A few hours later at Ares Castle.

"I need to speak with Zaitra, turn on the Celestial Transmitter and connect it to the Grimoria Palace... fast" says Ares with a serious expression looking at Galator.

"Yes my lord" says Galator.

Galator and Ares then head to the room where the Celestial Transmitter is, which is practically a Skype. Meanwhile in Grimoria outside the Royal Palace.

"YOUR MAJESTY, YOUR MAJESTY!!!" shouts one of the Dragon Queen's servants as he runs to her.

"Keep it down, we can't get in the way of the contract process" says the Dragon Queen.

"Forgive me your majesty… but it's urgent… Ares is calling for Zaitra through the Celestial Transmitter and says it's urgent" says the servant as he catches his breath.

"Very well… i'll talk to him, in the meantime i don't want anyone to get in the way of Zaitra and the King" says the Dragon Queen as she enters the castle.

"Yes, your majesty" says the servant.

So the Dragon Queen goes to the Celestial Transmitter to talk to Ares and find out what is so urgent. Ares talks about Floor No. 50 and that it was sold a while ago to one of the commanders of the Supreme Army, the Queen is confused as the messenger didn't say anything about soldiers in the Transition Portals or prowling the floor, she then calls the messenger and he speaks everything he told the Queen to Ares, after hearing everything Ares is surprised with information.

"Forgive me, but did you happen to say that this Maximus guy appeared with the power of "Super Resistance" out of nowhere?" asks Ares a little confused.

"Yes sir, that's right…" says the messenger.

"Did you happen to feel some kind of divine energy coming from his body?" asks Ares.

"Now that you say it i felt but not much energy" says the messenger.

"I didn't know they were testing already," says Ares.

"Who… testing what exactly…?" asks the Dragon Queen without understanding what Ares said.

"I learned a while ago that some commander of the Supreme Army was testing a drug with similar effects of Divine Fruit, this drug uses the Divine Fruit with a few more things and creates a stronger body than a body that only has the power from the Divine Fruit… and so this commander decided to test… but failed, so he decided to buy a floor and do more tests… damn, the land is in serious trouble, we have to go there now" says Ares with a slightly scared expression .

"Calm down Ares… tell me what exactly is going on" says the Dragon Queen.

"This commander is using Earth or rather this Maximus guy as a guinea pig and apparently this drug works, we have to go to Floor No. 50 and kill the commander for the worst…" says Ares.

"And start the war before the right time?" asks the Dragon Queen.

Some minutes later.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" shouts one of the Dragon Queen's servants desperately.

"What happened now?!" asks the Dragon Queen.

"Zaitra and the King managed to complete the contract!!" says the servant as he catches his breath.

"Good news, but why all the fuss and despair?" asks the Dragon Queen.

"It's because after they completed the contract she asked me about the messenger and well... she is now the King but so is she, so i got a little confused and ended up talking about the news the messenger brought and then they... she... went to the Celestial Portal and are heading to Floor No. 50 now..." says the servant.

"This is a big problem, what do we do now Ares?" asks the Dragon Queen.

"Well... the Celestial Portal takes a few minutes to be used again, but for Earth time it will be hours... i'll use my Celestial Portal to go there and then we'll go together to Floor No. 50, it's our only option in the moment… i hope they don't die in the meantime" says Ares as he turns off the Celestial Transmitter.

After Ares arrives in Grimoria, he quickly makes his way to the Royal Palace where the Dragon Queen is waiting, but he is accompanied by his wife the Goddess Aphrodite, Queen of the Succubus, Rank God Monarch power 19. They are then joined by the Dragon Queen, Rank God King power 60, and Ares as Rank God Monarch power 60. They then wait a few minutes until the Heavenly Portal can be used for them to go to Floor No. 60 where Zaitra is, and hopefully save her without creating a war before the right time.