After a few days traveling, Zaitra finally arrives at Floor No. 1 and soon comes across a huge and vast world full of mountains with the sky being covered with huge black spheres that looked like stars that were sealed, so when Zaitra least expects the 3 ships of the Hatrekius are destroyed in a matter of seconds but luckily Zaitra manages to survive.

"AAAARGH!!!! WHERE DID THIS ATTACK COME FROM?????!!" shouts Zaitra while defending herself from the explosions caused by the destruction of the ships.

'You came brat… stop mumbling and get over here!' says the mysterious voice in her head.

"How did you… did you did this??… where do i find you??" asks Zaitra as she heals herself with an expression of total confusion.

'Follow the only light you can see or feel' says the mysterious voice.

Then Zaitra realizes that on the completely black horizon there is a light, so she follows that light. As she gets closer and closer to the light she comes across a very humble and small house on top of the highest mountain on the floor, she then approaches the house and enters the house, but when she enters she finds an old man sitting in an old wood chair swinging in front of a small fireplace.

"So you are the mysterious voice that has been speaking in my head?" asks Zaitra expecting the old man's answer to be yes.

"What do you think? Looks like someone else is here??" says the old man with a grumpy expression.

"How rude of you… just say yes" says Zaitra, slightly annoyed.

"Ok ok ok come on… come here, let me get a better look at you" says the old man.

"Okay…" says Zaitra as she approaches the old man.

"You really are a beautiful anomaly" says the old man as he looks Zaitra from head to toe.

"People say…" says Zaitra, slightly annoyed.

"My name is Belialu, i'm what you call "Devourer", but i'm actually a being from a higher dimension just like that damn mage who created this boring tower" says Belialu.

"How? You mean there's a dimension beyond this... tower?" asks Zaitra very confused.

"Calm down or you're going to die young, yes yes i know it's a lot to digest but you know how it is, time is precious and we don't have time to waste" says Belialu as he gets up from his chair.

"I don't understand very well…" says Zaitra with a confused expression.

"Sigh… from now on i am your master and you will ascend to the higher dimension, however it comes at a price as i am not here for you, you were an anomaly that appeared and i am taking advantage that i have time to spare and so, make you my disciple" says Belialu as he leaves the house.

"Alright…" says Zaitra as she follows Belialu out of the house.

"And pay close attention because if you don't dedicate yourself i will kill you without hesitation, for your knowledge of my existence is technically forbidden unless you become my disciple" says Belialu as he walks to a little garden near the house.

"Okay Master" says Zaitra as she accompanies Belialu.

Meanwhile in Fragenia, Michael, Delos and Telos continue their training until the day of the challenge arrives.