The next day while Belialu teaches Zaitra refinement techniques.

"Now switch to your draconic body, then I will link with you one of those 3 true stars that are sealed here" says Belialu.

"These gigantic spheres are true… stars?!" asks Zaitra partially confused.

"Yes… that crazy Creuza when she went to create this tower decided to bargain with me for 3 true stars as a source of energy, but she would need a celestial stellar master to control these stars in case they rebel because once they are dissatisfied with not having a master, they decide to blow themselves up" says Belialu.

"I see… but what really happened to her?" asks Zaitra.

"After I discovered her real objective with this tower I decided to punish her, we fought and she lost very quickly but she ended up merging with the tower using her remaining strength and thus altering the memories and controlling the "Gods" that live in this tower, so her former companion Una and her former companion Kalavros never had real memories since they were replicas created in order for her to have a huge and powerful army to dominate the upper planes, but when I sealed the 3 true stars here I decided to wait and see what all this would turn out to be and in the end I ended up finding you" says Belialu.

"Wow… no wonder she was almost killed by you, but how the tower works without the energy source of the true stars?" asks Zaitra.

"She used the remaining life span she had along with her magic and somehow managed to create enough energy for the tower to exist without breaking apart so easily" says Belialu.

"That's crazy but it kinda makes sense if she was this powerfull" says Zaitra.

"But enough talk, now that you've learned the stellar path you're ready to link to a star... as we don't have much time I'll skip the process and link 1 of these 3 true stars from here with you, so just keep repeating the words I told you" says Belialu.

Then Belialu unseals one of the 3 true stars of the tower and links it with Zaitra, making her a semi-celestial being.

"Now that you are linked, you will have to become the master of that star through your power, only then will it recognize you and accept you as its master… so use the Aura Expansion technique I taught you and try to cover this entire floor with your power and show the dominance over it" says Belialu.

Note: Floor No. 1 is not a very big floor compared to all the other floors in the tower, to better detail it can be said that this floor is the size of Canada.

Zaitra then manages to expand her flame aura throughout the floor with some difficulty, but when she gets used to the sensation she manages to increase the dominance over the entire floor and make her recognized by the star and accepted as its master, thus taking 1 more step to become the strongest of all.