Meanwhile, in the Supreme God's royal palace, a spy from the "Criminal" organization Shadow is discovered and is then taken by the palace guards to the location where the Supreme Army General Kalavaz, Supreme God Saphir and some other Gods were.

"What does Shadow want by sending another phony spy here?" asks Kalavaz.

But the spy keeps silent without revealing any information and then gets killed and becomes the center of attention in the Divine Realm. A few days later news is spread by the Supreme Army and throughout the God Realm.

"By order of the Supreme God and General Kalavaz, a new power system will come into play starting tomorrow. Power assessment stations will be built on each floor and the new Power Ranks will be: God, Lesser God, Higher God, King God, Monarch God and Supreme God. Those who don't like the Rank that will be put on you by the Association can take the power assessment test at some evaluation station to try to change their Rank, and to be allowed to acquire a floor the God will have to be at least Rank God King" say Supreme Army soldiers throughout the God Realm.

After the announcement of the new power ranking, Divine Master of Future Koronos addresses himself to the Supreme God with such disturbance.

"My lord!! I feel I must warn you… i felt a disturbance in the future and perhaps your throne is being threatened" says Koronos.

Kalavaz tired of hearing Koronos' premonitions over and over again, responds right away.

"Don't give me that nonsense again Koronos, you said the same thing when Shadow was created and yet here we are and nothing has happened so far"

"This time I'm right! This time I felt something different than the last time… this time the throne is being threatened by ghosts from the past and present" says Koronos completely disturbed.

"What do you mean Koronos?" asks Kalavaz.

"I can't explain it in too much detail as i can't fully understand it yet but i feel a huge disturbance approaching the entire Divine Realm" says Koronos.

"Right… i'll give orders to strengthen security at the SupremeGod's castle and throughout the Divine Realm" says Kalavaz.

After that day the Supreme God started to get more suspicious of most Monarch Gods.

Then another 6 months passed and then Zaitra was finally ready to make the full contract with the Fire Dragon King. But before that in Ares Delos' palace, Telos and Michael are summoned by Ares.

"I summoned you here today to let you know that 6 months after the new ranking system was implemented and security across the entire God Realm was increased by the Supreme Army, things are more tense across the Divine Realm… which is why you won't be able to leave the castle during the next 6 months to avoid any unrest among the other Gods. So until the challenge you 3 will train normally but you won't be able to leave the castle" says Ares with a serious expression.

"Yes master!" says Delos, Telos and Michael.

In Grimoria, things are a little tense as even though the Dragon King states that Zaitra is ready to make the contract, there is still a chance she will die in the process.

"That's it Zaitra… 6 months of training and you are ready… I must admit that there is a chance that you will die in the contract process, so you will have to concentrate completely and raise as much as you can to the power of your flames so that my power can more easily stabilize at its source. As your power is stronger than your body can handle, you will have to use your healing power to the fullest as well" says the Dragon King.

"I liked the motivational speech, it helped a lot!" says Zaitra being completely sarcastic.

"I know you can do it Zaitra so concentrate now, we will start the complete contract process" says the Dragon King.