Chapter 116

A dragon in the tunnels? Kayda suffered a moment of panic before she realized Cam meant Gellie.

"No!" she screamed, throwing herself in front of her pet. "Don't shoot."

To her relief Cam didn't fire, but he also didn't lower his gun. "I won't shoot, but you'd better start talking fast."

"Don't threaten her," Gorri exclaimed.

Cam's flat gaze turned to him. Took his measure in a glance and dismissed him in favor of Kayda, or more like what huddled behind her, peeking around her legs.

Gorri bristled as he eyed the stranger. "I thought I told you to keep him tied up."

"Good thing she didn't." Cam turned a glare on Gorri. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Don't you take that fucking tone with me." Gorri puffed out his chest, and while he'd seemed older before - only five years younger than her - standing beside Cam, she could see just how young he truly was.