Chapter 74

The bastard found the one thing to send her running. Earlier than planned, too. She'd meant to escort the king down to the tunnels, let him poke around the ruins, then knock him out for another nap after lunch. A perfect plan that would allow her to head off and listen to the rumors of the undercity while Anita covered the princess and Titan kept an eye on Roark.

Wouldn't you know, things didn't go as planned. In her defense, she'd not expected to be affected by the view of him naked. She'd been raised in places that didn't afford privacy. She saw cocks just about every day. Big fucking deal.



That about described him. It left her aching for something she shouldn't want. Not with him. A king.

The realization she lusted after him in spite of his ridiculous title sent her fleeing, leaving him unprotected. Titan wasn't supposed to take over until lunch. Surely Roark would be smart and remain in the room rather than risk himself.