Shortly after the ships stopped firing, Zaitra talks to Bela

"Bela... destroy all ships except Thius, bring him to me"

"Okay" says Bela.

So Bela in seconds disintegrates all the thousands of ships and gods of both divisions of Braxton and Thius along with Braxton, soon after she imprisons Thius in a bright aura around his body, she takes him to Zaitra.

"AAARRGHHH!!! H-HOW DID YOU DO T-THAT????!!!" says Thius as his body is tightened by Bela's aura of imprisonment.

"You don't need to know the details, I just want you to tell me where my companions are and I'll let you out alive" says Zaitra with an extremely somber expression.

"Really??!! I'll talk then, they are in the central wing being guarded by several God Kings" says Thius with an expression of enormous fear.

"Thanks a lot... I think we're even now since I exterminated your closest ones like you did mine... but you know, I'm not satisfied yet... I think I'm going to make you my slave, what do you think?" says Zaitra with a fearful expression.

"As long as I remain alive, I accept..." says Thius with an expression of someone who has just lost his life and his freedom, an expression of extreme emptiness.

"Very good very good... Bela, make a contract between me and him" says Zaitra.

"Okay" says Bela.

Bela then makes a slavery contract between both where the slave cannot hurt his master, nor think about hurting his master or try to create a plot against his master and not even disobey, otherwise his soul will be destroyed and his body will turn into an empty hull, and the contract can only be undone with the death of its master or if its master wishes the contract to be undone.

"Turn his clothes into a butler's clothes and give him cat ears Bela hahahaha, he will be the perfect servant" says Zaitra.

"Interesting your wish, I'll do it now" says Bela as she uses star magic to transform Thius clothes and give him cat ears.

"Now without further ado, let's go in to save our teammates. They must be looking forward to my return!!!" says Zaitra.

Zaitra, Bela and Thius then enter the floating prison and exterminate everyone in their path, thus arriving in the special cells where Aphrodite, Ares, Galator, Delos, Telos and Michael were sedated and imprisoned. After Bela frees them and wakes them up, everyone is confused without understanding much of what was happening.

A few minutes after Zaitra tells everyone the events and Bela uses star magic to heal them and give them better clothes, and retrieve their confiscated items and weapons.

"Now that everyone is safe and sound, I ask you to wait for me on Floor Nº 1, there is a ship parked in the prison hangar, take it and go there immediately and wait for me there" says Zaitra.

"Sigh... You've really grown up Zaitra... I see that now you're really strong and there's no way I can try to argue with you, we'll obey you and go straight to the 1st floor and wait for you there, have a good trip!" says Ares.

Then everyone says goodbye to Zaitra and heads towards Floor Nº 1.

"Now that we're alone we can start... protect Thius Bela, leave the rest to me from now on" says Zaitra.

"Okay" says Bela.

Zaitra then, together with her star crown technique and increasing her powers of flame and super speed with star energy and controlling the false stars, heads towards Floor Nº 300 where the tree is located together with the Supreme God, Kalavaz and the rest of the supreme army . Zaitra quickly moves through each floor wiping out all remaining Supreme Army ships along with operational bases until finally arriving at Floor Nº300.

"We finally arrived... now we have to find that cursed tree that I imagine is behind the castle of the current Supreme God Saphir..." says Zaitra looking at the castle right at the entrance where she killed the royal guards that were there.

'How much power does she still possess?' thinks Thius totally scared after seeing Zaitra destroy the supreme army in days.

"I feel multiple presences gathering at the entrance to the castle right in front of us" says Bela.

"Let them come, it saves time and effort" says Zaitra as she pulls 99 of the 100 fake stars from the 300th floor closer to her and quickly absorbs them completely like a small snack, leaving at least one to brighten up the room.