Ares sends Delos, Telos and Michael to Floor No. 30 with 3 months left for the challenge. On Floor No. 30 resides dungeons and more dungeons full of monsters of all kinds. Delos, Telos and Michael must go through these dungeons and overcome their limits and gain more experience in battle and who knows some rewards such as a crystal of vital essence, where some beasts or specific monsters when defeated end up condensing their power in a crystal like this, giving then to whoever consumes this crystal their powers. But like everything in life, it won't be easy because there are very few that drop a crystal of vital essence, such as the "bosses" of dungeons, each dungeon on Floor N° 30 has at least 100 floors, and only beings that have not consumed the Divine Fruit can consume this crystal, another use of this crystal is to fuse with weapons and armor, but the only one who does this is the Blacksmith God and those who inherit their powers.

But when they are about to enter the biggest dungeon a Shadow Executioner appears with 1 disciple, the Executor is called Luiao who is a God King power 61 and has power of electricity, his disciple is called Maniu also has power of electricity.

"Who are you?" asks Luiao to Telos, Delos and Michael as he approaches them.

"We are disciples of Ares... and we are here to complete this dungeon" says Delos.

"A-Ares… forgive me for the arrogance, you can enter the dungeon we will go to another dungeon…" says Luiao as he quickly leaves.

"Ares really has fame…" says Telos.

"Lucky for us, because that was Shadow's strongest Enforcer…" says Delos.

"For real..." says Michael in surprise.

So they enter the dungeon and spend the remaining months trying to complete the dungeon.

With 5 days left until the day of the challenge, Delos, Telos and Michael manage to complete the dungeon and as loot they get three life essence crystals, all with cellular regeneration attribute.

Meanwhile on Floor No. 1.

"Now that I have merged the souls that were within you and unleashed the true potential of your draconic body, you are ready to become a Celestial Being since your draconic body is a replica of the Ancestral Fire Dragon… you will sit in the cultivation position and repeat the following words until you understand them, "A star has a will of its own and its power comes from itself" " says Belialu.

"Alright master" says Zaitra as she sits on the floor.