Michael and Galator are taken to the King of the Ice Elementals, there Galator explains the situation and they make a deal.

"Then we'll do it this way. If your apprentice defeats me i'll make a complete contract with him myself" says the King.

"I do!!" says Michael fearlessly.

"Michael… i hope you know what you're doing" says Galator.

So Michael and the Ice Elemental King Frauz go to the arena to fight, but what Michael didn't expect was that Frauz was stronger than him.

Afters Michael lose for Frauz a few times.

"You fight really well boy" says Frauz as he looks at Michael.

"Urgh!! Again… i can beat you this time!!" says Michael after being defeated as he tries to get up.

"Boy do you really want to try again?" asks Frauz.

"Yeah!" says Michael while standing on guard.

So they fight over and over again but Michael loses them all, but the King decided to make a new deal.

"I have something better in mind... if you can win the challenge and become a God i'll make the contract with you, and by the way... the only reason you can't beat me is because you're not a God yet, my power is equivalent to a God King so you still don't have the body tough and strong enough to defeat me, not to mention that your power has already exceeded the limits of your body" says Frauz.

"I will win the challenge no matter what… i hope you keep your end of the deal" says Michael as he leaves with Galator.

"But of course i will" says Frauz with an expression of someone who already knows the outcome of the challenge.

Meanwhile Ares, Delos and Telos finally arrive at the castle and head to Ares' personal armory where Aphrodite and the soon to be Delos and Telos items are there. Upon arriving at the armory, they marvel at the sheer amount of weapons, equipment, and accessories that reside in Ares' personal arsenal.

"Oh my god, what a load, i think I'm going to faint" says Telos while admiring the multitude of items.

"There's really a lot here… i wonder which ones we can choose" says Delos with a thoughtful expression.

"Alright, let's get to your items!" says Ares as he first grabs some accessories.

"Where's where's where!!" says Telos anxiously.

"Calm down demon… first i will give each of you a space ring capable of holding more than a thousand items, so always have these rings and don't miss them as they are very expensive" says Ares as he hands over the rings.

"It looks nice on you… so it will be easier to carry basic survival items for your journeys" says Aphrodite as she grabs more accessories.

"True! these rings will be very useful in the future" says Delos admiring his ring.

"The next accessory is this key" says Aphrodite as she hands the key into Delos' hands.

"A key… what do you mean a key?" says Telos totally confused.

"What does this key do?" question Delos also confused.

"It is used to open your new ship, the only way for you or anyone else to access the ship is through this key so don't lose it" says Aphrodite.

"A ship... i think I'm really going to faint" says Telos very surprised.

"Thank you masters!!" says Delos and Telos as they bows to Ares and Aphrodite out of gratitude.

"Now let's get to the coolest part… the weapons!! first we have these two swords made of Bazalter with the Attribute of Fire and also they have a great cut and have the ability to create fire, second we have these shields made of Bazalter with the Attribute of Darkness having the ability to absorb any type of light or energy and redirect the light or energy towards your enemy… and lastly we have these boots and gauntlets also made with Bazalter and the Attribute of Lightning, granting tremendous speed and impact in attacks and movements, you can even say that you will be semi speedsters" says Ares as he shows the weapons and hands it to Delos and Telos.