With 1 hour left to finish the challenge, the 3 remaining teams meet in the center of the arena. The supreme army team does not waste time and soon begins its attacks on both teams, Thius Boldor's apprentice who has the same powers as his master, the power of darkness and Netuji the apprentice of general Kalavaz who has the power of Ice begin to launch huge waves of vicious attacks on both teams, annihilating the 3rd team quickly leaving only Ares team and the supreme army team remaining in the Arena.

"This amount of power is frightening..." says Telos.

"What are we going to do to win? Because to me it looks like we're in serious trouble..." says Baldaras.

"Don't worry, me and Telos were just being the bait, the one who will show real destructive power will be Michael... so we'll just change the formation from now on, Michael will take care of the enemy front line while the 4 of us will defeat the enemy supports" says Delos.

"Sure he can?" asks Crussia a little dubiously.

"Just trust me~" says Michael as he slowly walks up to Boldor and Netuji.

Boldor and Netuji don't understand Michael's solitary action and go after him without hesitation.

"Expand domain!" says Michael as he creates a huge ice dome around the 3.

"Now is our chance, move forward!" says Delos as he charges towards enemy supports.

But Boldor even being trapped in Michael's ice dome gives an ironic laugh.

"Hahaha... you guys are so much fun" says Boldor as his image starts to fade.

"WHAT?!!! GUYS WATCH OUT!!" shouts Michael as he is attacked by Netuji.

When Crussia and Baldaras look back, Boldor is looming in front of their shadows.

"Behind-" says Crussia when interrupted by Boldor's attack which imprisons both Crussia and Baldaras.

"Just surrender or I will kill you both" says Boldor to the Ares team.

"What do we do now brother?" asks Telos to his Brother apprehensively.

"We'll buy Michael time" says Delos.

Meanwhile in Michael's ice dome which he took a surprise attack from Netuji.

"Argh! that attack really hurt, but that's your limit" says Michael as he gets up.

"Haha, I find it difficult since we both have the same powers..." says Netuji.

"Yes, but compared to me you're just a bug!" says Michael while emanating a huge icy aura.

"What is that scary aura?!" says Netuji totally surprised.

"It is now that you will be defeated! Freeze!" says Michael as he completely freezes Netuji leaving him unable to do anything.

Then Michael Undoes the ice dome and plays the same game as Boldor.

"If you kill them I will kill him..." says Michael with a somber air about his words.

"Wow... no wonder he lost, that aura you're giving off is pretty strong haha... it rivals even me" says Boldor.

"Just give up Boldor, we can defeat the rest of your team quickly, you won't have anywhere to escape!" says Delos as he summons hundreds of massive swords over his head.

"Hahahahahahaha... you're really fun! let's see who gets out of here alive" says Boldor while emanating a huge and strong dark aura.

Then Boldor in a huge blast of dark energy kills all his companions along with Crussia and Baldaras.

"He's already lost control, he's disqualified" says Telos.

"Who cares, once I defeat you I can become a god anyway hahaha" says Boldor as he shocks all the spectators throughout the tower.

Then at that same moment, Kalavaz appears on the big screens.

"I declare that Ares and all related to him are now enemies of the supreme army and the Supreme God!!" says Kalavaz.

"So that is what you chose in the end Safir" says Ares with a furious expression as he emanates his huge and suffocating aura.

"Let's get out of here fast, we have to go now!!" says Galator.

"Run away?!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I don't know what she's thinking about that, or what that kid Thius said to her... but now I'm going to kill them for their insolence, we already knew that this day would come" says Ares as he stands up.