On the next day.

With 3 days left for the challenge, Zaitra and Belialu talk.

"Zaitra... for now I won't teach you the techniques of stellar martial arts, because as you already have a good experience in battle and know how to use your powers very well, I don't need to worry about the inferior beings that reside in this tower" says Belialu.

"I understand master, but a question if I may... be honest, how strong do you think I am now?" asks Zaitra.

"To be honest, in this tower no one but me can currently defeat you... even though you still need more star affinity, but that doesn't mean you should underestimate your opponents or act arrogantly, now pay close attention because I will tell you how you will destroy this tower and absorb all the false stars and the last 2 true stars left here in this tower, so that I can take you to the higher planes at last" says Belialu.

"Alright master" says Zaitra with a serious expression.

"First you will tell your real star to connect you with all the stars in this tower, as they are replicas without a master they will obey you as their master so you can travel through the tower faster by consuming all the life energy of one of these false stars that are lower than your true star to teleportvitalize, you will change places with the selected star through the absorption and replacement of vital energy in a celestial body, then you will "teleport" to it, because as it has little vital energy compared with a real star this is possible without a high price to pay" says Belialu.

"Wow...that looks useful!" says Zaitra impressed.

"As I was saying, as soon as you approach the tree that contains the remnants of Creuza's energy, you must use your flame power and the power of your true star together to destroy the tree and thus be the only absolute force in this tower. Well... what you do next is your decision, but 1 month after you destroyed the tree I will come and take you to the higher planes and whoever else you want to take, however there is a limit on how many people or beings I can bring with you" says Belialu.

"I think I understood!" says Zaitra as she tries to remember everything her master said.

"Well with all that's being said, I guess I'll see you later. Oh, and I'll take these other two true stars with me until you're ready to link with them, so take care" says Belialu.

"Understood master!" says Zaitra as she bows to her master.

Belialu then flies up to the floor's dark skies and is gone in the blink of an eye along with the two sealed true stars.

"Okay, now I need to accumulate star energy in my dragon heart, star... I'll call you... Bela! So Bela, let's go with the process of cultivating your star energy, just take it easy because we have a lot of time here so enjoy and connect me with the tower's fake stars" says Zaitra as she sits down to cultivate.

"Okay master!" says Bela.

"One more thing, how are we going to make sure you can keep up with me? Because you're a huge star..." asks Zaitra.

"If you my master wants me to change into a nicer shape I can do that, just imagine the shape you want me to change into and size too" says Bela.

"I think I understand... let's go then" says Zaitra.

Then Zaitra concentrates and Bela stops being a huge star and becomes a beautiful girl who looks 19 years old and who is about as tall as Zaitra, with silver hair and blue eyes with smooth beautiful skin and a rather delicate face.

"What an interesting shape you imagined, I wonder where it came from" says Bela.

"From a webtoon character..." says Zaitra slightly embarrassed.

"Looking back at your memories, a webtoon is a Korean comic book that-" says Bela as she is interrupted by Zaitra.

"Ok ok ok... first let's focus on cultivation because I need to get stronger, so get ready" says Zaitra.