After a bloody battle between Ares, Aphrodite, Galator, Michael, Delos and Telos against almost the entire Supreme Army that was there on purpose with Kalavaz on the other side along with 3 of its 4 Division Commanders, and the Supreme God who ends up having nothing to do because the battle lasted less than 5 minutes, leaving several casualties on the side of the supreme army and 2 casualties on the side of Ares. But in the end Ares and his allies lose the battle and were captured to be used as bait for anyone trying to save them later.

1 month later, Zaitra is satisfied with her current level of power after managing to master some techniques such as Stellar Crown which creates a stellar crown over her head like a halo serving as a lightning rod to receive the power of the tower's false stars more quickly and constantly while distributing it to her entire body and connecting her directly with all the false stars present in the tower.

In the Floor Nº1 Zaitra and Bela talk.

"We've finally finished all the preparations..." says Zaitra with an expression of excitement at finally being able to leave Floor Nº1.

"Now we can destroy the tree that contains Creuza's vital remains and finally be able to ascend, congratulations master!" says Bela bowing to Zaitra.

"I already told you that you don't need to do so much formality Bela... act as if you were my younger sister" says Zaitra.

"Right master!" says Bela bowing to Zaitra.

"You're really hopeless" says Zaitra with an expression of cringeness.

Then Zaitra uses her Star Crown technique and immediately learns about the things that happened to her companions, she immediately teleports to the 290th floor where the special prison of the supreme army is located (it is a floating prison above the clouds), where there are her comrades being held hostage.

"Bela ... convey this message to everyone present on this floor" says Zaitra to Bela who is right beside her.

"Okay" says Bela as she prepares to convey Zaitra's message into the minds of everyone present on that floor which was only Division Commander Braxton and Division Commander Thius along with their supreme army divisions.

"You have 1 min to release the prisoners Ares, Aphrodite, Galator, Delos, Telos and Michael... if you don't release them I will exterminate you all once and for all" says Zaitra with a dark tone.

At that moment all the ships present there surge and turn against Zaitra and Bela. Thius and Braxton approach both of them to talk about Zaitra's request.

"Let's take it easy my dear... You look familiar..." says Thius looking more closely at Zaitra.

"I was the one who destroyed your experiment remember?!!" says Zaitra with a somber expression.

"You!!" says Thius with a happy expression to see his enemy again.

"Wait a moment, I don't know who you are but unfortunately we won't be able to release these prisoners, and I don't know if you realize the amount of power we have here and I find it kind of hard for you two to "exterminate" us hahahahaha" says Braxton with a tone of debauchery.

At that moment, an enormous pressure is exhaled from Zaitra's presence, her eyes turn golden like the most intense shine of a star and on her head a Golden and burning Crown. (normaly her eyes have red scarlet color)

"How much pressure is this????!!!" says Braxton as he stands completely startled.

"Let's retreat now Braxton!! Cannons!! FIREEE!!" says Thius as he quickly backs off with Braxton.

Then all the ships present there with firepower equivalent to 10 Monarch Gods start firing simultaneously for 10 seconds towards Zaitra and Bela, but both remain intact to the attacks.