gods, leaving several universes without "Owner" and these floors are called the Lost Universe" says Una speaking through Zaitra.

"Interesting, but what about the Divine Catalyst?" asked the Supreme General.

"The Catalyst was a request i made to God Glocknar who is the blacksmith of the Gods, primarily the origin of the "powers" comes from the Divine Masters who were the first Gods in history thus passing their powers to their apprentices and family, but because of from the last war in the Divine Kingdom i wanted to seal the powers of the Divine Masters that i defeated to use as trophies, so i got it… but a while later i was betrayed and the Divine Catalyst destroyed and lost by the "Cosmos" or set of Lost Universes" says Unite.

"But why did you never have a name?" asks Galgus.

"Because my father was the first Supreme God, the Divine Master of Flames and i was the only one to inherit his full power… the hybrid flames, so from my birth i was called the Supreme Goddess as my father crowned me as the new Supreme Goddess after i turned 5 years old and after the coronation he decided to retire" says Una.

"I get it… but what about this "Magic"?" asks Telos.

"Magic is basically the energy that inhabits the entire Divine Realm, but when a universe no longer has an "Owner" the Magic starts to get weak and disappear from there cutting the connection with the Divine Realm, Magic has several uses, for example forging Divine artifacts and weapons that only Gods or beings who have the power to handle the weapons with Magic, Magic also serves as a source of "immortality" for the origin of a God that only through a "challenge" that a being can become a God and thus gain an affinity with Magic, thus having the body transformed into something that surpasses even the toughest element of all the "Bazalter", but if you use a weapon made of Bazalter imbued with Magic, it is possible to harm a God without need powers" says Una.

"Only that?" Hatsu asks.

"Magic also gives you the ability to locate the transitional portals that are normally the passages between floors… but if a floor has a God, it's likely that the army of it's God will monitor each portal" says Una.

"Has anyone ever killed a God before?" asked Delos.

"Yes, some children of Gods with other Gods already rebelled against the other Gods, they managed to kill some Gods but in the end they had to flee to some lost universes" says Una.

"Got it" replies Delos.

"How is this challenge?" asks Galgus.

"The challenge is based on a survival game where all participants are thrown into the testing floor of Divine Master Arkarius, and there they have to survive for 1 day. At the end of the challenge those who manage to survive are rewarded with a Fruit of the Divine Tree that is the center of all Magic, this Fruit is what establishes the connection of a living being with Magic giving a more resistant body and its origin coated with Magic where it can only be damaged with Magic, but still you end up being a "newbie" among the Gods, because even among the Gods there is a difference in power, abilities and experience, etc" says Una.

Soon after una finishes speaking, Telos begins to be possessed by some cosmic entity.

"I see you've changed a lot my old friend!" says Telos while being possessed by some God.

"Who is the God possessing this child's body?" Una question.

"You do look good in this body, ancient Supreme Goddess… or should I call you Una?" says Ares.

"Ares… you had this child to talk to me, but how did you find me here?" Una question.

"Did you forget that I saved you?" says Ares.

"That's true… but I also remember you destroying the Divine Catalyst" says Una.

"I had to be convincing otherwise I would be killed by the other Gods" says Ares.

"So what do you want?" Una question.

"Help you get back to power, I'm fed up with this current Supreme God, go to Grimoria… I'll be waiting for you there" says Ares as he leaves Telos' body.

Zaitra and Una finish solving most of the doubts of those present there and finally decide to go to Grimoria one of the sacred lands of the fire dragons which is located in the floor of the elemental dragons which is one of the floors that belong to the God Ares.