The next day at Alpha Squadron headquarters, everyone gathers in the strategic room to decide their next move.

"So… what's the plan this time General?" asks Jung Wong.

"Through some contacts, Hinata and i believe that the Assassin Guild's headquarters are located in the Kremlin…" says the Supreme General.

"What do you mean in the Kremlin? Are you saying that Russia created the Assassin's Guild?" asks Todd with a confused expression.

"Well… from what our sources say, it looks like the Assassin Guild conquered Russia in secret a long time ago," says Hinata.

"So how not even the CIA knew about this?" asks Nelson.

"That's the problem, it seems that the Assassin's Guild controls the leaders of the CIA, KGB, MI6, FBI and various other departments all over the world" says the Supreme General with an apprehensive expression.

"It makes sense since the Guilds themselves were never directly related to these departments, they were always organizations created by governments to show their power," says Todd.

"So our mission is to attack the Kremlin?" asks Galgus.

"Yes, we will attack with everything we have" says the Supreme General.

"As the Assassin Guild thinks we're shut down and out of action, we'll take advantage of that and attack the Kremlin tomorrow" says Hinata.

"The last day of decision making, the D-day!!" says Jung Wong.

The next day all Alpha Squad except Hatsu prepare to attack the Kremlin.

"All ready?" asks Hinata via telepathy to all the Squad members.

"Yes" says all Squad members.

So the entire Alpha Squad infiltrates the Kremlin, but a twist happens. When they enter the Kremlin and kill practically all the guards and officers present in the Kremlin that morning, they end up heading to the room where the President of Russia and the General of Russia are and other subordinates celebrating something, Todd without even thinking already launches a huge discharge of electricity at both the president and general of Russia killing them in seconds.

"TAKE THIS YOU WORMS!!!" screams Todd as he continuously releases a massive burst of electricity.

"NO! TODD! IT'S A TRAP!" screams Hinata as she tries to reach Todd and make him stop.

The entire Alpha Squad there is confused without understanding what happened, a few seconds later everyone realizes that this was all a trap and that they were filmed by a hidden security camera that was in the room.

On the same day Russia, North Korea, Australia, New Zealand and Argentina officially surrendered to the Assassin Guild, increasing the Guild's territory and power even further. Meanwhile the rest of the remaining countries being territory and allies of the Martial Guild.

Everything that happened in the Kremlin that morning was broadcast to the entire world, thus incriminating the Alpha Squad who ended up being labeled as the Assassin Guild increasing the Guild's popularity and causing all Alpha Squad members to be hunted from there not only by the Entire Martial Guild but by all countries and by the Assassin Guild itself indirectly.