Chapter 73

Nothing was more emasculating than practically fainting in front of a woman. Especially one as tough as Casey. Roark had hoped to make it away from her before the weakness struck, but failed. As he went down, she dove to catch him.

Titan reached him first, grabbing him by the jacket and keeping him upright.

He blinked against the weakness coursing through his limbs. His own fault. He'd used too much of himself when he erected a shield to protect them from the worst of the blast. Poured everything he could into the psionic power that formed a bubble around the cell to contain the explosion. Because it wasn't enough for him to protect Casey and everyone else in that hall. He had to protect the castle, too.

The good news was he succeeded. The bad? It left him drained. Shaking. Barely able to see, let alone walk. It didn't help that his ears were ringing. He'd not protected them against sound. He had more pressing things that needed his magic.