Chapter 115

It took Cam a second to grasp what Kayda had said. Mostly because he was sure he'd misunderstood. Obviously stunned by her long hair and delicate-featured beauty to the point he didn't hear her right. "Excuse me? What won't let you leave?"

"The dragons," she stated without a hint of mockery. Yet she had to be joking.

"Dragons aren't real." They were the monsters in fictional stories. The impossible creatures featured in ancient literature. They guarded treasure, and princesses, from those who would steal them.

"Maybe they don't exist in your kingdom, but I assure you, they thrive in ours."

"They? How many are we talking?"

She rolled her shoulders. "Impossible to tell, but enough of them that they have us pinned inside the tunnels."

"They hunt humans," he stated to ensure he understood her correctly.

"They hunt anything they can get their claws into."