During the Martial Guild creation announcement broadcast, Assassin Guild hackers interrupt the broadcast to give a message to the world openly, this being the first time they show themselves to the entire world.

"People from all over the world! We are the Assassin Guild! Europe, Canada and Japan have already submitted to us and are now OUR!!! territory. If the rest of the world does not submit to us, we will destroy every one of you and take over the world. You have 3 days to decide" says the message in the broadcast.

After the announcement broadcast returns to normal, everyone is shocked with the Assassin's Guild's message and thus begins the race for the decision-making of the other countries and powers towards the Assassin Guild.

The next day at the Andersons'.

"It was only when our daughter left the land that everything turned into complete chaos" says Jorge upset.

"You're right dear… but we can't just stand here and do nothing! Maybe the Assassin Guild will try to conquer South Korea soon since not only Hatsu but we and Zachary are South Koreans" says Kaisel with an serious expression.

"I know Kaisel… but it's not like the 4 of us are capable of defeating them, not to mention the 3 of us except Hatsu are a long time without a fight" says Jorge with his hand on the side of his face showing a frustrated expression.

"So what are we going to do?" asks Kaisel.

"We will join the Martial Guild" says Jorge with a determined expression.

And at that moment on the island where Zaitra's parents live, a huge bang comes near their house making the whole island shake.

"What the hell was that????!!!" says Jorge confused.

"I don't know, but we'd better go outside and see" says Kaisel.

As they both leave the house to see what had happened, a pair of Rankers appear emerging from the smokescreen created by the explosion that caused the huge bang.

"Who are you??!!" asks Jorge with a serious expression.

"We're from the Assassin Guild and we came here to capture you and use it as a trophy to see if your daughter shows up to play with us!!! Hahahahahahahaha" says the Mysterious Ranker.

"Forgive us for the lack of manners! My name is Magnus, the one who just said our objective… is Elijah, we are Rank Z Rankers of the Assassin's Guild" says Magnus.

"I don't care what rank you guys are, we'll teach you a lesson by threatening our family!" says Kaisel with a frightening expression as she emanates an intense Aura of Flames.

"You really are scary as they say… but we want to avoid face-to-face combat with you as much as possible as we are aware that you are extremely strong together" says Magnus.

Magnus then activates his cancellation power and nullifies Jorge and Kaisel's powers, Elijah activates his barrier power and traps them both in a sphere, and so Jorge and Kaisel are captured by the Assassin Guild.

Shortly after Hatsu and Zachary arrive on the island and when approaching the Anderson house they see a huge hole in front of the house and when they enter the house they look everywhere but they don't find neither Jorge nor Kaisel, they then assume that both were captured by the Assassin Guild for some higher purpose. Magnus is a Rank Z Ranker whose powers are power cancellation and flying. Elijah is a Rank Z Ranker whose power is barrier creation and he is also great at creating explosives.