While Zaitra is on her way to Earth, Kalavros the Dragon King tries to calm her down together with Una. When she finally arrives on Earth and after a few minutes flying over Europe, Zaitra remembers the information and heads to the Palace of Versailles in France. Arriving in Versailles, she approaches the field next to the Palace where the bodies of Lovent, Maria, Jorge, Kaisel and Hatsu who still had a few minutes of life left were, on the grass that was already full of blood that was no longer possible to see the beauty of that small part of the huge field of Versailles. When Zaitra approached to the point of being able to clearly see the bodies and their conditions, she paralyzed in mid-air spending a few minutes paralyzed flying over the bodies without having any reaction, movement, expression, nothing… she could only think on the destruction of those who did it and the regret of having to left Earth. After a few minutes Maximus appears with 20 Rankers by his side.

"Well well if it's not Zaitra Anderson! You finally came to save your parents and former companions, unfortunately you took too long you know… but i will give you the honor of surrendering and being killed by the hands of my best Rankers" Maximus says with an expression of extreme arrogance.

But Zaitra doesn't answer anything and remains silent and unresponsive, she just drops to the ground and stares at Maximus and his subordinates. There was then a new battlefield, Maximus and his Rankers on one side, Zaitra on the other side but in front of the bodies to protect them until their last breath.

"Well… if you're not going to say anything then i assume we can start the fun!" says Maximus.

Then Zaitra's body starts to transform, starts to gain draconic characteristics… as if she was wearing draconic armor, but that armor was now her body, her dragon body.

Zaitra can change her body, changing to her humanoid body, draconic body where she turns into a gigantic dragon, and her humanoid draconic body (draconic armor) where she condenses all the power of the draconic body like resistance, strength, speed and etc in the humanoid body making a type of fusion to give more advantage in battle and day to day. Zaitra then amazes the others with his new form, causing Maximus' arrogance to only increase.

"And to think that you can transform… but that's no big deal, we can still cancel six powers and make you powerless" Maximus says, being even more arrogant.

Zaitra then gives a huge sick smile imposing an air of superiority on everyone who was there, but that wasn't enough.

"Now let's start! Nullify her powers and kill her, all at the same time" says Maximus ordering his 20 Rank Z Rankers that were with him.

But as soon as he finishes speaking the ambient air gets completely heavy, the pressure increases a lot, at that moment it seems that gravity was increased 40x, and when everyone throws their eyes at Zaitra…

"Stellar Crown" says Zaitra as she activates one of her new abilities.

Then over her head appears a halo in the shape of a crown in flames emitting stellar energy and a dense and powerful fire, Zaitra then activates another ability.

"Stellar Consciousness" says Zaitra.

At that moment she activates an ability that allows her to sense all the stars present on this floor and temporarily borrow their power, and as she cannot cultivate and store at the moment, she expands her consciousness throughout the entire floor. Each floor is the size of a small universe with a few galaxies, but there are smaller floors with the size of a simple football field.