The next day Delos, Telos and Michael go to Ares' training arena, where Ares, Aphrodite and Galator are waiting. When they arrive there pairs are made, Ares and Delos, Aphrodite and Telos, Galator and Michael, each pair will fight each other for the next few months until the day of the challenge arrives.

"Very well! the pairs are formed so let's start the fights" says Ares as he goes down to the Arena.

"On my signal… FIGHT!" says one of Ares' servants.

Delos then summons his sword of fire which he and his brother named Zenix, and charges at Ares quickly using the lightning boots and gauntlets named Rapid, but Ares summons his sword of fire the Hellam and defends Delos' attack with great mastery.

"Strong as always master, but this time i'll hit you!!" says Delos as he prepares to deliver his next blow.

"Try your luck!" says Ares as he prepares to parry Delos' blow.

Delos then nullifies his suit's weight and launches himself into the air, then he increases his suit's weight 20x more and launches a charge at Ares, so the clash of both swords and forces creates a slight tremor in the arena, then Delos without delaying any longer dashes away creating space for him to breath.

"Not bad… i see you can control your gravitational suit well" says Ares.

"It's not that hard" says Delos.

"Show me the power of your Zenix" says Ares as he activates the firepower of his Hellam sword and imbues it with flames.

"You asked for… HELL BURST!" says Delos as he launches a huge blast of flame from his sword.

"Not bad" says Ares as he counters Delos' attack with another blast of flame.

The moment both blasts of flame meet it creates an explosion, Delos takes advantage of this moment and quickly moves to Ares' back and does a feint jumping over Ares and launching several slashes with his sword imbued in flames, but Ares defends it. Delos then attacks with a ferocious attack.

"A thousand divine blades!" says Ares as he summons up Delos a thousand swords of various attributes and launches them all towards Delos.

"Shadow Shield!" says Delos as he summons his shadow shield to defend against the thousand blades being thrown at him.

He manages to defend himself from the swords with his shield but right after the attack finishes, Ares steps forward and lands a thunderous punch on Delos' shield throwing him against the wall and creating a huge tremor in the arena and thus defeating Delos.

After Ares takes Delos to the medical ward, Aphrodite and Telos prepare to fight.

"Take it easy on me master…" says Telos looking at Aphrodite with fear.

"Don't worry, if you survive my attacks you will already be more than capable of defeating me" says Aphrodite.

"Serious??" asks Telos innocently.

"No!" says Aphrodite with an expression of laughter.

"On my signal… FIGHT!" says one of Ares' servants.

Aphrodite then launches an illusion attack creating multiple clones of herself and attacking Telos at the same time, but Telos manages to defeat all the clones at once using his flame-imbued Zenix sword, Aphrodite then summons her scepter and quickly charges towards Telos unleashing several attacks in a precise and fierce manner, but Telos hardly parries all of her attacks and falls to the ground on his knees.

"I thought you could take it longer" says Aphrodite ironically.

"I'm just resting!" says Telos as he fully reduces the weight of his suit and increases the speed of his movements using his boots and Rapid gauntlets unleashing various attacks on Aphrodite.

She parries most of Telos' attacks, but when Telos is about to defeat Aphrodite she cuts Telos' right arm quickly with her nails and walks away from him.

"You lost!" says Aphrodite.

"I had forgotten about your ability…" says Telos.

"Don't even think about trying anything or else i'll suck all your vital energy at once!" says Aphrodite.

"Damn it… i surrender!" says Telos as he assumes his defeat.

Meanwhile in the upper area of ​​the arena.

"She's terrifying with that ability…" says Galator with a déjà vu expression.

"Don't tell me she used it on you?" asks Michael.

"Sigh… yes… when we were young i would almost beat her if it wasn't for her ability to suck the life energy out of others" says Galator with an expression of frustration.

"Next duo!" says one of Ares' servants.