6 months ago on planet earth which is few years after the departure of Zaitra and her companions, things on earth began to get tense as the remaining pieces of the meteor were disappearing, or rather disintegrating as this meteor was an artifact known as the Divine Catalyst whose function was to capture and seal powers, but with his destruction the powers were being transferred to humans and once the Catalyst was empty it would erase itself from existence.

With the "creation" of people with super powers being ended things start to get tense across the planet, several Rankers decide to leave the Guilds and start to rebel against the world seeing that until then there was no imminent threat to humanity. With that, several decided to create the Assassin Guild whose objective was to create chaos across the planet earth and dominate it, with that the underworld changed drastically with the rapid growth of the Assassin Guild, Guilds such as Red Flower from Canada, Kingdom Knights from Europe, and Techs from Japan were dissolved or rather those countries submitted to the Assassin Guild and were now part of their territories all over the world.

In Alpha Squad, things were complicated as some were considering joining the Assassin's Guild and others were not. Meanwhile at Alpha Squadron Headquarters, the remaining members gather in the briefing room to sort out the squad's future.

"We can't do anything else, it's been over 2 years since Zaitra, Telos, Delos and Michael left and haven't come back! 3 Guilds or rather 3 countries have already fallen into the hands of the Assassin Guild, we can't do anything without them here" says Hinata.

"She's right, without them we can't fight the Assassin Guild, our option is to join them" says Shin.

"Are you crazy? The Assassin Guild just wants chaos and world domination, they must be thinking about how to annihilate us at this very moment since we are the only ones they haven't found yet, Tao min returned to the Hong Dragons Guild, Daniel and Marcia died trying to protect their countries that are on the brink of being taken over by the Assassin Guild" says Thomas.

"What Thomas says makes sense, and I say more… if the Assassin Guild manages to conquer all of Europe, it's over! Unless a miracle happens, it's over" says Galgus.

"So what are we supposed to do?" asks Hatsu.

At that moment the Supreme General enters the room with a solution.

"We will join the Martial Guild!!"

"What do you mean?" asks Todd.

"I have just spoken with the leaders of the Guilds of South Korea, the United States, South America and China. They will unite and create the Martial Guild, actually the announcement should come out in a few hours" says the Supreme General.

So with the creation of the Martial Guild a war against the Assassin Guild begins, starting once again an era of deadly battles on planet earth.