With only 1 day left for the challenge, Delos, Telos and Michael talk in the throne room with Ares about how the challenge will be changed due to the decisions of the general of the supreme army.

"Did you call us here to tell us about the challenge, master?" Delos asks.

"Yes... the challenge has changed and now it will be a team battle royale, where each team will have a maximum of 5 participants" says Ares as he rises from his throne.

"But we are only 3..." says Telos.

"Walk with me!" says Ares as he walks slowly out of the throne room and straight into his garden.

"May I ask why we are here master?" asks Michael a little apprehensively.

"You will meet your two teammates, the two disciples of Aphrodite" says Ares.

"I didn't know Aphrodite had apprentices" says Delos.

"That's because they were trained in secret, but now they're finally up for the challenge" says Ares.

A few moments later they reach the open area of the garden next to the arena where the two apprentices of Aphrodite are beside her, to the left of Aphrodite is Crussia a support with healing abilities and the power to suck and store the life force from whom she sucks the blood, the stored life force can be used as fuel for her healing abilities or to strengthen her physical attributes, to Aphrodite's right is Baldaras with the same abilities as her sister Crussia.

Everyone spends the last few hours getting to know each other and planning their strategies for the challenge.

The day of the challenge then arrives and everyone goes to Floor Nº 200 where the challenge will be held. As they arrive there, everyone can see a huge arena with several different environments, bleachers in the sky and big screens that only spectators can watch. When all the participants arrive and prepare themselves, General Kalavaz of the supreme army appears on all the screens.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! Welcome to another challenge that will define who will be the new Gods of the new generation, so without further ado here are the only rules and warning. Anyone who leaves the arena will be disqualified, the spectator area is protected so no need to hold back, killing is not prohibited but, anyone who kills teammates will be disqualified, so let the challenge... BEGIN~!" says Kalavaz.

Then all 5 teams are teleported to the arena and start moving, minutes pass and one of the teams is completely annihilated by the supreme army apprentices team, being them apprentices of general Kalavaz, the division commander Thius, and 3 apprentices of Supreme god. The Delos team quickly moves together and detects a team up ahead, they then prepare for combat.

"Enemies ahead, what shall we do Delos?" asks Crussia.

"Let's get in formation, me and Telos in the front line, you two in the middle and Michael right behind, as soon as they approach we will advance towards them, at this moment you two focus on going over the enemy supports together with Michael while we will defeat the others" says Delos.

"Okay!" says the rest of the team.

So as soon as the enemy team approaches them, combat begins with Delos and Telos quickly advancing on top of the enemy front line making room for the rest of their team to advance on the enemy team's back line. While Delos and Telos launches unstoppable combos with their swords together with their speed boots and gloves destroying and killing the 2 enemies from the front line, Michael realizes that the enemy supports are unaware of him, so he quickly launches a gust of huge ice spears in their direction, thus bringing the first victory for his team, the sisters Crussia and Baldaras take the opportunity to steal all the vital energy left from the enemy team to guarantee more energy for a possible combat with the supreme army team.

Meanwhile in the stands.

"They're doing pretty well" Ares says.

"Yes, but now there are only 3 teams left... let's see if all 3 will face each other at the same time" says Aphrodite.

"Thius' apprentice is scary!" says Galator.

"I agree... so much destructive power is scary for an apprentice, but let's see how our team will deal with them" says Ares.

Meanwhile on the other side of the stands.

"I hope our team doesn't lose..." says Thius as he gives a frightening look.

"Don't worry Thius, we will be the winners even though the Ares team is a strong team" says Kalavaz while she comforts Thius patting his back.

"We shouldn't underestimate the team of Ares... they are very strong and cunning as well as their masters" says Saphir the Supreme God.